
Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Annual Meeting just days away

It's the members meeting.....Will their voices be silenced?...Will their questions be answered?

If last year is any indication, we can expect a repeat performance.
The Surfside attorney, in my opinion, did a disservice to the members by his opinion's on procedure. I understand that this year the same law firm will be represented by a lady attorney.  A member has made concentrated efforts by writing the Board, to get motions on the ballots and/or on the floor. His requests were denied.

The member rights to make motions have been clearly violated. We can expect this type of behavior by the Board President to continue. The rest of the Board is complacent in this by failing to take action against a President who repeatedly exceeds his authority as stated in our governing documents as well as State and Federal regulations. His actions have cost the association many thousands of dollars in legal fees and court judgments.  We can expect this to continue and probably only get worse.

Any questions the members may have about the past, current and ongoing legal mess, will go unanswered with the excuse that the Board has been advised to say nothing about legal matters. It is true that they should be careful in what they say, but they should at least acknowledge there are legal issues and show the amount of member funds being spent.

Members can ask questions, but with the record of this Board, few members will trust the answers.

You never know how these meetings will go.  They can be loud and disruptive, or low key and calm. I expect the latter, but who really knows. I think the results of this meeting will be disappointing for most members in attendance.

The above is just my opinion, based on my observations and experience.  This could be interesting, but probably not.  Probably not, is the hope of the Board. 


  1. Well you know, considering the ignorance of most of the homeowners.

    Why would this years Annual meeting be any different than last year’s show of force?

  2. And since our paternalistic, selfless, and endearing BOT has only our best interests in mind, sure makes me sleep better knowing us deplorable homeowners won't be allowed to do anything to disrupt the status quo.

  3. If our Blog Host would have shown even 1/10th this much interest when he was on the board.

  4. Least he uses more than 1/10 of his brain. Cant say same for u. Hes rubber n u glue, bounces off him n sticks to you. Figured you would like that one. More your level,lol

  5. Of all the years I have been going to the annual meetings, which is probably a lot more than most here, I can say only last years reach a level that can be described as loud and disruptive. It was mostly from one particular group who came in with an agenda. I found it all pretty embarrassing and sad but was glad that I attended so I was able to vote against them.

    1. So you were glad to continue to support special interests taking over and running this association like some despotic third world slime hole?


  6. Why do you have an issue with an agenda? It's better than just showing up and sitting on your hands. ALL members have a right to ask for the removal of a Board members for ANY/NO reason, petty or not. I find that refreshing and not disruptive.

  7. It appears to me that in this topic and others, there is an effort to decrease the effect of this blog by the posting of senseless, childish remarks. It is an attempt to diminish the value of the information that is shared by concerned members of this community. Whether it is members of the BOT or their proxies, it is an attempt to devalue this forum. Please understand that this only exposes those who cannot find anything of consequence to criticize this forum and the Host. Calling homeowners here either ignorant (see 11:34), lowlanders or flatlanders has no place in our discussions. It only serves to expose the childish mental abilities of those detractors. By the way, kudos to the new folks on about 317th and J. It appears they have identified the real tree threat and are removing them. Not just 16 ft.

  8. Just dropped off proxy, they all there getting stories straight. Board members, Neal n two or three water trucks, n travis, all at the office. S.S.D.D.

  9. Being called ignorant simply means lacking knowledge. Now being called stupid is another matter altogether.
