
Monday, April 22, 2019

Earth Day

Surfside observance...


Today is Earth Day. This is a day to observe good stewardship of our planet with appreciation of the beauty and benefits of our natural resources.

Surfside provides an example of the disregard for good practices to save our planet from exploration for selfish reasons.  We should be setting a good example, rather than the bad. "Shameful"

How many trees did we kill today?
How much wet land did we pollute and destroy today?
How much land did we clear today?
How much additional surface water increased today?
How much bare soil or sand was exposed today?
How much hazard waste was was buried today?
Did we create a dump site today?

Where is our land use plan?

There is no celebration here, only shame.


  1. OK George, besides the propaganda you are spewing.

    I remember the first Earth Day in 1970 i think? I was around 10 years old and attending a small private school. After lunch we were giving garbage bags and told to prowl around the surrounding neighbor hood in small groups in search of trash to collect.It was fun and got us out of the class for a little while. Boy, you couldn't do that anymore..let the kids run wild during school time without direct supervision around the hood!

  2. Our public schools do provide teaching to promote good stewardship. I think you are confusing facts with propaganda. For people like you, it seems to depend on who is saying it rather than accepting the facts. For someone who is 59 years old, you have a lot to learn. Perhaps if you had attended public schools like most of us, you would have a better comprehension and appreciation of the facts.

  3. Now I'm confused I'm not really sure what your statement means: so in your mind, private schools are worse than public schools? I think you had one too many bunny eggs on your porch this weekend.

  4. Besides the propaganda that George is spewing....

    You're supercilious attitude is neither amusing nor desired. Your pathetic attempt to deflect the real issues on this blog demeans you.

    Please don't blame the private schools, George.I went to them for 12 years, and they did teach us better.

    Listen to your elders. You do have a lot to learn.

  5. Btw, earth day was created to bring awareness to global cooling, we are spose to be dead by now.

  6. 1:27 brought up the "private school", not George. Most would just say school. The person making the comment must have thought that point was important. Maybe a little elitist. Just another diversion of the posted topic to avoid the miserable job done in Surfside.

  7. Wow, you folks are very touchy. The fact the someone mentioned a private school in their post gets everyone worked up?

    The issues on this blog are coming from a very small group on members who want to change things to match their needs, I would call that elitist.

    1. "You folks'. U and us. That about says it all.

      That group you refer to has grown exponentially over the last 2 years. I'd be concerned about that if I were you, since your gravy train might run off the track.

  8. Group "on" members? I would call that stupid. Better go back to school.

  9. On instead of " of " is a typo so lighten up. And I happen to like Groupon. It's a wonderful site.
