Reliable sources (multiple) report that Surfside Business Manager, Laura Frazier will be leaving in January for Arizona with her significant other. There has been no formal announcement made by the Board.
Like the old saying.."loose lips sink ships" (World War II). A few, or maybe a more than a few, drinks at the Saturday night Appreciation Dinner, had a number of people letting the cat out of the bag.
A replacement should be easy to find with the bar being so low. Only qualification needed by the Board is...How high can you jump? That is all this Board wants. She was doomed from the start. Had Laura been able to act as our documents state, we would have a better managed association. She is not the first of many to leave. She was never given the chance to prove her qualifications. There has been no reason stated for her leaving. It is reported that a replacement is jockeying for the position.
It does not matter if we have a General Manager or a business Manager, if they are not allowed to do their job, failure is assured.
My apologies if my remarks are taken as a personal attack on Laura, they are not meant to be. She has been used and abused by this Board. She stayed longer than I expected. Others have given up much more early.
We can only imagine the not so secrete communications going on with the gang of four. (executive committee) Will we see an announcement in the Weekender? My guess is no. .
I wish her well.
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Laura Frazier, Business Manager |
Will she get a parting bonus? Otherwise known as hush money.
ReplyDeleteIt seems unlikely a preferred candidate for her replacement would not be expected to serve the "Executive" Board members as directed, and be tight-lipped about what they know goes on. I do think it's ill-conceived to have the Office Manager also be the head Compliance Officer, as she is.
ReplyDeleteWhatever Laura's personal views are, I think it's doubtful she would have kept the job had she not been willing to tow the line as directed by Flood and Williams, and others. It seems a good time for her to go elsewhere and create a new life for herself. I would wish her well.
Can you be any more over dramatic? The announcement had nothing to do with alcohol or "loose lips". Nor is she leaving just to flee your so named crime scene. It was something that had been in the works for awhile. People come and go.
ReplyDeleteSince you had to say that federal investigations cross state lines, implying they are going to come after her, I doubt you are serious in wishing her well. In fact I'm sure many here are planning their own party now.
George has seen the dynamics of the interplay between the Office staff and some members of the Board, so is entitled to his opinion, based on what goes on behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteI would tend to see her obliged to do as directed by whoever is president of the Board at any given time. From that standpoint, I would agree that now is a good time to distance herself from the fray. Arizona sounds pretty nice right about now. She has taken a fair amount of flack at times, it often seeming unfair to me. I have no insights on her performance one way or another.
Enforcement is a necessary part of running the HOA, and there is often a range of opinions on what is important and what is not. But better to have the Office manager serve the members rather than directing compliance matters.
Well George, your mouth wanders again. I am the significant other you are talking about, and i have a name, its Mike Buck. id like to set you straight on a few issues you seem to neglect to mention. One being Laura is very devoted to the members of surfside, and a very good friend to many. You mention she is leaving the crime scene, why dont you elaborate on that. Dont you ever accuse Laura of any crime, you my friend are a very small minded man. It seems that you can hide behind your little blog and speak your small mind, but can you back up your words? I have had the great pleasure of meeting the directors of Surfside, people that have volunteered their time to try to do a job for the members of Surfside, each of these fine people put in countless hours to make your Association run in a professional manner. But it seems there are a few of you that would rather run off your mouth than ask questions.
ReplyDeleteLaura and i had decided long ago to make this move for your information. I can assure you Laura runs from nothing, and particular people like yourself.
I for one feel sorry for the next business manager hired by Surfside, that individual well have to put up with the minds of people like yourself.
The only problems Surfside well have replacing Laura, is (1) finding anyone that well put up with you,(2) finding anyone that would care so much for the people of Surfside as Laura has.(has nothing to do with the bar being so low) that would fall into your category.
Oh, and George, you might consider your own words "loose lips sink ships", should you wrongly accuse Laura of anything i well retain a lawyer for her to sink your ship.
Now in closing, George, why dont you be a man and apologize to all these good people that have dedicated their time and care to a great place (Surfside Association), or i guess you could continue hiding behind your blog. Signed: Mike Buck, a man who cares a great deal for a lot of great people that live in Surfside
Ken Karch, our first General Manager, is gone for the same reasons. His qualifications didn't matter when he would not jump high enough. He set a high standard for himself, and when he tried to do it for the board, they got rid of him. It has been down hill ever since.
ReplyDeleteGeorge, just so you know i have a copy of your original posting. also my response, so changing in the middle of the stream well only get you wet. and taking my response off changes nothing, other than showing me you well delete anyone that does not go along with your nonsense. Is it your intention to lead people to believe only what you want them to believe. Do you, i ask again have the proof to back up your words? I have a hard time understanding people like yourself, why tear down such a beautiful community. Have you asked any of these people you bad mouth if there is anything you can do to help or is hate and discontent more to your liking? Mike Buck
ReplyDeleteSigficant other, go drive around in your truck, then go home and have another beer with Kirby Smith
DeleteI apologize. I crossed the line and my remarks were hurtful. I hope my revised posting is more acceptable. I hope you and Laura will accept my apology. I wish you both well in your new adventure.
