
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Board Meeting Saturday

Meeting Agenda....

Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting
August 17, 2019 at 9:00 a.m.

Call to Order - Regular Board Meeting (S. Winegar)
Adopt the August 17, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda (S. Winegar)
Safety Message (S. Winegar)
Deputy Patrol Report
Approval of Regular Board Meeting and Special Membership Minutes of the June 15, 2019, and the Special Board Meeting Minutes of July 13, 2019 (S. Winegar)
Floor comments (20 Minutes)

Old Business
Hand out Committee Assignment Sheets. Approve Committee Assignments.

New Business
Direct Committee/Staff to negotiate/explore options for alterna-tive methods for wetland mitigation.
De-annexation from Surfside.
Adopt Property Transfer Fees.
Approve RFP request for various services.
Reverse complaint driven culture
Declare various items as surplus
Sign up for CA DAY
Adopt Resolution 2019-08-1 to approve a contract with Gray and Osborne to amend Surfsides’ water system plan.
Appeal of lighting complaint for Ronald and Joanne McMurphy.

Incoming Correspondence
Outgoing Correspondence
Meetings & Contacts


  1. Sorry, do not care about board meetings.
    Useless to care. Done with em.

  2. We also realized that the majority does not count.

  3. The majority only counts when they stand up and let themselves be counted. Unless o course, you consider yourself the majority.

  4. Looks like there are a number of matters that are somewhat controversial, or may be. "Reverse the complaint-driven approach?" "De-annexation ?" "Adopt transfer fees ?" These all sound somewhat ominous.

    There was a decision to add some homes to the waterline that were not Surfside properties, does the agenda item relate to that ? Discussion of a fee collected by Surfside when a home is bought/sold may relate to the "fee" mentioned. The concept seemed like a money-grab and nothing more.

    It's not really necessary to have a written complaint for the HOA to act on enforcement issues, so what is this "reverse complaint-driven system" ? Could be good, could be bad.

    I'm unable to attend the meeting, but would if I could. This sounds like an ambitious agenda, and appears to be full of questionable actions. With a new president, there may be a shift in direction, but I don't think Winegar is inclined to be more reasonable or inclusive in his approach.

    It is interesting that something related to the legal issues and fines may finally be discussed judging by the agenda item, "explore possibilities in wetland negotiations". I've suggested that they try to bargain over a willingness to move forward on stormwater management proposals offered by the County in recent years, and declined by Surfside. Creating more wetlands in Surfside is absurd and should be taken out of the equation.

    Of course these are just armchair comments without more information.

  5. Notice “adopt transfer fees” is buried in the middle of the agenda. They tried this before. Claimed it was a fee for office paperwork, which basically a phone call from the County to make sure the property was unencumbered. A 5 minute phone call at best. Just another attempt at a money grab to pay for needless study’s and projects. It is your property, the HOA should not profit off of your decision to sell/acquire property in Surfside.

  6. The nine clowns have no idea about anything. They question nothing and just go along because of their ignorance and care only about themselves. You elected them. You got them. Now you can live with it.

  7. That comment adds nothing to the discussion. If they WERE clowns, we'd have less to be concerned about. As it is, we ALL are left to "live with it".

  8. you never read or hear anything in advance of the agenda for the bot meeting. You only see the agenda in the weekender the day before the meeting. I have never heard any talk or references to the new business part of the agenda. Same old cr@p. spend money.

  9. It's real easy to be an armchair quarterback 3:28 PM and others. How about you run for the Board and then volunteer to be the Board treasurer and we'll see how you do holding costs down AND getting things done. Better yet lets just see how you handle your personal finances and see how rosy they are.

    1. What are you getting done? Water? A main break a week. Persecuting tree owners and RV users? Check. Anything positive for those who do not live on J Place? Nothing.

      Why would anyone volunteer for this? Oh, yeah, special interests..

  10. 4:55 - Move. Sick and fed up with your lying and whining. Get the hell out

    1. 507 - I will leave right after you.

      Truth hurts, doesn't it? Well, you may bully others out here, but not me. Shut the hell up yourself!

  11. 4:48 - 100 Tree compliance demands made annually against a lot of owner resistance leads to the HOA strong-arming some number of owners by threats of lawsuits, and all of this adds to the runaway legal costs of the HOA.

