
Friday, March 15, 2019

New General Manager

Limited information...

At this time I have limited information on the new hire.
I hope he has been informed of the legal issues with fines and on going investigations including criminal. He is on the Saturday Board Meting Agenda, to be introduced.  Will there be questions allowed by the Board members and those present at the meeting?  Will there be information about him presented and published?  Many more questions than answers.  I am sure that followers of this blog will be researching more information than what I can provide here at this time.   We wish him well in his new position as General Manager.  To avoid a rush to judgement, full information should and must be provided about the new General Manager.

His name is Thomas Reber from Tacoma Washington. 
His last position was as General Manager of an HOA (gated) out of Olympia Washington named...
Carlyon Beach HOA  It is located between Olympia and Shelton on Hoods Canal.
I am not aware of other positions he has held. 

Below is his Face Book page picture.  Some information is available there.

Thomas Reber, new Surfside General Manager


  1. I doubt there will be questions from the board. I believe that was the purpose of the not too secret meeting last week. I will assume that as usual any member questions would be during the floor comment section. Since that is scheduled before his introduction I would guess there will be none for him.

    I do appreciate your statement wishing him well but unfortunately there have already been negative comments made before he has worked one day. Same thing happens to new Trustee's the day after an election. Sad, but that's how things are nowadays.

  2. Oh geez. No offence to Mr Reber, but hes too old for this job, we need someone who can run around bit. Carolyn Beach is a nice community and has had major land slide and water issues in the past. Hopefully he know his SH!T

  3. So who is 6:48 to be "appreciating" George's optimistic good wishes, and offering no name ? While it is true that anyone who takes on positions of authority in an organization stands to face criticism, it's a given part of the role so buck-up and quit the whining. Your statement is a ridiculous exaggeration. With only 300 votes cast each year, Surfside is not the harsh political environment you claim.

    We've had enough b.s. and deception in the last couple of years to make everyone have reservations about an HOA hire. So yes, he will have to prove himself, as is always the case when the constituents have been disrespected and marginalized.

  4. It looks to me like Surfside has at last hired someone with pertinent experience. I say, give the guy a chance. He may be the best hope that we have.

  5. Right. He can't be any worse than what we have now. I hope he is a mean old guy who won't take any crap from anyone. Especially the board.

  6. He doesn't need to be mean. Smart, personable and fairly honest will do.

  7. First thing he needs to do that will show he is in charge, reduce excess employees, and fire some.

  8. I don't understand why Mr. Cox felt the need to go after 6:48. It looks to me he was complimenting George's statement. What's wrong with that?

    He is right, before the guy has started people where on here basically saying he was going to be a stooge for the board. Look at the second comment that goes after him for his age for a recent example. While I agree that facing criticisms is part of the position it should only be in response to ones actions. Anyone who has lived here longer than you knows for a fact that after elections there have been new Trustee's criticized before they have even started for many reasons, mostly for where there address is location. The only people who would say it's an exaggeration is someone who has been here for a short time.

  9. I think it is only natural to be suspicious of any action by this board. It's really surprising they were able to find anyone to take on this mess so quick.

  10. No one has any reason to pass any kind of judgement on the man, so quit the whimpering. The comment that we should feel sorry for the guy if someone is skeptical is also pitiful. I expect him tp be tough enough to handle the job, and probably doesn't care about ramblings on the Blog.

    I will be optimistic until I have a solid basis for concern. Sheesh. No one has endured more b.s. just for taking on the role of Trustee than D. Blagg, and those who dish it out feel no remorse nor can they reel it in. We still hear the same nonsense every time she makes a comment.

    If he caves to BOT pressure in the short term we will have reason for concern. But HOAs are famous for dysfunction and players who seek to intimidate and dominate the discussion. I expect Mr. Reber to be prepared, and able to stand his ground. We will hope that's the case, and progress can be made.

  11. For crying out loud, nobody is whimpering, you're just being a dick. I guess it comes from living in the world of constant negativity on social media.

    And to say Blagg has endured the most is B.S. I don't recall anytime when the main topic is about her like you see with the board, workers and committee members.

    1. Then you haven't been watching very closely, Board Member.

      Deb has endured more than she should have, due to the fact that we have people here that want absolutely no change. That is illogical and irresponsible.

      As to being a d***, you would know more about that.

