
Thursday, November 15, 2018

More To Come?

You better believe it....

The L&I violations and fines as well as the County permit fines, are just the first steps in more legal actions to come.

EPA criminal investigations are continuing.

Surfside has been served with legal papers requiring extensive records. Past and former employees are being interviewed.   Many on and off the Board have obtained private council.  Surfside has acquired additional legal council at a cost to members of approximately 700.00 an hour.

A Board meeting would be a good place and opportunity for our local process server to serve papers.  (We have seen this in the past)  You can not rule out warrants for arrest being served and those charged being removed in hand cuffs.

The Board should consider having the Appreciation Dinner being "Take Out". They can brown bag it in jail.  Instead of adding more hot heads to the Board, we may be able to reduce it to three or four.

At this point, the odds of saving Surfside as we know it, are slim to none. That might be a good thing.

Of course, the above are my opinions and guess.  As the old saying goes..."It ain't over till the fat lady sings".  Who knows, a majority of the membership may finally vote. Maybe they will vote to remove the entire Board next July.  Can't get much worse than it is now.


  1. Why would there be warrants if the investigation isn't complete?

  2. They won’t tell anyone investigation is complete, until hammer falls.

  3. So if the entire Board is removed will we see the reemergence of George Miller and a slate of his " cronies " riding to the rescue? god bless us everyone.

  4. If this group were in a responsible organization, they would have been fired and replaced long ago. They prey on the lack of communication within the membership. The upcoming budget is a joke because of what it sets up for the future. I respectfully submit that as A minimum, Mr. Williams and Mr. Flood resign effective immediately. Others may choose to follow.

  5. If board is removed, that point bankruptcy is next for shoa, n nb gets bargain they been planning for.

  6. Notice the Surf insider has nothing to say about the fines or upcoming issues that will affect us all financially. I guess they haven't woken from there self-induced coma yet?

  7. Only information we get is from this blog. The WeakEnder is nothing more than a puzzle. The cop report reminds me of the keystone cops. Another big waste of member funds.

  8. I have started canvassing my neighbors to ask them if they knew anything about the asbestos problems or the financial aspect (fines, wasted legal fees, etc) and none of them knew anything about any of them. This is exactly what the BOT wants. I urge every one of you to stop arguing among yourselves and get the word out to your neighbors. This is the only way that we can address this problem. Urge everyone to show up for the meeting tomorrow and be prepared to ask question.

  9. That's a great suggestion 9:50. I have a friend on the Arch Comm. who was unaware of the lawsuit that was pursued against Patrick Johansen to the tune of more than $75,000, then withdrawn. In the course of a year nothing was mentioned about this in the Committee that initiated the action ? Tight lips as they say.

    I agree. Spread the word.
