Under the page subject WATER, on the left side under pages, there are some interesting comments and valid questions. I think it is worth your review and further comments.

I can't understand why SHOA failed to pull permits and get studies done. They harp on us every week in their Surf Sider to remind us to submit plans and pull permits for our projects, but then pull this crap! Got us some real winners running things around here.

Seems the more we spend the worse our water gets...deferred maintenance is not a good plan either...

At this point the big question has to be, is our water safe to drink? The mandated CTP that was forced on us by the state was to make our water safe. Now that the CTP has maintenance deferred I have to assume our water is back to the unsafe condition it was before the CTP was added. When was the last time water samples were taken and what are the results?

At this time, our water is safe to drink. It is constantly tested.

Ok then, was our water safe for human consumption BEFORE we purchased the CTP? I would think since the media hasn't been changed/backwashed/cleaned then it could be adding contaminants that were not present before the CTP was installed. Operating outside published procedures can't be good.

The real issue for us members is that we have been told so many different stories, we don't know what to believe. We contracted with North Beach to manage our water system. How did that work for us? We are asked to trust our directors. They are volunteers. Contracts require more than trust, they require performance. The Board failed the members at least once on safe water and no changes were made. They continue on with the same old, and we are expected to expect better results? I don't think so.

I don't have my water fully hooked up yet. Has anyone tried a home water testing kit? Just curious?
ReplyDelete$40 and the county will test your water.
we need to go Erin Brockovich on their asses...
ReplyDeleteThere are many worthwhile questions to ask regarding our water quality and the potential for needing to take the CTP Plant off-line, either short term or permanently.
ReplyDeleteMost central to the matter is, the status of efforts to secure permits to continue the use of the current Waterworks site. It is obvious that the community has committed vast resources to the purchase of the Carbon Treatment Plant and that this site has been actively serving the community for many years.
The "stop-work-order was issued in Aug. or early Sept.. Four months later there has been no significant progress ? THIS IS CRITICAL !! Drinking water can have a myriad of impurities including prescription drugs, and in unacceptable concentrations, and still be considered "safe" in the sense that moderate intake won't kill you.
This situation is not getting enough attention from the BOT and is the most critical matter the BOT must resolve. This should be addressed at the next BOT Meeting, among the many valid questions on problems the Board's incompetence has brought upon us.
My confidence in our Board to manage this valuable resource is such that I have spent over $900 to filter all incoming water to my home. It certainly was not in the budget, but seemed prudent, concerning the chaos our homeowners association is in.
ReplyDeleteOur water has never tested clean. We used several different tbs testers to test. The past 10 years we have used a distillery and natural spring water. With the distilled water We add electrolytes and minerals.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should go back and see what Bob H said (wrote) regarding water quality, before all the wasted money etc etc.
Yup, notice water passed tests n few burst pipes before Neal?
ReplyDeleteWould Mr, Haskins please post his degrees and/or certifications as to his qualifications for running our water department. That way I can decide for myself if he was wronged or not.
ReplyDeleteWould 8:31 please post your name so we can decide why you are asking a dumb question or not? Bob had the required certificates, where as Neal did not until surfside sent him to class and paid for it. Neal did not even hae common sense about AC pipe, Bob did.
ReplyDeleteMr. Haskins and his background is irrelevant. We built the CTP to satisfy a State mandate that the community improve water quality. As I mentioned at 12:33, water can have high levels of impurities and still be deemed "safe to drink". Our water tested consistently high in pollutants related to household detergents, not considered acceptable long term.
ReplyDeleteSurfside was required to improve water quality, and that is why the CTP was built. Common sense tells us that failing to order enough carbon material when first setting-up the plant, and failing to maintain the plant as required by the manufacturer, as has occurred, nullifies the benefit at some point.
