
Sunday, June 23, 2019

North Beach Water

What their users say....

I picked up this conversation on a Face book site. Comments are in response to a question by a resident about if they drink the North Beach water?  Now I see why Bill Neal proposed at the last Surfside Board meeting that Surfside construct a pipe line to tie in with North Beach.  I can see why they would want our water and why we don't want theirs.  Looks like we all need new water management. 

Note:  there are some large blank spaces between some of the comments. Scrol down to see all. 

  • Karen Eshleman We have noticed there is a lot of sediment...more when there are many users home...we filter our incoming water and use to add a filter in the kitchen...which we have recently decided wasn’t necessary with the larger See More
  • Tina Jordan We filter, and filter pet water as well.
  • Melissa Smith Mine tastes and smells like heavy chorine and looks foggy white right from the tap. It used to be amazing water up until 1.5 years ago. I’ve contacted them numerous times, always with the same results. They always say ‘The fogginess is air bubbles so let it sit before drinking if it disturbs you’ and ‘The chorine smell is from disinfecting the lines and it should pass if I run it full blast for 10 minutes’.. None of which work at all. We do not drink it. My houseplants have all turned yellow and are slowly dying and the dirt inside the plants have turned a dark yellow color.
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  • Pat Williams Tollefson recommend getting your water tested independently. Tafts Plumbing will provide a sample container and send it to be tested and then explain the results and what you may need, if anything. There is a cost, but think that it is only $20-$40 and so worth peace of mind.
    • David L. Colbert I wouldn't use taft if you paid me they are crooks in plumbers clothing
    • Pat Williams Tollefson They were extraordinarily helpful to us and provided us with the needed info to make the decisions. I might add, they did not try to sell us anything!
  • Ed Williams When running water in the bathtub there is a yellow tint to it. Is this rust? It doesn't smell like chlorine.
  • David L. Colbert never drink the water out here, always filter it
  • Glenn Ripley I believe many of these are reports of well water, which I'd not drink without testing and treatment. There are several independent municipal water systems on the North Beach Peninsula. Ilwaco, Long Beach, North Beach and Surfside. Each treats their own water and would like to hear of any complaints. They can't fix what they don't know about.
    • Melissa Smith I use North Beach here in Nahcotta and I have been to them with my concerns. They tell me to run the water full blast to remove the heavy chlorine smell and let my water sit to remove the milk look.
    • Betty Barlow Melissa Smith I drink NB water after filtering it. I leave it out before I use it to water plants to allow the chlorine to evaporate. The water is always cloudy but settles fast. Look for a water test and let us know the results.
  • Ed Williams I was reading about an issue in Surfside concerning old water lines made with asbestos. I this throughout the system??
    • Cecelia Nunn Haack Some older water pipes may have asbestos in there, the minter, however is stable in the pipes and not a risk. The problems occur when these types of pipes are cut and sanded without taking proper precautions, safe gear for workers and using water to keep dust down. It's the dust that is bad. I am a student of local water systems and president of Oysterville Community Water board.
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  • Cecelia Nunn Haack You can visit the North Beach Water district's web page and most likely find their water test results.


  1. How many just causes does it take to get rid of Bill Neal and North Beach Water?

  2. At one of the last board meetings Scott caught him giving out wrong information. So I guess the answer to your question is a bunch. I don't understand why.

    I'm sure someone here will link the reason to the J place folks.

  3. 1:49, they ARE the ones making the decisions.

  4. All they care about is their VIEW.

  5. And there it is.

    Curious, how long does that tin foil hat last before you have to replace it?
