
Saturday, October 6, 2018

Keeping You In The Dark

That's the way they want it.

Those in control don't want you to know what is really going on.  If the members don't know about the problems, they think there are none.  This is why the Technology committee was shot down.

We keep hearing that you need to attend the Board and committee meetings to be informed.
The published Board Meeting Agenda is published in the Weekender two days before the meeting and contains so little information, you don't know what the new or old business is about.

The Weekender and Face Book page are for entertainment only. The committee reports on the Surfside web site are several months old.  When I served on the Lands and Building committee and the Water/Field committee, the meeting agenda was published in the Weekender and the week following, the minutes were published,  not two months or more later.

"Executive" and secret meetings continue.  Both are clear violations of our governing documents. You can send a letter to the Board about an issue or question you may have, but the only ones who see it are the Board members.

Below are the dates of the last posting of minutes on the Surfside web site.

Board minutes  6/16/18
Architecture reports  May - June 2018
Community Relations  Aug. 7, 2018
Emergency Management  July 31, 2018
Tree  July 20, 2018
Fish & Waterways  May 25, 2018
Water system planning  July 12, 2018
Land & Buildings  July 12, 2018
Firewise   July 12, 2018
Executive committee   never
Special Secret Board Meetings  none
RV ad hoc  none

All the above have met, but we remain in the dark.


  1. Same complaints as 15 years ago. While it was understandable then that communicating with a scattered membership was difficult, there is no excuse today with the availability of easy and cheap internet communications. The secrecy and obfuscation breeds misinformation and distrust. Most of us ignore the gossip and the few communications that are released by decisions of the board because we have learned that it is not trustworthy and reliable. When we feel a personal infringement, we speak up. Otherwise, we want to enjoy our time at the beach with as little hassle as possible. It would be a appreciated if we could believe that the water was truly safe to drink.

  2. FYI, the water dept office and shoa office, both use bottled water.

  3. Now If that isn’t just dandy! They get bottled water but members who are paying their wages have to have filtering systems to consume their water. Is there something wrong with this picture?

  4. Mike Riley said...
    I am new to Long Beach Peninsula Ocean Park Surfside HOA. I bought a lot in April 2018. I have never owned property in a HOA before. I will begin researching real estate law and Washington state real estate attorneys, both locally and in Vancouver, next week. May I have anyone's real estate attorney recommendations? Please send them to my email:

    I want to build a 10'x12' shed and anchor it to a slab-on-grade foundation. I am a WA state licensed Professional Engineer of Civil Engineering with Structural Engineering emphasis. It is sound, proper, responsible, and reasonable engineering practice to anchor structures so that they are resilient when subject to mild, moderate, and extreme weather and climatic events. I am preemptively concerned that I will get the common, subjective, and condescending comment: "You agreed to and signed the contract".

  5. Not sure if empty lots are allowed to have a shed, but this quote from the CC&R's is applicable:

    d. No storage shed may be placed on a permanent foundation. Storage sheds must be placed on pier blocks, skids or other similar non-permanent supporting bases.

  6. Let me be the first to say to Mike that you agreed to and signed the contract which includes the covenants. Perhaps looking for a lot outside of an HOA would better serve your goals.

  7. Does the same cited covenant apply to property with a house on it?

  8. A storage shed is a storage shed is a storage shed. The covenant applies to all lots in Surfside.

  9. Another reason why the covenants need to be reviewed for updates! But wait, our wonderful hoa board members know more than a structural engineer. This hoa is pathetic!

  10. If a home is there, you could build your building Mike, by calling it a shop or anything other than shed.

    It's not just our HOA that won't allow your building, Mike. The county doesn't allow it either.

    You can't build a garage before a house either. That's a county code!

  11. Ignore 11:01. It is not that simple. If you have a stick-built home on the lot you can have a shed, shop, and a garage. As 11:21 sez, call it a shop, and do what you want. Approval is required, so they may try and quibble with you over trifles.

    The covenant should read "sheds are allowed approved appurtenances that are well constructed and designed, and the basic footprint doesn't exceed 120 sq. ft." How anyone decided owners must be micro-managed on this is a quandary. Why should a shed be mobile ? If a lot is sold, the owners can decide if the shed needs to be removed, or if the new owner wants the shed. This micro-management is nonsense.

    It is doubtful that the County is concerned about Surfside departures from County standards. All structures require approval, so soundness of design and appearance can be established. Most sheds are not prominent on the properties so as to be an issue anyway.

  12. We were interested in buying a lot there, but JFC, no thanks. It sounds like they love to discriminate against people with RVs! It sounds like the Trump administration is running things in that HOA. You guys need to file suit against them because of the discrimination or have an unrelated, outside source write a letter to the editor of your local paper. Frigging ridiculous!

  13. 1:04 I deem your comment to be a counterfeit remark in an effort to sway people toward supporting the changes wanted by a few RV users in Surfside. You people will stoop to anything won't you.