The HOA Board seems to think that proper protocol in maintenance can be ignored and has decided to delay proper maintenance for many more months yet keep the plant online. As none of the Trustees is an expert in Water treatment, this attitude is irresponsible, and demonstrates a lack of understanding and urgency that this issue demands.
The only credentials that most here on this blog care about are that you have something to say negative about the HOA in general and the board specifically.
ReplyDeleteShow any type of positive action as an organization. Only then can you make that statement. Until then, you're just a shill.
DeleteThere's nothing wrong with the water, I drink it straight from the tab, it keep me all warm inside and I'm rapidly losing weight?
ReplyDelete9:44, we failed tests related to chlorine treatment byproducts. Yellow water caused by tanins left in water by veg matter breakdown. Detergents? Really?
ReplyDelete9:44 sez I am not an expert on the chemistry involved, and am trying to convey the overall picture as best I can recall. Your comment relating to chlorine treatment is a factor I recall as well. Many household cleaners contain chlorine and related substances that end up in the water table.
ReplyDelete10:53 - You offer no evidence of your expertise. The point is really missed on you, that our water was not considered adequately safe by the State, and the Plant was built to correct the problem, and comply to a State mandate. It wasn't an arbitrary decision pulled out of a hat, to spend a half million dollars on a Plant we didn't need. We were out of compliance with the State and it took about 5 years for the community to finally build the Plant.
ReplyDeleteRe: February 11, 2019 at 2:49 PM
Should go get a clue, speaks well but is misinformed either by choice or is just a loud mouth fool blowing smoke on this blog.
Get informed or Move along little fella
Fact check...
ReplyDeleteTime and again I keep seeing the phrase that the Carbon Treated Plant was "State mandated". This is 100% false. The State mandated that we provide safe drinking water after test failures. Building the CTP was a response by Bill Neal and the Board. There are a number of options to correct the problem and violations. More and more it appears the CTP was not the right option. Certainly not in the right location. The CTP has turned into a CYA
Well said George. Any doubts, ask city of raymond about their experiance with the same system. They stopped using it before ours was built.
ReplyDeleteWould 9:18 AM please post his/her name so I can know who spouts off without providing proof of what they say. I'm tired of the hundreds of posters who throw stuff out there with no facts.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I haven't seen anyone but me refer to the State mandate, and I have often referred to it in my comments. I have never stated that the CTP itself was mandated, only that it was built to satisfy a State mandate. None of my references currently published on the blog say that this Plant in particular was mandated. I am well aware that this was a choice, and have described that process in detail as well.
ReplyDeleteI think you are mistaken in your comment that anyone has stated that this particular solution was mandated. it was chosen because it has a small footprint, requires a minimum of staff to operate, and is suitable for the size of community it must serve.
I know that George has never been a supporter of this decision, and the Plant is very expensive to maintain. At this point it is of secondary importance to the failure to properly permit the site, and the failure of management that led to legal issues and the requirement to remove the flushing pond.
I do not support the manner in which the decision was made to go with the CTP. Other options should have been given consideration by qualified people. The decision to build it was decided even before the testing results were completed. (fact)
ReplyDeleteIt appears to me that a decision to go with the carbon was made first and then reasons for that decision were made after the fact. You will find that the other water systems in the County require far less people to operate (fact) Bill Neal has lost all credibility as an "expert" The fact is, our water is no better than it was before Bill Neal and spending millions of dollars. Using the term "state mandated" in reference to the carbon treatment plant is misleading. As for the size of staff to operate, staff size has never been a consideration of Neal on anything. My issue is not with Steve Cox, but rather, Bill Neal and the Board, who both share the responsibility for decision making without proof of facts to justify poor decisions.
As always, thank you Steve for your comments, as they generate discussion.
Neal and the bot drug their feet to comply n ran out of time. I.e. no permits and wrong system. Not their money,🤷♂️
ReplyDeleteWe own a Carbon Filter Plant and no amount of revisiting the decision, the process involved, or the lack of merit will change the reality, and what must be done next. Items that cost a half-million dollars are not easily re-sold, or marketed on e-bay.
