
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Where We Are

It's only going to get worse.


The criminal investigations by the EPA is continuing.
This could result in court actions, fines and other restrictions. Individuals as well as the Board could face criminal charges. L&I has issued fines as well as other actions in association of workers exposed to safety hazards.

Carbon treatment plant :

The plant has not had the building constructed around the plant because of the lack of proper permits. It has been disclosed that if the building had been constructed as the approved design, a portion would have had to be removed to fill the carbon filter material.  The plant is in operation but requires continual adjustments.

Wet lands:

The carbon treatment plant, a flushing pond, and other related issues has resulted in County fines. To mitigate the wet lands issues may require as much as 50,000 dollars. Restoration of the site to wet lands or purchase of additional property that can be converted to wet lands is under study and consideration. The study alone is costing thousands of dollars.  These funds are not in the budget.

Thousands of wasted member funds are being spent on a study of the wet lands around the RV storage and compactor site.  Expansion of the storage site is the consideration.

Pipe line replacement:

We have spent close to a million dollars on this project with out a bit of proof that it is needed. Reasons for breaks has been said are due to....dry lose sand, wet heavy sand, old used pipe, etc. etc.


We continue to subject members to harassment and high costs to comply with outdated, unfair covenants that are enforced by an elite group that think they are entitled to more than the other members.

Computer age:

 Failed computer systems over and over and lack of transparent information to the members continues.

And, on and on and on: