
Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Emergency Management Committee

Jan. 29, 2019 meeting minutes...

Click once or twice to enlarge..


  1. Mark Scott and others are completely tone deaf and illegal regarding proxy voting.
    Additionally, why is the Emergency Management Committee managing proxy voting? Clearly, they don't know what committee they're on. Mark Scott needs to be removed from this committee.

  2. NO NO NO A thousand times NO to Mr. Scotts idea. We already have a Board that does whatever it wants without any consideration for the rest of the membership. That is why the HOA is in such bad shape now. Giving up your vote to a member of this disgusting and corrupt Board will only allow them to continue their clueless actions. Mr. Scott has never impressed me as one who thinks things through to their potential conclusion, this motion only goes to prove that, unless of course he seeks to make the Board omnipotent.

  3. You do know Mark Scott works on a State and Federal government level planning emergency management issues and creates maps and routing plans don't you>?
    I think I remember Mike Riley that you were deaf last year when George told you how to manage the proxies and you showed up late and your proxies weren't voted. Seems to me you were the problem there not Mark Scott.

  4. So what. He's overstepping in his role here.
    We can rehash last year. I have a problem holding grudges too. I didn't come on this blog that much last year. I didn't see all of George's posts. I only had one person send me their proxy vote. You are completely wrong by saying my proxies. I had one.
    You are tone deaf. I've learned and moved on from last year. I'm not talking about last year on this issue. Go ahead and keep attacking me for 11-17-18. I can't stop you. You will probably keep attacking me for that until I die.
    You get to attack me personally, but I can't attack you personally because you're scared to use your name. Good for you.

  5. Well said Mike. The evaluation of Mark Scott is also well said. I agree.

  6. I dont remember having option of a cache spot in the cache that was voted down.

  7. 2:55 I know a lot of folks that don't have a clue that work on State And Federal Committees. That certainly is no qualifier for Mr. Scott.

  8. Good point 11:19.
    Additionally to 2:55. In Mark's jobs in emergency management for state and federal, does he get to have a say in how the state and federal governments run their elections? I quarantee NO.

  9. Sounds like P. Olds and the Tree Comm. want to hire M. Scott for a $19,000 mapping of Shining Lake. They want a $20,000 survey done first, so the BOT is poised to blow $50,000 on Peggy Old"s project. How is outright hiring Scott considered proper ? He is a Board member. The BOT has no ability to recognize that Surfside does not have endless funds to piss away on such projects while the Water Plant is in jeopardy of being shut down, and the HOA is hemoraghing money on vast fines and legal spending.

  10. The tree committee and ms. Olds are an embarrassment to the community. Both need to go.