ReplyDeleteI do not agree that our water is no better than before, as our quality on G street has been markedly better, clarity as well. What is urgently needed is an all-out effort by the HOA to work out some compromise with the various entities to secure permits to continue operating at the same site. The RV lot issues can be redirected to a different site, where the Waterworks have been operating at their current site for years, managing to permit the Equipment Storage Bldg. just a couple of years ago.
Pretending that the Plant can forego proper maintenance in its' first 18 months online and still function properly, is ridiculous and irresponsible. An alternative means of disposing of the flushing water needs to be found so that new carbon can replace the used as the manufacturer has instructed.
What is passed off as the BOT's plan, is not really a plan at all.
Well Steve, there seems to be a permitting issue with the equipment storage building also. Seems it was not permitted properly because it's location was also in a wet land. Or, part of it or it's proximity to the wet land. It may also have to be removed. The sky really is falling, on our heads. There is much more that will be revealed at the appropriate time. In the mean time, the investigation continues.
ReplyDeleteHoly cow George,
Are you serious about the new water building /shed?
All these issues were discussed during my time but I always said that there were too many complications utilizing the Booster / well property and never encouraged any action toward expanding it use over what it was currently be used for.
This is why I wanted to combine the Business office and the water facilities on the 315th street property.
If you guys want some help, I charge by the hour
Good Luck Guys
Bob, we are dealing with evil. It is scary.
ReplyDeleteIt would seem a black and white issue - they either were issued a permit to build the Storage Building, or built without a permit. I hear you George, and don't doubt the accuracy of your information, but this is really such a morass of screw-ups that it boggles the mind. If someone set out to destroy the community, this could serve as their template.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the BOT is looking for an android that can perform the duties of 3 humans, to be the Business/Field/Water Dept. Manager. Ridiculous.
We need solid expertise in 2 or 3 employees, whatever it may cost. This absurd job description creates an impossible hurdle that can only yield posers, who will come and go, to be replaced by the next one. The BOT shows no indication that they can find practical solutions to anything.
That they are pursuing a lawsuit in Superior Court to demand payment of fines on a now compliant property, confirms that they cannot find solutions to even routine HOA issues without turning the matter into a mess. All of this distraction and waste of money while the BOT is fully committed to non-compliance with the County, State and Fed. That's hypocrisy at its' finest.
Well said, Steve
ReplyDeleteI have lost all confidence that our present Board and staff can do anything that will preserve our HOA. It just seems to get worse and worse. I don't blame the members, because most have no idea of our present situation.
The first step in a solution to any problem is to admit you have a problem and then work on a solution. Our members deserve better.
I am amazed on a daily basis that the Board has not tried to get out in front of any of this. They meet secretly, make decisions that are highly questionable, and say nothing.
ReplyDeleteThe silence is deafening...
They have been advised not to discuss it until the investigation is done. Why can't you all understand and/or accept that fact. It is no different than the response from the EPA above to the "investigation" from a member.
ReplyDeleteThis investigation or investigations is a symptom or symptoms of the many major failures of SHOA.
ReplyDeleteWhay can't the SHOA BOT understand and accept the fact that proxy voting is a farce and meant to restrict member voting participation and give multiple votes to BOT members, the membership is entitled to know how and when money is spent, the new overhang regulation being implemented unilaterally by the BOT is arrogant, selfish, and vindictive, trees are dealt with in a manner that causes division, rv properties are despised, and our staff are continually managed incompetently?
Right on 2:09 A proxy ballot is legal. Having more than one vote per member is illegal. By law, a board member is allowed to vote once, theirs and not someone else's. A proxy only makes the member vote valid, nothing more. This needs to go to court. An easy win with governing documents to prove it.
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to chip in $2,000 for attorney fees. Anybody else?
ReplyDeleteMike Riley