
Saturday, July 13, 2019

Election Results

Board Trustees and officers......

Elected Trustees:

James Clancy
Kurt Olds 
Ric Minich

New Officers:

President.....Scott Winegar
Vice President....Gary Williams
Secretary....Kurt Olds
Treasurer....Rudd Turner


  1. I bet these results sting

  2. It's a sad statement about the degree of apathy present among part-timers. My candidate's statement told people about the management failures that have come to light in the past year - something that the BOT has refused to address at all. That tells owners that your Board is unwilling to be honest with members, and unwilling to take responsibility where mistakes were made.

    It seems apparent that most members won't even take the time to read the bi-annual newsletter, or read the candidate's statements. That surprises me, but now I know. There seems no hope what-so-ever of balancing policy to represent ALL member's interest, as all candidates elected are J Place owners, joining 3 other J Place owners to make 6 out of 9 Trustees all representing J place interests at everyone else's expense.

  3. I was there Steve. You are not being honest about what you said in you statement. You stood before 100 plus members and did not address any of your so called management failures. I promise transparency? What happened to I promise to kick butt and take names. What a disappointment. No wonder you didn’t get enough votes. All talk on the blog, all soft in person.

  4. Pathetic.

    Dissolution is the only option for this bad excuse for an organization

  5. I have the feeling it will be done for us in time.

  6. 4:02.... I'm talking about my statement in the Surf-In-Sider nitwit. I know what I said today, and I thought it wasn't an appropriate time to make strong pronouncements. I'm not a F**ing politician or strategist. Most of these people know what I'm about and I have not been shy about stating my views.

    My candidate's statements are published in both the Blog and the Weekender. This crowd isn't going to be receptive to a rabble-rousing speech. Odds are 10 to 1 they've made up their minds or have voted already by the time the meeting starts.

    I stuck my neck out in the interest of the membership at large and so few gave a crap the J Placers won it all. Now it's your turn to be a success story you bold ANONYMOUS individual.

  7. Not a Board memberJuly 13, 2019 at 9:27 PM

    Oh Boo-Hoo.

    You act as though it is only the J placers who vote. Like it or not the majority who actually care about the HOA enough to be interested in voting, voted. They chose who they wanted, deal with it.

    Digest this for a moment, Steve. Get past your great J place conspiracy for a moment and imagine yourself as a member who doesn't live by the blog. They look at the candidates running and see some that have a record of donating time for the community. They see some who don't. They see some who make the time to show up at board meetings. They see some who don't. They see some who bother to answer questions to be published and some who don't. There is even one interesting candidate who provides nothing, I guess thinking that his name alone is enough to get him elected. Take that all that into consideration and who would you vote for? But of course it is easy to ignore all that right?

    Be honest, part of the plan was if elected you would have been on here saying the people have spoken, if not the great and evil J place conspiracy was to blame.

    BTW, not that you're ever opened to it, a bit of advice. If you should run next year, and believe it or not I hope you do. I feel the more candidates the better and I respect those that step up even if my opinions are different than theirs, except for Riley. But if you do, work on some public speaking skills. As prolific as you are in blogging you need some work in that department.

  8. Praise Jesus, the HOA has been saved. Hallelujah!!

  9. The HOA does not need saving. It is just fine the way it is. Consider this, nobody really cares about your conspiracies and your alarmist message does not resonate with the membership. You have been trying for years to get members attention. You have been proved to be irrelevant. When will you admit defeat?

  10. Steve, I am not a nitwit, you have reading comprehensive problems. I read your printed statement. Very bold a accusatory. Surprisingly, when in the same room as all those people you accuse In your blogging, you become soft and squishy in your rhetoric. You may think you were being politically correct today but it looked more like timidness or trepidation. You did not stick with your stated position and therefore, you did not remain true or honest to you message. Could it be you lack confidence in your message?

  11. Why the constant hammering on Steve? He lost. Are you now worried about next year? You must be the same poor soul who was and is obsessed with Blagg and Johansen. You need to give it a rest. You make yourself look like a sick individual. You may not be a nitwit, but you come across as a sickwit. Pathetic.

  12. Considering the way others hammer on board members for their actions on this blog, I thought it only appropriate to point out that the hammer works both ways. If you haven’t got it yet let me make it perfectly clear. Being overly critical of other people puts a spotlight not on them but on you. If you make a habit of pointing out others faults and mistakes, you better expect the same treatment towards you. If you do not like the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  13. Why do some of you nitwits think that only one or two people comment about the trouble making minority members on this blog? Delusional! Lots of us think these troublesome members should be outed and fairly criticized. Our goal is to encourage the trouble makers to sell out in Surfside so that we can move toward a more trustworthy and respected community. Trouble makers scram!

  14. I think better to wait for all the dinosaurs on the geriactric BOT to just let nature take its course. I'm in it for the long haul and most of them have close to 30 years on me and some don't look too healthy. Just takes time.......

  15. 12:14.... I have no reason to be concerned what your interpretation is of my appearance at the meeting. I have strong convictions, and am not shy about stating my views. To be effective in this role takes patience and a willingness to listen, observe, learn the dynamics of the group. As one individual, we have seen how independent views are not welcome. I would have to look for opportunities to express my concerns and try to sell my viewpoint to gain some support.

    There have been some comments on the Blog that made lofty claims about what I could do for the community. I have not made such claims. I'm out of practice appearing before a large group, but I can assure you, I have such experience.

    My intention has never been to trash anyone, but to state what I believe to be true based on solid information. People make mistakes. Do they acknowledge them and try to make corrections ? Or do they mask or ignore these mistakes ? That is the thrust of my Blog comments.

    Six out of nine Trustees are now J Place owners, and the Tree Policy is the most destructive and divisive issue in the community. Views are not a sanctioned standard for HOA enforcement in the State of Washington. This doesn't compute to a special interest group having a strangle-hold on the community ?

    I don't question that the candidates who won have worthy skills and credentials. I have my own strengths, and could be an asset to the Board. You're pretty pleased with yourself - how about you run ? You'll have to give a name to be a candidate. Thanks for the advice smartass.

  16. I see little man Riley is back hoping for the old people to die with his 8:31 comment. Ok buddy boy, sooner or later you will be on your property when I drive by and I will stop and we can discuss this further face to face. I'll even bring a step stool for you so we can.

    George, I asked you once before. While I may not agree with you always I always respected and appreciated that you stood up for us older folks here. Yet you backed this guy has repeatedly made statements against us as a group, wishing for our demise. I just don't get it.

    1. Quit trying to play both sides of the street. You attack, then people respond, and you play all hurt. That act is stale and old, kinda like the author.

  17. Well Stevie, as the old saying goes, better to be a smart ass than an asshole.

    1. With comments like you that, you can and are both. Consider silence.

    2. You're not smart, you're just an a**.

  18. You're fighting a shadow. I have no need to answer to your "stevie" stuff. This is someone else standing up for me. Tell ya something ?

  19. 11:14....You couldn't be more weak, threatening Mike like this. Maybe go polish your tool, or organize your sock drawer.

  20. Sorry that you lost Steve, I did vote for you. If you are thinking of running again I think a good step would be to volunteer on one of the committees?

  21. Steve, if you are thinking of running for the board again, better than being on a committee, other than the tree committee, Have your wife chair a committee, Move to J Place, Join the wine drinking old bags group and most importantly, Write up over 70 tree complaints. Almost forgot, Build a pole barn in a residential area and put up a big illegal sign that says "protect Surfside. Do the above and you are sure to win.

  22. The pole building was approved by the powers that be. You must belong to the Trump faction with your mean comments. He has no mouth filter either.

  23. 11:49.... Thanks for the great humor. A good laugh gives some relief from the harsh remarks complaining that I wasn't outspoken enough at the meeting, I wasn't dressed well (no one was dressed formally), I hadn't cooperated with deleest"s demands, I'm overweight (yes), and I didn't deliver my statement well.

    What I know is, I am effective in expressing my views, and am very common sense oriented. I tend to be coldly logical, and that burns some folks up. The criticism of these trivial aspects just tries to get back at me for being an effective opponent of the status-quo. Unfortunately, most of the membership ignores elections entirely, and that is very much to our community's detriment.

  24. No, the criticism is because of your attitude and harsh statements you make against others and then the quick turn around to playing the hurt victim when someone calls you out on it.

    Just look at your last statement concerning the deLeest "demands". That's a load of bull. What exactly did she "demand" from you that wasn't asked of other candidates? If anything she went further than I and others feel she should have to get you heard since you couldn't or wouldn't show up to be asked questions at the board meeting, Yet now you say this along with accusing her of purposely avoiding you and you calling her devious in a comment that was thankfully deleted. And let's not forget you also accusing her of leaking your real home address in some great conspiracy scheme.

    Of course it's always easy to blame someone else then to own your attitude isn't it?

  25. To 1:52, aka little mikey. Polish my tool? Such a nice childish comment coming from a child size man. Keep the those comments coming.