  12. While I won't quite put it in those terms not a board member, I don't understand either why Cox felt the need to comment the way he did. Not too surprised though that it was coming from him. I wasn't whimpering nor was I saying Surfside is a harsh political environment. No where do I see in my comment or others that we should feel sorry for him either. Then after the attacks you make statements like "No one has any reason to pass any kind of judgement", which is basically what I was saying.

    I was just stating a fact based on my years of living here along with thanking George for his statement. Chill out.

  13. First, 6:48 must be a Trustee, so why anonymous ? And if there have been skeptical comments, so what ? Why wring our hands and feel sorry for him ? It's not stated but clearly implied.

    Why not be optimistic ? My point is that everyone who takes on such a role will meet skepticism, and some people tend to never be satisfied. I am not such a person, nor do I spend time on Social Networks. I follow the Blog, and otherwise, do not spend much time on the computer. By the way, critical comments are not "attacks", speaking of being hysterical.

    Interesting how quickly and easily you call me a "dick", and make disparaging remarks about me that are baseless. Hypocritical ! But I'm a shell of a man after your "attacks", I'll just go feel sorry for myself.(snicker)

  14. Just FYI, Carolina beach is not located on Hood Canal it is in the South Puget Sound area

  15. Carlyon Beach is near Shelton, so probably on the same Bay. That is where the new hire has served as GM.

  16. No one is "whining" about Deb Blagg, and in particular, Deb Blagg has never "whined" about the "club" that hounds her.You would not fare as well 11:25, as you think it's fine when it's someone else, or a woman. No one with a sense of common decency would condone such treatment, but you do. That makes your opinion irrelevant.

  17. I wish Mr. Rebar much success. He’s led other HOAs and brings administrative and leadership experience to Surfside. The proof will be in his ability to work independently of Board intrusion and micromanagement. I realize the Board hired him, but even incorrigibles might get it right sometimes. Let’s hope this was a good hire. I don’t know if the offer includes relocating him, if so and this doesn’t work out, it will be another total waste of SHOA members’ money.

  18. Yes Ms. deLeest, we hear you. And we've heard enough of this nonsense. Deb tried to do what needed to be done. Had Gary Williams been removed, we would not have likely pursued the inane lawsuits, 2 taken to Superior Court at an expense of about $125,000, and both were withdrawn as they were not going to succeed. Had anyone but Williams or that crowd been president last year, we may well have avoided the Water Dept. meltdown. Someone new would have likely taken a closer look at what was going on.

    In the same sense, had Flood been jettisoned, a replacement may have seen that the Water Dept. Comm. wasn't monitoring the procedures at the plant at all. Leaving all of these self-entitled poops in these roles assured that nothing would change, nothing would be reviewed, and disaster would not be diverted by anyone taking any real initiative to take a second look.

    Deb knew that the attitude that stood in the way of the Tech Comm. and efforts to bring on-line voting was also the attitude that assured that big egos in the Boardroom would translate to a community disaster, and there would be no Board personalities with the courage to prevent it. So stuff your baloney about Deb Blagg. It's what weak unmotivated people use for an excuse for doing nothing in the Boardroom that makes a difference.

    The Board is pure dead weight, and Winegar and deLeest are key supporters of Williams who have enabled this massive failure of management.

  19. 421 not the same bay not even close as far as the water is concerned. Check your map, although both are salt water, they don't share the same water. Two different bodies.

  20. All for change, write a letter to the Secretary of State, Kim Wyman, and the Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, as I did last week

  21. 8:19....Im fine with being corrected, but why did you comment, but not offer any correct information ? This is what makes the Blog more arguments than real discussion.

    One comment said "Caroline Beach is up north in the Puget Sound", and George said it is on Hood Canal. I've been to Carlyon Beach, so know where it is generally, and stated what I knew offhand, without consulting a map.

    It is quite a ways south of Hood Canal, equidistant from Olympia and Shelton, about 15 miles from each. The HOA Community is on the Steamboat Island Peninsula, about 8 miles north of Hwy. 101., and "has about 1300 residents". It is on essentially the same body of water as Shelton, though Shelton is on an small isolated Bay. Carlyon is near Hartsteen Island, across a strait. ----4:21

  22. Who cares what body of water it is on? What kind of manager was he? That's what I want to know.

  23. Good point 11:10. Anybody know anyone at the last HOA he worked for?


    So his last position at the HOW ended over 4 years ago, position ended, so we know why? Displays no current experience, same with his prior position. Looks like he's left a number of positions to 'start a business', which is kinda concerning.


