
Friday, March 8, 2019

Facts Are Facts

Blog comment is right on...

Another "Anonymous" comment that states the truth.
These are the kind of comments where there is a factual dialog. We all learn from informative comments.  The author is right on about getting the members to give a damn. I think they will when they are better informed.  That is the goal of this blog with posted honest facts and conversation.  It is appearing more and more that this will be a decisive year for our Homeowners Association.

I do not expect an "apology" from this Board, but if they did, it might indicate admitting to a poor performance and trying to make corrections.  Thanks to the member who posted the comment below.

.Anyone who doesn't recognize that our HOA Board is responsible for all of the management failure that has lead to a Federal investigation is just not paying attention. While North Beach shares in the responsibility, as does Bill Neal, Surfside failed to put in place ANY oversight. That should have been routine for the Water Dept. Committee of which long time Trustee Jim Flood was a part, Neal required to attend Comm. meetings.

Failure to properly permit construction of the Water Dept. Equipment shed built in 2017, as well as the Carbon Treatment Plant, holding pond, and enclosure Bldg. for the Plant, was mishandled by the BOT Treasurer James Clancy. All of these projects should have been scrutinized by all Board members.

There have been many improprieties in conducting HOA business, particularly on the part of Gary Williams, making secret decisions in private meetings in violation of the State RCWs and our Bylaws, and spending vast sums of member funds on ill-founded lawsuits which have failed, totaling well over $125,000 and counting. The BOT has done nothing to set tight limits on this runaway spending.

No progress has been made in gaining approval of construction permits, the CTP stop-work order issued last July. The Plant has not been properly maintained since started-up about a year ago. Worst of all, the BOT has lied about our status with regulators, and has refused to disclose ANYTHING about the numerous fronts on which we are in serious trouble with County, State and Federal regulators. We know that the BOT issued a check to L&I ($27,000)to pay Asbestos related fines in November, and have never acknowledged it.

So we don't have any evidence to base a recall on ? You gotta be kidding. The challenge is getting members to give a damn. That's as much the cause of all of these problems as Board incompetence. Many owners would rather ignore the truth or pretend it's not so. Facts are facts folks, and these are the facts. Still, no word from a single Trustee to apologize for management failures, incurring fines through sheer stupidity, and wasting member money on frivolous legal exploits which have failed.


  1. I'm in. At some point, this madness needs to end.

  2. YES!,, By the way did anybody go to the “special Board meeting” yesterday? My notification through the Weekender came only hours before the meeting. Thought we had a notification time criteria? Just hope the applicant wasn’t Bill Neal. Any feedback?

  3. Not Neal. They are going to put all the blame on him.

  4. So 6:39 PM are those thumbs opposable?

  5. I'm confused> Is there a difference between an " honest fact " and whatever other type there might be?