    Failed permitting and audacious dismissal of Federal Laws in Water Dept. practices lead to huge fines, more legal costs, and serious waste of member funds. Meanwhile, there is no willingness for the Board to come forward and outline these serious issues and what will be done to prevent the same abuses of authority and responsibility.

    You can defer the responsibility to some imaginary place, but the fact remains, this is happening NOW under THIS Board's watch. A treasurer cannot "hold these kinds of cost down ".The blame is on the present seated Board so long as these issues are not addressed in public and admissions of mis-steps admitted to.

    I think member trust is easily rallied for many, but it starts with talking about the issues openly and moving from there. It's imperfect like everything we do.


  12. Sounds like @ 4:55 called it just about right, or to put it another way "SNAFU" is the normal state of SHOA

  13. Spot on 4:55 and perfectly said 6:42. The only way this mess will go away as it stands is by way of “Father Time “. Just wait it out if you know what I mean.

  14. Had to be out of town this past weekend on family matters. Can anyone provide an account of the Board meeting? I if things are as usual, it will be a long tome before any minutes are published, an they usually aren’t too accurate.

  15. I did not go, and I was in town. It is a waste of time to go and will continue that way as long as it is controlled by special interests and J Place members. What is really happening is behind closed doors. They have violated so many rules and regulations, they will never be transparent as that would show their incompetence. It will take years to return to a Board that will function as a true Board that puts all the members interests above their own. With the past several elections we have possibly reached the point of no return. It will take a crash for the members to finally have all the truth, and by that time it will be to late. I am not optimistic for any change to the present failure as a Homeowners Association. Really sad.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Physical threats, veiled or otherwise, are not allowed on this blog. You place yourself in a position for legal action against you. Your personal hate for a particular Board candidate has poisoned your thinking. Your comments are not welcome on this blog.

  18. Unfortunately, George is spot on.

    Who wants to start the dissolution campaign?

  19. Yes 2:59 you have my vote!, Let’s get it started TODAY!

  20. No George, it is disgusting how you keep making excuses and letting your esteemed board candidate to continue to be make disgraceful and despicable comments aimed at us older members, including once again our deaths. You allow those to remain, which is shameful.

    And to your board candidate. Most would find it embarrassing to need another man to protect his feelings. But then again, you are an unique individual.

    1. 436 - its disgusting how you want to slam anyone with a different opinion.

      Your small mindedness in shucking for a corrupt organization is even more shameful. Look to yourself before judging others.

  21. To 4:36 leave George alone he had nonthing to do with my post. I am a woman member just watching and listening from afar. I have
    nonthing to do with the board or George. Just sick of our membership money being wasted and all the lies.

  22. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Sorry wrong again, but I’m not really sorry. A total unknown member you do not know just observing what’s been happening in this sad HOA.
    I’ve have never met this Mrs. Riley you speak of either.

  24. Mr. Riley is not pals with George, and has tended to alienate most who he comes into contact with, often taking offense at comments and opinions they express. Mike seems to have some personal challenges that way, but we wish him well in finding more personal happiness and finding ways to spiritually rise above the deceit and selfishness that is so profound in this HOA's practices.

    But we hear a lot of anger here on the Blogg, and much of it is from him. Those who ridicule him should give it a break, as the banter exchanged is really discouraging to read. He should dial back his anger and not make everything personal.

    We all need our "happy place" - or ways that we gather ourselves when we become distressed. We have to be able to focus on what we CAN control in our lives, what gives us happiness, what can put us in a positive frame of mind.

    1. Relations with an HOA should be something we can control.

      The fact we cannot, and are held hostage by special interests is one of the big reasons for this blog.

  25. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  26. 12:42 - The fact that you can't just drop this and move on shows a preoccupation with pettiness and revenge. Do you really think Riley's ONE comment about older conservative members will speed your demise ? Of course not. Buck-up and quit being such a weakling. No one is defending obnoxious comments. Not yours, not Riley's - no one's rude insulting remarks are welcome in a simple exchange of ideas. You are ruining the Blog for everyone, when it has a basic informational function.

    No one has mentioned attending the BOT meeting, or recounted what was discussed - meanwhile this angry garbage is on-going.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. This last Board Meeting had potential to be interesting, given the agenda, yet no one attended ? A new president's agenda isn't worth checking out ?
