
Friday, June 14, 2019

Board Meeting Saturday

Meeting agenda & comments...

My comments below are in red.

Surfside Homeowners Association
Regular Board Meeting
June 15,2019 at 9 am

1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call-Establish Quorum
3. Adopt the June 15, 2019 Regular Meeting Agenda
4. Safety Message
(They need to have a safety message that reports on the employee training they have provided and the health exams for asbestos.  They should provide the costs for safety related to the asbestos pipe improper violations.  The Williams safety reports have been a joke.)
5. Sheriff’s Report
(Give the guy a break. He has provided a written report.  He needs to be out on the streets of Surfside, not at a Board meeting.)
6. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the May 18, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
7. Floor Comments (20 minutes)
(Why bother?  They won't answer the real questions the members have, or listen to any member suggestions.)
8. Recognize Board of Trustees candidates and conduct a “Meet the Candidates” forum
(This is a total farce. This is supposed to be questions from members present, not the Board. The questions and answers are never published.  I advise candidates to not attend.  Your candidate statement should be enough.  This is really only an effort to discredit the candidate that those in power do not want to see elected.)

9. Old Business:
A. Status of Woldrich violation/appeal
(Don't know what this is about. Probably just another screw the member. This status quo group never put out information that explain what they are considering. One day notice of an agenda is stupid.  It should be a week.)
B. Board Goals
(Another joke. I got a Board goal for you...A new Board.)
C. Approve purchase of $3210.57 for gravel to surface the property rented from the golf course for storage materials
(This is on rented property at 5,000.00 a year. More wasteful spending and stupidity. We have land that we own)

10. New Business:
A. Accept the audit report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2018
(You will only get the good part at the Annual Meeting.  The other stuff is covered up. We need to hire a management company that will manage our business.)
B. Approve a contract for wetland delineation at the RV/Compactor site with Ecological Land Services in the amount of $5500.00
(Another waste of funds.  It is surrounded by wet lands. Here is the result you will get stupid.  And it cost nothing.)
C. Approve a contract design of the RV Storage spaces and compactor site including ingress and egress with Skillings and Conley for $34,400.00.
(Table it...Stupid, stupid, stupid...)
D. Approve the bid for asphalt repairs from Naselle Rock for work at 301st and 311th for $3030.04
(We have a machine called a pusher.  We spent thousands of dollars for it.  Supposed to save on having to restore asphalt restore.  It pushes pipe under the street.  Will work on the smaller hookup supply lines)
E. Appeal of requirement to modify lighting for 31204 J Pl.
F. Adopt Resolution 2019-06-01; approving the purchase of activated carbon for filtration at a cost of $R36,4455.56.
(They need to hire a proof reader.  And, qualified people who know what they are doing. We got screwed, plain and simple, on the carbon filter fiasco.  Cover it up.) 
G. Adopt Resolution 2019-06-02; instituting a vistitor policy at the treatment plant
(We can't have people seeing what is going on. They might even take a picture of it.  More BS.)

H. Adopt Resolution 2019-06-03; approving a revision of the water system plan which would add to Surfside’s water territory and reduce the NBWD water service area.
(This is about hooking our water system main line with North Beach. This has been in the works for years. Guess who proposed this?  You got it, Bill Neal, General Manager of North Beach Water. Any Board member who supports this needs to be removed, along with Bill Neal.)

I. Discussion –potential requests for water service outside Surfside down to 29401 L Ln
They want it.  They should pay for the main line to get it.)
J. Proposed changes to the governing documents from Mike Riley
(This won't go anywhere, it makes to much sense. This is athreat to the status quo.) 
K. Accept the pedestrian bridge inspection report from Western Wood Structures Inc.


  1. Past employees that were exposed to the asbestos have not been contacted, or tested. Am sure lawyers advised this. Pffff, let em die a painful death n avoid liability.

  2. I don't know what has been done in previous years, but it is suspicious that this meeting puts candidates on the spot, while the "Surf-In-Sider" has not been received by owners, and the candidate's statements are published in that issue. Unless those who attend the June meeting know the candidates personally, nothing is known about the candidates, unless they have made signed comments on the Blog.

    All of the Board's hand-picked candidates have refused to submit any information about themselves, and only O'Neil, Cox, and Riley have submitted candidate statements on the Blog. George decided to remove them, due to abusive comments, where it should have been for information only, not permitting cross-talk.

    But I see George's point, that the meeting is really an opportunity for the BOT to put a couple of candidates on the spot. Why should Riley be grilled at this meeting, when the measures he submitted would be best discussed with just him ? It is an effort to ride herd on him, when he does have good intentions, but is sensitive to criticism. Not good.

    It speaks of the intentions of the BOT to exert as much influence on the election as possible, to yield the results they expect to get. We have heard about BOT members canvasing J Place and permanent residents to gather their annual proxies and promised votes, inappropriate by any code of honor, yet not specifically illegal.

    The candidate's packets say that candidates are to write a statement of not more than 74 words, and that if over the limit the statements may be edited - by whom ? And it states further that "candidates will have the last say as to approval of the editing." Will the BOT honor that promise ?

    The Newsletter is due out any time now, with less than a month before the election. Most all mail-in votes will have been sent well before the meeting Saturday, July 13th. So the BOT prefers that members know as little as possible about the candidates. That's how it "works" in Surfside.

