
Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Employee Expense Related to Asbestos Exposure

Just one example...What about others?...What about us?

Documents show that one employee  had medical expenses for asbestos screening at a cost of $340.65  In addition there was also a charge of $222.95 for an "Asbestos Class".

Legal fees for January were $9,523.50, in which part (not specified) was for "Legal Fees For Asbestos Issue". This is 12.7% of the total year budgeted amount. This is a red flag.

The health and safety of employees and members , without question, is the number one priority.
From the information and documentation we have seen, there has obviously been a failure of that priority.  That failure has led to fines and a criminal investigation.  The expenses above are for just one employee. You take the five hundred plus figure and times it the number who have been exposed and the numbers really increase.

The employees, without question, are entitled to every dollar spent for their health and welfare. It is reasonable to expect those dollar amounts will increase.   What law suits loom in the future?  Disposal of asbestos pipe and building without permits is also an issue, but it pales in comparison to the human exposure to a haphazardness exposure. 

No amount of screening or classes after the fact, can right the wrong that has been done. This is an issue that every member should be irate about.  There will be an accounting and those responsible will be faced with the consequences.  Will there ever be an apology?, not that it would mean anything or do any good.

This blog is about the only place you will get any information as those responsible hide behind their high priced lawyers, some of which we are paying for.  The figures above are correct, the rest is my opinion. 


  1. Thanks George. I have been and continue to be irate about this!

  2. North Beach Water should pay all expenses including the cost of a private lawyer to represent the employees and everyone else exposed to the air borne asbestos fibers. This includes walkers and their pets.

  3. One current employee? What about others and ex water employees? Current might get cked out. Passed employees prob take a class action. I thought it took time to appear,? What good would getting tested now? Signed, exposed and ignorant.

  4. I'm not sure, but if it was me I'd be pretty concerned.

  5. Apparently once exposed, health complications can appear at any point in the individual's life. That's the burden that has been laid upon the community.

    Having a Board of Trustees who refuse to be fully transparent about legal spending really amounts to theft, as they control the record-keeping and bank accounts, and the president has no problem lying to the membership on the BOT's behalf.


  6. There was a respiratory monitoring plan that I had received from our Asbestos class teacher.

    This is a required plan per the state / feds and yes SHOA is obligated to monitor both past and current employees.

    I was working on this plan as SHOA did not have the required plan, just before I had my L&I shoulder surgery. I had turned everything over to Barb Robinson aka the GM for further processing and implementation.

    This required respiratory monitoring plan has simply died but SHOA will at some point have to come up with a plan and yes it does extend to past employees such as myself.

    I'm thinking that maybe I should contact an attorney regarding this purposely overlooked item.

    I should note that I had told both Gary Williams and Jim Flood of this requirement so for them should they try to play the ignorance game would be a bold face lie as they both knew of it.

  7. After reading Bob Haskins remarks all I can say is WOW, I hope no one lied.

  8. It's not necessarily just lying.
    It's criminal malice or criminal recklessness or criminal negligence.

  9. Criminals go to jail every day for this. This is much bigger than what our local key stone cops can handle.
