
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Tree, Brush, Obnoxious Committee

Meeting Minutes...,

The function of the Tree Committee is to determine if the trees in a members complaint, are in violation of the tree height restriction covenant. Period.  All the rest is nothing more than propaganda in an effort to make topping your trees more palatable. Well, the members are not buying that J Place committee BS.

This committee has done way more harm than good and has succeeded in dividing our community of good people for the benefit of a few.  You will see in the report how they are focused on enforcement. That is not their authority. That authority is with the General Manager and the Compliance Inspector.

Their report shows that those who turned out for the garden tour, were not interested in their work shops propaganda.

"The Yardscape tour was an outstanding success. Tom (Tom Reber, General Manager) encouraged the committee to do the tour again in 2020 and said it has been one of the best attended events in Surfside".  Now, how the hell would he know that?  He has only been here a few months. What is the number of those who attended, not counting those who put it on?

Click on the "report" for a larger read, if your remotely interested:


  1. Thank you for the work they have done, but it is time to move on with a new paid compliant investigator. This committee is no longer needed.

  2. Yes, thank you for being a blight on our community, sowing hate and divisiveness wherever you go, supporting your special interests, and nothing else.

  3. Here they are, creating a "flow chart" of enforcement, with over a hundred complaints and still counting, and many have already been addressed - so we're probably approaching 150 to 200 properties preyed upon by this committee this year ? And they have a schedule of fines which they are fine-tuning.... just so busy riding herd on owners and enforcing the shit out of this community. It looks like hell !!

  4. It took awhile for Surfside members to create the ugliness that constitutes covenant violations. Give it some time with better enforcement before you make false judgements.

  5. Host is still crying over not being included in the tour I see. Poor baby.

  6. 1:47 is wasting their time if they think that kind of comment upsets me. I just consider the source. He probably thought I would delete it before anyone else saw it.

    It also did not bother me a bit that I was not included in the Surfside tour. I feel that my yard really is not up to the standard that should be on a tour. What bothered me was the reason, that I was told, was because of my opposition to tree topping and being critical of the tree committee. I think that says a lot about the tree committee.

    I have been asked once again to be on the 2020 "Music in the Gardens tour". This is a nice compliment, but I will not be in that either, for the same reason. I will be 83 and it is more and more difficult to maintain what I have in a reasonable fashion. My small lot and old single wide trailer does not, in my opinion, be good enough for any tour, Surfside or others.

    Some of the elite consider me as "trailer trash" living in a trashy neighborhood.
    I am not crying 1:47, in fact I feel sorry for you and the few like you who are so full of hate. I just do the best I can with what I have and tho it be little, I am thankful for what I have and the pleasure it gives me. How about you? Pathetic.

  7. If the complaint system is done away with, what will Clancy do with all his spare time?
