
Saturday, September 14, 2019

Pictures Show The Difference

Or, maybe, the indifference .    Can we do better?

Pictures do say a thousand words. These pictures show the difference between Surfside, Sunset Sands and North Beach Water.  These shown are just a few of the physical differences.   I think the pictures show more than just facilities, but also the degree of community pride, and another water district.

These pictures do not include the well cared for grounds of Sunset Sands and North Beach. Surfside has the availability of much more funding than the other two combined.  In fact, a member of Sunset Sands, even with their beautiful grounds and facilities, said to me..."I wish we had your funding, because of the so much more we could do". This was several years ago and I have never forgotten that statement. It displays a vision to make what is good, even better.

Your Board would rather spend our money on an RV lot for 300,000.00,  A mile of pipe a year at 160,000.00 , and well over a 100,000.00 dollars on legal fees, fines, etc.
This Board is screwed up on it's priorities and has no vision for Surfside. They would rather spend their time on sheds and trees.  .It is a disgusting mess.


Click on the pictures for a larger view:

Welcome to Sunset Sands

Welcome to Surfside

North Beach Water Office

Sunset Sands


Sunset Sands play ground, rest rooms and showers

Sunset Sands outdoor covered cooking area.  Can you see this at our Annual Picnic or Fishing Derby?
Can't show a picture of Surfside's. We don't have one.

Surfside play ground


  1. Sunset Sands isn't on the ocean!!

  2. It is on Loomus Lake. Fishing and boating. Close to the ocean.

  3. Move to Sunset Sands if you like it so much.

  4. You just can't conceive that people want change in Surfside, can you?

    You don't care about the management instability(even though the players never change), lack of basic communication, rampant self interests, and the ignoring of both existing covenants, and State RCW's.

    That makes YOU part of the problem. We're not going anywhere.

  5. 8:56:

    Well, YOU can't conceive that the majority of people who moved here like it here, that's why they didn't move to Sunset Sands or elsewhere. We are not the problem, YOU are. You say you're not going anywhere, fine. Spend your days living in the negative with constant complaining. Meanwhile those of us who enjoy it here will continue to do so and live a happy life.

  6. Considering the number of reply's by 10:29, seems anything but happy. Sounds to me, is a fool defending the indefensible. The fact that the same response over n over just makes more oppose him. Needs to keep it up so change will happen.

  7. Seems apparent that 10:29 is happy, just maybe not happy with the fool making the comment above.

    Back to topic:

    It appears giving the last couple topics that the host spends more time on the West side than a good portion of the people who own property there. I can understand why. But if you want to talk differences let's point the camera lens on the other side of the ridge too. We can start with just a ride to the compactor.

    Take some pictures of those broken down properties that make the RV by the Surfside sign look like a mansion.  

    Take a picture of the glorified water ditch with the bench the host demanded the HOA pay for and install. The one where I have never seen one person sitting on.

    And since you're close by, don't miss all those attractive stumps while you're there.

  8. 429 - as the fool above, I find it interesting that you choose banging on the East side, as opposed to the legitimate management challenges we face here.

    Which part of the problem are you, a Board member, or just a lackey? Expound some of that extra wind on THAT topic.

  9. 447 - you must be the banging on Blagg person?

    1. Most definitely not! My attitude towards the Board was formed largely by watching the multiple injustices that were done to both Deb and Patrick.

      Don't waste your keystrokes banging on them. You only belittle yourself by doing so.

  10. Our facilities are an embarrassment. They are all original construction and have never been remodeled. The cabanas don't even have hand soap dispensers and properly functioning sinks with hot water.

  11. Don’t worry. Mr. Neal has been pushing for a new HOA office for several years. Probably to match North Beach Water. By the way, his suggested price tag is 1M. Yes Santa, that is one million dollars.

  12. Just think how much savings if they just went with a high end triple wide manufactured building on a foundation. Or the prefab buildings a lot of churches are using.

  13. Good idea. They could build it in the wet lands as they are not allowed on the West side.

  14. Not anymore anyway, they used to be allowed till snobs moved in. Manufactured homes today, built just as well as stickbuilt, but with less fibreboard.

  15. Lots of complaints here, but I don't hear any suggestions.

    I agree that we can do better. So how do we go about motivating members to improve Surfside? From the looks of some members lots, the talent is here. Any creative ideas?
