
Saturday, December 29, 2018

2018 A Failure

Will 2019 be better?

2018 was a year of secrete meetings, over budget spending, frivolous lawsuits, extreme legal fees, fines and a criminal investigation.  The failure of the Board has been kept from most of the members.

The members annual meeting in July was a sham that violated proper and legal procedure.

Community events drew only a limited number of members.  Members voting for Board members and voting on the 2019 budget, continues to be limited to 300 to 400 members.

Water main breaks have decreased, mainly due to new pumps that reduce pressure surges.  So much for the myth of "old used pipe" or wet sand.  Employees come and go in the water department like through a revolving door.

2019  looks  like a continuation of 2018, only worse.
The search is on for a General Manager with no input from the members. It does not matter who they hire or what title they have, with a Board that continues with the present practice of deception, micro-managing and secret meetings, it is bound to fail.

Fair minded honest members are not interested in running for a Board position and being associated with the present Board.  The only members who volunteer seem to be the ones that are really only concerned about their own special interest.

A group of members are forming together to force a change.  They hope that if the members have true information, they will see the need for change and participate.  I have seen this effort in the past, and end in failure. Maybe this time it will be different.

We still are waiting to see what happens with EPA in regard to fines and the criminal investigation.
2019 could prove to be the worst year in the history of Surfside.  Those responsible may just walk away and you and I will be left holding the bag.  They say that "people get the kind of governance they deserve". Unfortunately, this may be true for us.

Happy New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Not without major changes at the top ... A fish rots from the head!