  3. Nothing "works" in SURFSIDE. Nothing good anyway. It has turned into a slime pit of elite special interests. I propose a riot at the annual creep show. Throw them all out. All they do is cover up the mess they created.

  4. Give me a break. Riley didn't even bother to show to for his measures at the meeting where they were to be discussed so more than likely he won't be at this one either.

  5. This organization is corrupt, and needs to be dissolved. Only then will we be free of these crooks!

  6. It's now almost a year since the EPA inspected our Water Dept. grounds, and levied large fines for improper handling of Asbestos, and the State cited the HOA for building in a Wetland on an improper permit. The BOT has yet to admit to the huge management failure these issues have stemmed from, or explain what has happened, and what they plan to do to correct the problems.

    Our Water Plant may need to be relocated, as well as the Water Dept. warehouse, representing at least $800,000 in member funds. Meanwhile, it is election time, and if we had a responsible membership we would be discussing removing some Board members for this management failure and cover-up.

    Instead, Mr. Clancy, who is single-handedly responsible for the improper permitting, is running for re-election after a year away. Mr.Flood, who has been the driving force behind the waterline replacement and has served on the BOT for 12 years straight, is running for re-election. He managed to fail to recognize that the Water Dept. crew was mishandling Asbestos laden pipe, and failing to oversee worker safety and follow Federally mandated procedures.

  7. Wanna see a totally false story, ck out dec letter to the chinook observer by Leonard Miller. Why was this never challenged?

  8. Flood, Clancy and Williams belong in jail, not on the board. Lock um up!

  9. Throw in Neal and you got a chain gang.

  10. Biggest fear this board has is that Steve Cox will be elected. He may be only one, but he will put them on the spot and demand answers to all the questions they have been ducking. Their BS will not fool him. Tired of the BS and cover up? Cast your vote for Steve.

  11. As expected Riley wasn't there. Same with Cox. Their great at being vocal on a message board but when it comes to actually being there and doing something for the community it's a different story. Those that actually work with and for our community did attend.

    So again, tell me why I should vote for these people. Tell me that other than showing up for a board meeting once a month either in person or phone, how can I expect that they will be involved with the committees they get assigned to or other community issues or that they won't end up quitting after being elected.

  12. As we have all noticed, its pointless to attend bot meetings unless board changes. Why open yourself to that bs.

  13. 8:08....Steve has been entirely open and honest about his views on Surfside issues, for anyone who reads the Blog. Unless those who attended the meeting today know the other candidates personally, there has been no information about their views available.

    Steve attended the last Board Meeting and was introduced to the owners in attendance. 8:08 is eager to discredit Steve, so is obviously concerned he may be elected, and be effective in the role.

  14. I am wondering how legal it is to rent property from the golf curse when it is actually owned by the Washington State Parks Department.

  15. Surfside owns a lot of property. Granted, much of it is wetland, but $5000 annually for this purpose seems like a waste of money, and the location, a matter of convenience.

    But a larger concern is, Surfside is cutting deals with North Beach Water Dept., while having refused to discuss the management failure at the Waterworks, and the EPA criminal investigation that began about last year at this time. Bill Neal was key in the failure to properly handle Asbestos, the failure to hold safety meetings as required by law, and the failure to provide workers with proper training and protection from airborne fibers.

    The membership has been denied any detailed accounting of these serious violations, yet North Beach, who is responsible, as is the Surfside HOA, for a total lack of oversight of Neil's operation, appears to be calling the shots, which work in their favor. They have been shielded from blame by the Surfside stonewalling and cover-up, and there is no indication that any procedures have been put in place to prevent further screw-ups.

    Neil continues as if he merely farted in public. The members have been burnt badly by these management failures, and workers lives have been put in jeopardy, with no acknowledgement by the Board of Trustees.

    The improper permitting of the Plant and Warehouse could lead to their being re-located. The State has required that Surfside donate 12 times as much land to become wetlands, in order to continue operating at the current site. With much of the community's land already designated as wetlands, that is a tall order.

    A year after the State discovered the improper permitting, no resolution has been made, and the HOA owners have NOT been told about these issues. Meanwhile, the BOT has been paying the HOA attorney $500/hr. to work on these issues. This is MEMBER money folks !! And we are about to have elections, 2 candidates up to their neck in blame for these massive screw-ups. NO to Clancy, and NO to Flood.

  16. Like ive said before n told crazy, new equipment, new vehicles, new pipe, new filter assy, new buildings. Employees going from shoa to northbeach after training. You idiots really surprised?

    1. Try learning English before you start calling people idiots.

  17. If you believe that there has been rampant excessive spending on nothing, youhaven't seen anything yet if Clancy is elected. Flood just needs to fade away, and Olds was brought in through collusion and doesn't need to continue. Vote for anyone but these three.

  18. 9:35 sez ...Nothing is as apparent as you would like to pretend. Your judgement is questionable considering you are calling people you don't know "IDIOTS". There are many questions left unanswered as this cluster of avoidable mistakes turned into a full-blown crisis. For the HOA to pretend this isn't member business is to not understand their role, to SERVE the membership, and govern with care and humility.

    The BOT are not elected as experts in any field, and have authority only as an elected body, having no individual authority without group approval.

  19. Steve Cox now has additional candidate information posted on the candidate page on the left.

  20. 9:35 n idiots comment not the same person. As Gump would say "stupid is as stupid does"

  21. Long as you take a course on reading comprehension.

    1. Comprehension isn't the problem.
      Believing your BS, that will always be a problem.