  26. Oak Shores Community Association is an HOA on Lake Nacimiento in San Luis Obispo County, California. The September 2016 minutes of the Board of Directors of the Oak Shores Community Association announce they hired a new GM, Thomas Reber from Tacoma WA, to replace their retiring General Manager. Just three months later, the December 2016 minutes of the Board of Directors of the Oak Shores Community Association includes a Summary of Executive Session announcing that the General Manager, one Thomas Reber, was let go and that the Association is advertising for the position. Three months and gone. Oh dear.

    1. Wow, excellent research 3:24 PM!
      You are awesome and show you really care about your community.
      Thank you so much for sharing this information.
      Please make electronic copies and backup electronic copies of this information.
      Mike Riley

  27. This Board has done enough to have themselves be fired!, no need to reiterate all of the bad deeds they have done, bad decisions, illegal actions and so on. If what 3:24 says is associated with the new GM hire, we can no longer allow this Board to continue ie this is the LAST STRAW! Where is this so-called letter and meeting that I have bee reading about. If we sit still for whatever reason, we are as guilty as they are.

  28. If this guy is in the current board's pocket, which is almost a certainty, he needs to go sooner rather than later! Any decision made by this board from this point is highly suspect.

  29. If you have read the entire strand you will understand WHY the discussion on location of Carlyon Beach was detailed. People are curious so may as well state the accurate information. It's worthwhile to have a basic understanding of the geography of the area, and the nature of the community Mr. Reber managed. Instead of complaining, why don't you do your own research 8:19, 11:10, and 12:29.

    If you're in a big hurry to get information, why are you on the Blog ?

    Interesting that Reber's last job did not go well. Also interesting that he was hired so quickly, given his work history.

  30. What do you expect when the three newest board members do the job search? They checked his job references. They should have checked with his former employers. Looks like we got another yes person. Are we going to buy him new boots?

  31. How about giving this new GM a chance before making judgements? The information that is online would make it a reasonable guess that he is one of those folks who didn't prepare for retirement so is forced to work to survive.

  32. maybe mr reber was trying to do the right thing at his last positions and pissed off the boards, so they got mad and fired him?

  33. As a retired law enforcent background investigator/hiring official, the resume I see would bring up a lot of questions. Especially someone who reports directly to the BOT under investigation and not the General membership. Please request him to write up his background and who he supports here in the weekender.

  34. Have they hired a compliance officer yet

  35. No, it is on hold until the new General Manager takes charge. He will be part of the selection process. At this time, any complaints made are also on hold as Laura is only working part time.

  36. 8:15, failed to prepare for retirement? Alot of times its out of ones control. Dont be such an elitest.

  37. It is not elitist to save and sacrifice for a secure retirement. Many of us prepare with insurance and savings to meet the catastrophes that could derail comfortable retirement.

  38. While I wish the new GM success in clearing and cleaning things up, the BOT can and has terminated many good and dedicated employees. We had an awesome, dedicated and loyal GM who was canned when the Board and President felt he had more power and control then they did. Pretty amazing since he had very good performance appraisal shortly before being let go.

    It wont matter if we have the best candidate for whatever position. If the current or future Board and President feel overshadowed or made to look bad by an employee doing his/her job, they WILL be let go of quickly. Its tough to be an employee at SHOA when you are at the whim of a revolving door of masters.

  39. I thought that Laura had always worked part time> What am I missing?

  40. 5:51 she was hired as a full time business manager in 2012, you definitely missed something

  41. I would be surprised if we see anyone from the blog run for a trustee position. They'll leave it someone then crucify him/her later

  42. 03/28 10:36 AM. What does your second sentence mean? What are you saying?

  43. 11:13 excuse the typo, I believe that no one on the blog will run and they will leave it to someone then when that person falls below their expectation they will crucifix them here.

    1. More accurately, we do not want to be villified and argued with while trying to do good for the community. That is the future of a board member who's not hand picked by the current board.

  44. I understand 12:40. That is part of the reason I'm so undecided about running.

    In my early to mid twenties when I worked for a cardboard container warehouse, a Division Director came by and talked to the warehouse personnel. I got to talk with him one on one. After I told him about some of the unreasonable demands from some of my coworkers, he told me "Well My Name, some people just like to complain". I've always remembered that conversation.
