
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Board Meeting Summary

March 16, 2019...

I have added the red writing to help explain what the minutes are really about.  Your welcome.

March 16, 2019

Board Members Present: Gary Williams, Scott Winegar, Rudd Turner, Larry Raymer, Annette deLeest, Mark Scott & Kurt Olds. James A. Flood, Jr. and Chris Chandler via speakerphone.
Staff Present: Laura Frazier, Kimber Holtermann, Heidi Larson, Gil Gonzalez

Call to Order: Gary Williams called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Agenda: MP to adopt the agenda for the March 16, 2019 Regular Board Meeting.
Safety Message: Gary Williams gave this month’s safety message; Recommendation to sign up for the Pacific County Emergency Notification and comply with all water safety requirements.
(Rather than give a silly safety message, It would be better to report on the safety meetings and safety training of the employees. L&I requires safety meetings with minutes which they found the HOA violated) 

Sheriff’s Report: Deputy Ostgaard provided written and verbal reports for February 2019.

Minutes Approval: MP to approve the minutes of the February 16, 2019 Regular Board Meeting and the minutes of the March 8, 2019 Special Board Meeting.
(I will be publishing the Special (secrete) Board Meeting minutes.   

Floor Comments:
Steve Flickinger stated that he hadn’t received the notification from Pacific County. The reason for that is probably because of the fact that the address is listed as Surfside instead of Ocean Park.
(I think they are talking about emergency notification about boil water)

Old Business:
A. D-B-L #20-01-31 Variance Application – MP to approve the height variance for DBL #20-03-31/35000 J Pl.
( This is for the house height for the new home for the deleest property on J Place. They paid by check #8216, the 360.00 varience fee.) 

B. 2019 Reserve Study Update- MP to adopt the 2019 Draft Reserve Study pending correction of asset list.
(The Reserve study is required by State law. It is an approximation of replacement costs on a time frame for member assets. It has always been greatly flawed. Some correction will help. Trustee Raymer noted that corrections need to be made.)

C. Complaint #5125 fines appeal- MP to hold the fines in abeyance until May 2, 2019 as long as the increased square footage is completed by that time.
( This is about the small house that was moved to division 16 (near Skating Lake) from OP when they built the new pharmacy there. To be covenant compliant the square footage needs to be increased, which they are in the process of doing. This is the same party that has the yard art boat on I Street)

D. 2019 Fishing Derby – Volunteers are needed for the event; call the business office for more information.

E. RV Storage Ad-Hoc discussion – The Lands & Building Committee will continue to work on the RV Renovation project.
( Because of the wet lands, there is not much that can be done except to improve electrical and redesign for larger RV's, but at the loss of spaces. Additional RV storage sites are being discussed. Simple solution: Allow RV's year round.)

New Business:

A. Introduction of the new General Manager- Tom Reber, the new General Manager was introduced to the Board, members present and staff. Tom Spoke briefly about himself.
( A brief introduction with no questions or discussion)

B. Check Signers Motion – MP to name the following as new check signers effective April 1, 2019: James A. Flood, Jr., Scott Winegar, Rudd Turner, Annette deLeest, Larry Raymer, Mark Scott, Chris Chandler, Kurt Olds and Tom Reber.

C. Draft 2019-2024 Financial Strategic Plan – MP to adopt the Draft 2019-2024 Financial Strategic Plan.
( I expect this to be published on the web site. Treasurer, Rudd Turner has done a good job on this. I may publish it here, but is lengthy and detailed. It shows our future spending plans.)

D. Fishing Rules – MP to adopt the Fishing Rules Board Policy as submitted.

E. Property offer by member – This item was tabled until the April 2019 Regular Board Meeting to allow the Lands & Building Committee more discussion.
(  Someone wants to unload their property onto Surfside. A committee person has a wild hair about using the lot as additional RV storage. (Clancy) (not his property)  These fools have even discussed putting RV storage in areas where RV's are not allowed year round. .  Really, I don't make this up.)

Incoming Correspondence –No discussion
(guess they didn't discuss my correspondence about Tree committee being a conflict of interest with all those J Place committee members. )
Outgoing Correspondence-No discussion
Meetings & Contacts – Larry Raymer met with the Flood Advisory Board; the work at Twin Lakes has been put on hold.

Staff, Trustee & Committee Reports:
• MP to accept all staff, trustee and committee reports.
• MP to adjourn the meeting of the March 16, 2019 Regular Board Meeting of the Surfside Homeowners Association.
• Adjourn: 11:49 a.m.

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