
Thursday, July 18, 2019

2018 Balance Sheets

As reported in the year end audit. ..What they don't tell you...

The three (3) pages posted here, were presented as a hand out at the July 2019 Annual Meeting.
If you were not there or knew they were available, you have not seen them.

There was no discussion about this report at the Annual Meeting.  The only discussion was about this years financial status.  The Audit and it's report to the Board is mostly an accounting of money in...Money out, and that they are accounted for properly. The auditor firm does provide a confidential report on their process and recommendations for accounting improvements.

You will not see in this report that there was a 2018 spending budget of 1,612,470.00 and the association spent 1,729,788.00  This is over budget by over 118,000 dollars.
I reported extensively in Feb. of 2019 on the figures.  This was a big flaw during the year and any corrections being made.  We are at that same point this year for 2019. The current budget has to be watched closely and if over spending is likely, then spending corrections have to be made. As of this date we are right on budget, but that does not leave room for additional spending over budget. Beware of those who want to spend beyond what is budgeted.  I will be presenting a 6 month financial report soon.

Click on each of the three pages for a larger read:

page 1 of 3

page 2 of 3

page 3 of 3

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