
Friday, June 7, 2019

Financial Information

April 2019...

Dues and assessments:

Budget 1,646,475.00
Paid  1,458,640.84
Outstanding  167,834.16
88.6% paid  (in line with average to date)
Misc. revenues   43,394.37


Business Office:...

Budget  255,759.00  YTD (year to date) 88,314.86  34.5%


Budget  206,540.00
YTD  98,868.46
47.9 % spent  (4 month yard stick is 1/3 budget or 33 1/3 %) A red flag
Legal fee budget 75,000.00  YTD 25,311.20  33.7 %
Insurance budget  56,000.00  YTD 65,894.51  117.7 %  (increase in premiums)

Water Department:

Budget 640,393.00  YTD 212,970.17  33.3 % (on budget)


Budget  73,577.00  YTD  24,380.91  33.1 %


Budget 113,277.00  YTD 38,370.47  33.9 %  A red flag as use will increase. Expect over budget.


In line with budget.

Checks of interest written:

First for patrol car, flashlight  140.52
Ceramics class Community Relations Committee  132.00
Website updates  1,616.25
Bottled water 25.44
New computer and keyboard, set up for Tom Reber  1,751.20
Telephone service for Business office and water dept.  479.00
Fall leaning tree by storage shop at golf course  162.15  (KJ Tree Service)
Mileage reimbursement for compliance checks  11.02  paid to Laura Frazier


  1. why do we use $75K for a Lawyer. Do we do this every year, or is this just a blip for the EPA stuff?

    Just seems like a lot

  2. 10:02, You have a good question that should be answered by an association that was fair, transparent and open. If they acted in that way, you would not have to ask, as you would know the answer.

    To answer your question, yes that is a lot, and it is mostly due to the Board for bad decisions. The Board President continues to make large money expenditures without consulting the full Board. For them to allow this, only reflects on their lack of ability to make the needed corrections, such as his removal.

    The legal fees are not all for a lawyer. There are also filing fees associated with the County. Part of this is to recover past dues and assessments. Part of that is reflected above in Misc. Income. However, that being said, there is a lot spent on legal fees, including numerous phone calls to our lawyer.

    Last year, 2018, the legal fee budget was 50,000 dollars and we actually spent 112,781.99 dollars. EPA was a factor for sure, but not their fault. Our fault. In any other organization, heads would roll.

    It is easy to see why the Board would not be transparent about all the legal related issues. It can be summed up in one word..INCOMPETENCE. From top to bottom. Board, Staff, contracts and volunteers. This is what we got, and only the members have the power to change things. If they are not willing to be involved, then they should shut up and sit down.

    Sorry, a little more of an answer than you asked. Just my frustration and disappointment.
    BTW, if not for insurance we have, the legal expense would be much higher. That's why the rates have increased.