ReplyDeleteDefending Laura is one thing, but defending the bod, just sunk your argument and appearance of being unbiased. Should have stuck to defending your girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteAgreed. Mike, you've obviously swallowed the BOT Koolaid. Good luck in your future endeavors.
DeleteBelieve it or not 8:21, not everyone shares your opinion, has nothing to do with being bias. I'm sure you spend a bunch of time on here giving your opinion, why can't others?
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. Buck for coming on here and saying what needed to be said. Thanks to George for the response of an apology. Still, makes you wonder who felt the need to go running to George after the party with this "vital" information.
Given the crisis that has descended upon our community due to BOT incompetence, this is the wrong time to be congratulating all of the Trustees for their dedication and service. Obviously, we do not need Mr. Buck to tell us that there are generally two sides to every opinion or argument. It was stated already in regard to George's comments.
ReplyDeleteAlso stated, is the undeniable fact that many if not most who volunteer to serve the community on the Board or Committees, have good intentions and make some positive contribution in the course of their service. Some individuals are more service-minded, some pre-occupied with the politics of power and authority. What has been shown in politics in particular is, that this is not a case of "it's all good".
There have been some very serious failures in the past year by the BOT president, to conduct HOA business as required by our covenants and State RCWs, and a very serious failure by the entire BOT to properly manage our member funds - showcase the ridiculous lawsuit that was withdrawn at a cost of over $75,000.
That is in addition to the failings to provide any semblance of oversight of Water Dept. procedures with the health and welfare of the entire community at stake. The membership of Surfside has no excuse to ignore these serious failings we will all have to pay for, faced with the looming question, who will step-up to speak out loudly in protest and demand that the community make necessary changes in personnel and procedures ?
We have to take this situation seriously, sort through the details and accept that the procedures of the past and apathetic attitude toward management of our largest asset has been a colossal failure, and must be corrected at all cost.
Well stated Steve! Run for the new board after this one is dissolved.
ReplyDeleteIf you really are expecting the entire board to be dissolved then I'm sorry, you're going to be "Fed Up" for awhile.
ReplyDeleteAh there's a bully BOT Member again 12/11 9:51. You BOT members should be ashamed and reflective of others, but instead you continually bully and think only of yourselves.
DeleteIn a way you are right. The EPA is on the case so "Fed Up" resonates quite well for me.
Well, they can be dismissed through the dissolution of SHOA.
DeleteNot that it matters, but you're wrong. Believe it or not there are people that aren't on the board that don't agree with you.
ReplyDeleteBtw, it seems like you are the one being the bully here, snowflake.
Don't think your the one to make that call.
DeleteWhomever is hired as a new office manager, as well as the compliance officer added to the budget, MUST have some background in business and real estate law. It is not rocket science, it is available in three day seminars as well as night school. SHOA has grown out of itself and needs to move forward in a way that upgrades the organization. Furthermore, these issues are all red-herrings. The water situation has been developing for as long as that management has been outsourced. I am just wondering: " where is the grown-up in the room?"
ReplyDeleteIf you go to the Surfside Facebook page, there are several people asking Laura for the job description to be sent to them. Any of these women qualified? Vivian Wattum, Becky Winters, Valerie Moon Harrison, Bridget Byrne. So freaking glad I'm no longer in Surfside!!!
ReplyDeleteI fully admit. I was a complete fool buying property in this s-hole!
ReplyDeleteFor me, that's definitely NOT the take-away here. HOAs are famous for their dysfunction far beyond their contributions. But the basic concept is still sound, that communities need some means of controlling the quality of life and property values for their residents.
ReplyDeleteThe real challenge is rebuilding a better HOA. That requires that owners face the ugly facts of failure, and try to come together with the intent to make the changes necessary to correct our failures and poor performance.
We really don't know where our community will stand when the Feds, State and County are done with their evaluations. We may face unmanageable debt, or be faced with mandatory restructuring of our management.
This is still an awesome place on the earth, and with a lot of work and good intentions, we can make it a better community.
I'm gathering evidence for dissolution of SHOA. I look forward to that outcome.
DeleteFor now, immediately end proxy voting and replace it with mail-in voting.
I propose that a motion be made at the Annual meeting in July, that ballot be sent to every member with a simple yes or no vote to dissolve the association. The ballot should not include any bogus letter from the Board President. They seem to manage sending a bill to every member, but have trouble sending a ballot. The ballot should be returned to an independent firm the same as our Board vote is. This would give it legal weight.
ReplyDeleteNow you’re talking George! Dissolution can’t be done before because? I’m trying to understand this HOAs procedures which are all questionable. A ballot could not be mailed to each paying member with a yes or no vote now? Why wait til July or is that proper procedure? The sooner this HOA is ended, the better for all!
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you folks file civil law suits against whomever on the board you feel is responsible individually and the executive committee as a group and an alternative class action suit against the same executive committee. The Surfside insurance provider probably won't cover all of them, This thing is going to cost all of you a boatload of money. Fortunate some of us got out when we did