    11:49: You're another brave one calling the tree ladies old bags. You must be so proud. Say what you want about the ladies on the Tree Committee but even with all the hate thrown at them on here notice how they take it in stride and still show up to do the job asked of the by the HOA. Meanwhile you have Cox getting upset if someone says anything remotely against him and Riley went into seclusion. So apparently they are able to man up more so than the Laurel and Hardy of the blog can.

  26. 429 - you old fool. You actually think these women are NOT tree Nazis? What part of 70+ complaints did you want to conveniently gloss over?

    After another debacle of an election, I would advocate the first person that is held up for tree complaints to sue, sue, sue!

  27. Ok 6:23, I have a deal for you. Let's you and I meet down at the office and see who actually filed those 70+ complaints. I'll give you $10.00 for every one filed by a member on the Tree Committee and you give me the same for those filed by someone whose not on it. Deal? Ready to put your money where your big mouth is? Is not, then STFU....

    1. Don't make threats with your alligator mouth that your hummingbird a** can't cash.

      You're a bully, plain and simple, called out. Deal with it.

  28. You are a fool 8:54. The office will not show you who made the complaints. It is confidential. If it wasn't, there would be no complaints.

  29. Little mikey is quite the brave one when he's behind a keyboard, isn't he? But his day of reckoning will come.

  30. OK Einstein/9:42. Since you brought up that they are confidential, then how would you know that those Tree Committee Nazi's wrote any? Who's the fool now little man?

    Back to the offer. I'm sure we can get the office to do the tally without giving out the names. I'm willing to go to the new guy and split my winnings so I'm sure it can be done. Shall we? Still ready to put your money where your little mouth is?

    And to Riley's f/u 9:58 comment. Funny you would use a hummingbird reference considering you are hummingbird size. You going to be at your property this weekend? I'll stop by to say hi and go all in with my cash

  31. 4:29 - 1:52 wasn't Mike all-knowing one. You are ridiculously vindictive. That's the point. This dialogue is pitiful whoever is stating it. School tard stuff.

  32. 4:06.... deLeest called me at 9:00 P.M. on a Sunday night, and I was busy. She wanted to ask me some questions, and I said I would have to send her a statement the next morning. She said that wasn't soon enough. The second time she contacted me for a statement, she sent me an e-mail that required I reply within 45 minutes. I didn't see the e-mail until that evening.
    That's what I mean about "demands", board member.

    Yes, I attended the first B. meeting to be introduced, but didn't make it to the Q & A session the next month. Neither did 3 other candidates. I had 2 statements on the Blog and my statement was published in the Surf-In-Sider. I have been very open abut my views on the Blog, which is the only venue for such comments.

    I'm not whining about a thing. And I'm through making sense for you Steve bashers, not hurt, just done with all of this nonsense. Bye bye now.

  33. 629 - Mike did not type. There's more than one who are tired of your s**t.

  34. 4:06....Knew there was something I missed. This claim about a "great conspiracy" is pure fantasy. This is an interesting variation on Annette's claim that I accused her of "stalking me", which is also bullshit. The J Place rumor-mill is busy lately. These claims cannot be verified because they are entirely false.

    Someone made derogatory comments about my home in Lacey immediately after I attended the "meet the BOT" meeting in May, which struck me as very strange. My candidate's packet was out on the Board's table so was available to look through, and my Lacey address is not common knowledge. I stated that I had no idea who had taken an interest in my other home, and that it was a perverse thing to comment on.

    The comment was, that my other home looks like a jungle. We had just removed two full grown trees to our regret, and have had to remove about 6 others in past years, so a jungle it is not. I looked on Google map and saw the picture of our house is actually a picture of a corner of our cedar fence, and a bush that grows over the fence each year. The picture is not of the front of our house, and was taken about 6 years ago.

    But a very strange Blog comment, meant to trip me out, which it did initially. But no, I did not blame Annette, though she enjoys telling the story - and accosted me at the Chipping Station with her hysterical claim, and other sad stories.

    Takin' a break from the Blog, so have at it.

  35. Steve, don't let them silence you or Mike with their personal attacks and false statements. That is exactly what they are trying to do. If you let them get away with that, they win. Don't let them shut you up. The truth always wins. Thanks for what you say and please keep it up. Your voice of reason is needed and appreciated.

  36. 134 - could not agree more.

  37. Still with the Annette bashing I see. Problem is, some of us saw the email and other comments you made before they were deleted so your revisionist history doesn't fly.

    Interesting weather we are having. More snowflakes in July.

    1. Interesting you bring up revisionist history, as you seem to be a student of it.

      We saw what happened too. Your crap won't wash here

  38. You can live in your little dream, but I'm not revising anything turd. Her efforts were a ruse, and were not asked for. She gets hysterical if anyone suggests she is not perfect. Tough old world ain't it ?
