
Saturday, March 16, 2019

St. Pats Day Event

Pictures of Surfside event...,

Just in case you missed it like I did.  Most here I like, but a couple that I really don't. I am sure the feeling is mutual. Louise Purden took the pictures.


  1. Huge turnout! It must be the biggest event ever in SS.

  2. They all look so happy lol

  3. Looks like the GANG to me! No one else in their right mind would attend one of their SS GATHERINGS, Been there done that once. Will never attend another one of their CRONIE socials.

  4. Oh yeah I see troublemaker King Kirby is front and center drinking his hoochie pop! What a jerk!

  5. Look at Mark Scott suck up to Gary Williams. In that picture they're probably enjoying Mark's recent proxy voting proposal. They're laughing all the way to their bank.

  6. This is 03/17 12:20 PM.
    I meant to say "our bank". Sorry about that.

  7. I don't understand the need to belittle these folks, as they are just partying a bit. Failures and dishonesty in the Boardroom is another thing altogether. Treating most of the membership as an unnecessary nuisance is not acceptable.

  8. I doubt they're talking about Maewynn Succat converting the Druids to Christianity.

  9. I do, so few there with that company.

  10. Do you know a lot about the Druids?
    I've read some on the Gauls, Gaelics, and ultimately the Druids.
    They ruled Western Europe into a little of the Middle East for something like 7,000 years.

  11. They all look so old & unhealthly

  12. Maybe some were exposed to asbestos.

  13. Looks like a good time, good job folks, wish I could have been there

  14. You people are quite a bunch. Happy for you that you have found a place to revel in your negativity.

  15. Yes, you fit in quite nicely 10:53 PM.
    You proxy voting supporter. You're so happy that the BOT can allegedly fabricate proxy votes. Let's see all the proxy votes from November 2017.
    Well, members can play the proxy voting game too!!!

  16. Something is wrong with 4:58 AM. Did you fall and hit your head this morning, maybe you should call 911?

  17. I just did 8:58 AM. Thanks for caring.

  18. Glad to see that small self interest group enjoying our money.

    You are judged by the company you keep. Others agree, judging by the attendance.

  19. Very true indeed 11:24.

  20. It was a potluck, so no expense there. They usually pay the music people a small sum. Maybe not these as they are members and probably donated their time and talent. Ir would be a conflict if they were paid.

  21. I think for the next get together we should have a show of force, make a true MEMBERSHIP gala, lots of people, lots of good times, and show what a good HOA team can accomplish.

  22. I will do absolutely nothing to support a board that operates in such a high handed, illegal, non communicative fashion.
    The best thing that group could do is resign in mass.

  23. 12:20 Mr Scott is probably finding out who Mr. Williams wants to have him do a bit of drone spying on. Been a light business since Patrick was spied on.

  24. Hence why we are all anoymous,lol

  25. I see 03/19 2:22 PM. So never identifiably take a stand on anything, be afraid, and hide your name while calling others out. I don't find any of that funny at all.

  26. Who else thinks what 03/19 2:22 PM said is funny? Please identify yourself.

  27. Mike, please understand that retaliation has been a real issue here. These people have forced their own Board members out of the area. Opposing opinions or ideas to mature the organization are met with active anger and rejection by this special interest group that has seized power.

    They have conspired to push their platform above all others, and have no ethics or morals to reign them in. They need to go.

  28. It's time to stand up and be counted members.
    If you let fear and intimidation by any BOT control you, they win and continue to win.
    By merely saying anonymously on this blog "they need to go" changes nothing.

    One of my first statements on this blog should have been a different statement. I'm a bit lucky with having a vacant lot, not just my age. I have nothing built so the BOT has nothing to retaliate against me for.

    1. Now that the Compliance Officer will be implemented, SHOA will have a reason to retaliate against me. I will be topping my trees this weekend. They are only 4 feet over the limit, but I have always wanted to follow rules and I don't want a frivolous lawsuit filed against me. Unfortunately SHOA plays favorites and allows BOT Members variances without a vote.

  29. It comes down to voting, if you vote you can incur change. Why aren't more people voting? 300 out of 2000+ is a pretty big statement however quiet it is

  30. I was never given an opportunity to vote on the shed overhang CC&R.

  31. Provide proof where any Trustee was given a variance that others have not gotten also.

    Right, you can't.

    Now that we have a Compliance Officer maybe people will start following the rules they signed when they bought here.

  32. In terms of SHOA lawsuits against members, we haven't seen anything yet compared to what's coming.

  33. 3:26 Suggest you look into the middle of the night deal that Clancy got to construct his eyesore on I Street and call it a “service building”. It does not meet current covenant requirements due to the siding construction.

  34. What is a service building?

  35. Clancy was not a board member when he built his structure.

  36. Good for you Mike Reilly in trimming your trees, just like a good member should

    1. Would you please spell my last name correctly. I'm assuming you didn't do that intentionally?

  37. 11:05. You are wrong.

  38. The planning for Clancy's structure occurred when Clancy was a mere mortal like the rest of us. And than god he came along to right the ship as treasurer. Between truck driver Chris and a well meaning but small business owner (cafe I think) as a pseudo bookkeeper we needed his leadership.

  39. Leadership my ass. His big mouth bullying has done a great deal of damage to our HOA that we will be paying for, for years. He is directly responsible for the new warehouse and filter plant fiasco. He is a writer of tree complaints on his neighbors, while devaluing their property values with his metal shed. He is nothing more than just another J Place elitist. If he had his way as a treasurer, we would all be paying twice the amount in dues we do now. He and his overbearing ways need to move on. We do not want him involved with Surfside in any way. He and his wannabe elitist friends need to get a life and get out of ours.

  40. Clancy had also wanted to employ drones to police Surfside.

  41. Clancy had early on worked his way to be in effect a member of both the Board and the ARC. Partially due to the fact that he would cruise the neighborhood and proudly authored as many as 30 complaints per month against others, something he was and still is quite proud of. Find out when the plans were submitted, when and by whom they were approved and how many contracts his builder has received from SHOA since that time and who was the principal in their award.

  42. How did this topic veer so far off point? Oh, forgot who we are primarily dealing with here as posters. Attention span and all that.

  43. Ok 03/25 5:38 PM. What do you think about the SHOA St. Pat's Day event? Did you attend?
    My post is the first one on this topic.

  44. 6:04 PM. It was far too crowded for me. I get claustrophobic.

  45. 604 - as stated earlier, you are judged by the company you keep. I generally prefer socializing with people who are honest and trustworthy.

  46. 1:12 PM. Very good point. You are wise. I agree.
