
Monday, June 10, 2019

Current information

Will the Weekender provide more?...

A new Compliance Inspector has been hired.  It is reported that he is a Surfside member.  This does raise a question of conflict.  We need to know his identity and where he lives.

Last Saturday evening, there was a going away dinner for Laura Frazier at the Roo in Long Beach.  If you did not get an invitation, it was probably because it was for the Trustees only.  Perhaps the Weekender will provide pictures and description of the event.   This Friday will be her last day in Surfside.

The Compliance Inspector should be provided transportation and be pro-active.  There certainly is no need any longer for the "Tree Committee". The Water Department has a surplus of equipment and vehicles that can be sold and the funds used to purchase a small compact truck.  I would also like to see a sign on the doors which say.....Surfside Compliance Inspector.  He could discuss issues with the members before a violation letter would need to be sent.  If he is not given the authority he needs, he will be nothing more than part time office staff filling out forms and sending out letters.  Just my opinion.


  1. Thought june weekender said no formal sendoff for Laura? Hmmmm

  2. Laura was always nice to me when I had to visit the office. A dinner send off is appropriate in my opinion.

    As far as the compliance officer goes, I don't see any reason that a SS member can't hold that position as long as his/her properties(s) are in compliance, whats the issue? Also, I think someone from J place would be an add, they would able to identify tree heights violations better.

    1. What a joke!

      Yeah, let's just give all power and authority to J placers and be done! After all, that's why they've spent all this effort to stack the deck so tightly.

      This association needs to be dissolved.

  3. Smh. Typical, ignore the point n rah,rah, status quo. Lets just keep the board members we have n add kirby back in. How bad does it have to get before you would be happy? Dissolve it. Its past saving.

  4. The Chair of the Tree Comm. is Peg Olds, a J place owner. That's called "conflict of interest" folks. Your suggestion is ridiculous. Fox guarding the henhouse. Trees do not interfere with views, just interfere with the lives of the 85% of owners preyed upon by this policy.

    SURFSIDE.... land of Dr. Seuss trees.

  5. Just what is a " Complice " ?

  6. The definition of a complice is another word for an accomplice, an associate or a partner, particularly in a crime.
    An example of a complice is a person who helps someone rob a bank.

  7. Complice", is a song by pop group Miodio from San Marino. The group was chosen internally to represent this Republic for their first entry in the Eurovision Song Contest, at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 in Belgrade. 50 entries were in the race to represent San Marino in this year's Eurovision. The song won, having been awarded the most points by 7 members expert jury which was appointed by the San Marino RTV, the Sammarinese broadcaster. The Italian language version represented San Marino in the first semi-final of the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest in Belgrade, Serbia, although it did not come high enough to qualify for the final on 24 May 2008. The song was composed by Francesco Sancisi who is the keyboardist of the group Miodio, and written by Nicola Della Valle, who is the vocalist of the group. The official video of the song was released when Miodio were announced as representatives of San Marino. The song was performed in the first semi-final in Belgrade on 20 May. Since the song did not come high enough in the semi-final, it was not performed in the final on 24 May. Complice finished last in the semi final, and was awarded just 5 points for the debut effort.

  8. kom′plis, n. (Shak.) an associate: an accomplice.—n. Complic′ity, state or condition of being an accomplice: complexity.

  9. I corrected the spelling, but after seeing the comments, maybe it was the right spelling.

  10. The better question is, why is it that J placers are the majority of members who volunteer for anything here?

    So 8:14 & 10:26, what have you volunteered for? And your constant stack the deck comment is the real joke.

    I realize The host has a crusade to get the Tree Committee abolished, but until we have a Comp Officer that lasts for more than a couple months, how can that be done.

    1. Who in their right mind would volunteer? First time you proposed a original idea, you would be vilified, ostracized and possibly threatened. No thanks.
      I'll host the dissolution party, of that makes you feel better.

  11. J placers have the majority because alot of full timers up there n rest of sursiders have a live n let live attitude. Ask yourself why they have majority? Greed my friends. They bought as an investment not a retirement home. Why else would they care about values. Cant spend it if dead.

  12. 11:48 - I don't think your tracking correctly today, better have another of what ever you are partaking in? So your telling me that you are willing to sell your property/home for what you paid for it, else any profit is greed?

    I bought my house on G st as a place to live and as an investment, it's not greed.

    1. It is if you are stepping on your neighbors to enhance your property values. That takes us back to J place again.

  13. Yeah 12:40, if you are retired, like those i was referring to. Why be concerned about profit? My neighbors are cutting trees down n ruining the natural beauty, and lowering my values. Bet u dont care about that Kirby, oops i mean 12:40.

  14. Btw, why would a G be so hot to defend J placers? You sell firewood? Lol

  15. No, but I could use a load or two. Mine keeps getting ripped off.

  16. Big K sits in his garage with his cronie troublemaker buds stirring up trouble in SHOA. It would be a far better place w/o these clowns. If anyone new to this HOA has fresh, new ideas, they are quickly stalked, harrassed, belittled, ridiculed until they finally give up! Dissolution is the cure for this cancer in Surfside. The reputation here is tainted and realtors must disclose the legal issues. Sad state of affairs! Tree destruction looks like something from Mars. This comment is anonymous for fear of drones flying over my property.

  17. Blah, Blah, blah.

    And yet the houses keep selling. Why don't you put your place up and dissolve out of here then?

  18. Talked to two new owners near me and realtors disclosed nothing, shoa general info not given to them until closing. Realtor said shoa was slow providing packet.

  19. MR Kirby is not a bad guy, I've talk to him many times over the years, he's never been bad or nasty to me? I've hiked over the dunes by his house, I quite like his grass/golf area, thinking about doing something like that myself.

  20. Actually, he IS a bad guy. He is a guy who has no problem living by a double standard, where enforcement is intensively pursued on others, and he refuses to abide by the same rules. He has also been a particularly nasty Blog participant at times, crossing all lines of propriety.

    There are very specific restrictions on modifying private land that includes the beach dunes, and Kirby has not complied. The only way to maintain a conventional grass lawn is to irrigate the entire area, and that is absurdly wasteful for something that just looks nice. Kirby refuses to live by the law, and that is exactly the entitled attitude that has destroyed all of the trees in the community, and has led to the serious legal entanglements that the HOA is hiding from the membership.

  21. 1012, you are wrong, what Kirby has done is by the law, just not your law. Granted it takes a lot of water to maintain but again, that is not against the law. He has not modified the dunes and their are many others who maintain a short cut out as far as Kirby does.

  22. "Many others" have not put thousands of dollars worth of irrigation lines in, or spent thousands of dollars to totally remove the beach grass. Kirby and his wife are fulltime residents, but with only two residents, use enough water to supply several fulltime households. While that is not "Illegal", it is irresponsible.

    The community has at least a dozen wells, and many of them have been shut down over time as they begin to deliver large amounts of arsenic - a poison you know.

    Water is NOT in unlimited supply anywhere really, and is a precious commodity, in short supply in much of the world. The Shoreline Plan is a very elaborate and complicated bunch of restrictions that comes to bear on such projects. Kirby may be in compliance, and may not be. Want to argue? Document your position if you expect any believers. Kirby has his own personal set of rules, and one for everyone else.

  23. Again, you have provided no actual violations. Just "violations" of your opinion of what should be done.

  24. 128 - Sounds like our poor POTUS: Answer a statement or question that he doesn't like with a statement or question that he likes.

    I don't need to document my position, the fact that it is there and has been for a very long time, w/out being hidden in some way from those who check on these types of things, is my proof of non-violation.

    And I'll add, trolls like you have had a long time to turn him into the inspectors, which I'm sure you have already done, probably several times, and were very disappointed that nothing was found wrong, so you spew your hate and lies here, or should I say, from under your bridge. LOL on you!

    1. Turn him in to his buddy's? What a joke!

  25. Sounds like Kirby trying to defend himself. Who else would care?

  26. 5:54 & 8:36.... You folks have a vivid imagination. I was responding to a comment that suggested that MANY owners have done the same thing as Kirby, and that it's a great idea. It's not a long strand, so maybe you could speak to the comments made, rather than creating a separate conversation in your head.

    The County has plenty of stuff to deal with, and can't address every issue - as the trench that a G St. owner dug to the beach was never altered, and we do not know if there were fines or legal challenges. The point I was making was that this is not a practical approach to dealing with the beach grass, which does need to be kept away from structures and fire sources.

    There is nothing "hateful" in my comments, and there is no "spewing" taking place. You are just very uncomfortable with people stating their opinions well, and supporting those comments with factual information. Kirby's lawn looks great, and was a big investment. His actions also destroyed a lot of wildlife habitat.

    Various birds of prey frequent these naturally grassy areas, and Deer traverse the gullies and wooded areas on a daily basis. We live in the presence of vast natural areas, and have the unique benefit of seeing a constant flow of wildlife, particularly along the backyards of G St. properties and out to the Beach.

    Anyone who wants a golf course in their backyard, all of which must be irrigated at a cost of thousands of dollars, can find many more suitable places to do so. We are also very fortunate to have water in our community cost-free.

    There is not an endless supply. Wasteful use cannot be justified in this community, just because it is free. The opposite is really the case - a growing community of about 4000 total residents depend on this resource, and will long into the future.

    And NO, I have never filed a complaint on anyone in Surfside, and I don't worry about what I imagine other owners are doing. I mind my own business, but DO have opinions about bad behavior, selfish owners, and member apathy about bad HOA policies.

  27. Give me a break 10:25. To say that one persons property affects wildlife habitat is a joke. I have deer on my property almost daily. The eagles, falcons and other birds patrol the whole Surfside area constantly. Too add to it we are surrounded by a vast area of underdeveloped land. Should we all leave and give the land back to the animals? And if you were to witness the fire we had years back, I for one would rather have a maintained watered property next to me than an underdeveloped lot that is a fire hazard.

    Your quick to say I have a problem with people stating their opinion while criticizing me for giving mine. So keep your imagination comment to yourself

  28. 10:25 sez...Did I suggest "we all leave and give it back to the animals" ? No I certainly did not. You seem to have no real point to make, except to share your confusion about what I said and why. Good luck.