    1. Counterfeit? No, sweetie. I tend to FULLY research ALL aspects of a place that I would consider purchasing. I do not live in your HOA and, after this remark, I would never consider it. So, according to you, if someone doesn't agree with the way you "manage" things, you want to label them as "counterfeit"? That's beyond pathetic. I'll say that it seems that you people stoop to any means necessary to try to drive potential buyers away. I'll be posting this far and wide. Have a great day.

  14. That's true 1:04...Surfside doesn't want RVs taking up permanent residence. If that's what you had in mind, then don't let the door hit your behind on your way out!

    1. If they do not want RVs, then why do they sell sites?

    2. As a matter of fact, we are looking for a lot to spend summers at. But, apparently, you guys think you are too good for RVs...even though you sell sites that RVs are allowed to spend X amount of time on.
      Why bother? Is it just for the money and so that you have the "little man" to bully?

  15. Seems a few can’t help putting in their two cents about national politics. We have enough divisiveness in shoa already. Knock it off!. You just lost at least half your audience.

    1. I wasn't posting for "an audience". I was posting as a potential buyer. I'll assume that you guys want the generated fees from people purchasing lots, don't you? I'm sorry if you don't like the fact that I call it as I see it and all I see is a freaking hot mess with your management there. It is what it is.

  16. 1:57 - where was your outrage when the shoa president made the fake news comment against CNN vs real news (Fox) at the annual membership meeting?

  17. To counterfeit sweetie - your comment again smacks of a sham, not sincerity. The covenants are available online for potential buyers to review if they are inclined toward research prior to purchase. There is no discrimination applying to RV members. There are rules in the covenants that apply to RV members just as there are rules that apply to home owners. If you don't like the rules then it is a good decision for you and for our HOA if you buy property elsewhere.

    1. Yet, according to people on this very blog, you treat the RV people as second rate citizens. Like I said, I'll make to spread your discriminatory practices far and wide. I am beginning to think you are on drugs as you cannot ascertain that a person may think that your practices are questionable. Oh, no, sweetie, that couldn't possibly be, could it? I have to be did you so eloquently put it? A "counterfeit". Pathetic.

  18. 3:07 you can't build a permanent structure on a RV lot. If you put a shed on blocks, skids etc, you are more than welcome here, short term. Anything otherwise, goodbye!

  19. 2:33 has comprehension problems about the politics statement. I also find it very hard to believe that supposedly so few shoa members read this blog, but all of a sudden have all these rv statements by people that don’t live here. Not fooling anyone. Lots of rv lots here, n most have a wonderful time. Like anywhere, depends on who you live next too.

    1. Dear, as hard as it is for you to comprehend, this is not a private blog. It is on a public forum. I research fully where I may consider moving to. What you people have succeeded in doing is tarnishing your own reputation by attacking people. That is entirely on you and your poor attitude. Just sayin.

    2. Your HOA must not need money, as apparent in your treatment of people.

  20. The dues and fees are paid by whoever owns a lot regardless of whether the lot is newly purchased or previously owned. It is not a loss to the association to discourage newcomers who want to change the covenants that the majority of the members do not want changed. It is actually a savings to the association to discourage people purchasing here who want to stir up trouble. Knock yourselves out making it known to the world that Surfside expects members to live by our rules. That is exactly what we want.

    1. Nobody should want to change rules that encompass everyone equally, but I have seen post after post that sound like your board treats people who have RVs like second rate citizens. Maybe you should do away with the entire board and start all over from scratch with people who are a bit less inclined to be so prejudiced. That is what I intend on publishing. I also intend on letting it be known that if a person raises a concern that you people are super quick to label (incorrectly, might I add) people. You don't want this turned into a political issue, yet, you are doing the very thing that is happening in WA D.C. with your actions. If the shoe fits...

  21. 1:04, 3:01, 3:05, 3:07, 3:36 and 3:38 Thank you so very much for spreading the word that Surfside has covenants that should be followed by all members. Please feel free to spread the word far and wide. We don't want new members who falsely believe that can rewrite the covenants as they wish.

    1. Please show me where I said that a new member would rewrite the convenants. I'll wait. I simply said that, as shown on this post and many others, that you do not treat everyone equally. A blind person could fully see that.

  22. 3:55 - you must be one of the corrupt board members or their crony to say you speak for the majority. If you are so sure of what the majority wants, why not support the idea of membership voting for any and all covenant changes? I think it's more accurate to say you want everyone to be blind sheep and follow you to the koolaid!

  23. The covenants do not guarantee equality. That is not the purpose of covenants in any HOA. If you don't like the restrictions in the covenants of an HOA you should go find property that better fits your personal goals. Like 4:05, I thank you for spreading the word that Surfside is not interested in new members who want to change the covenants for their own benefit.

    1. They are also spreading the news that this Homeowners association is a blight on the neighborhood, with its ruthless pursuit of self interest and the labeling of RV owners.

      Be proud to support this! After all, its as much of an anachronism as you are.

  24. 4:19 I didn't say to change the covenants for my benefit. I said open it up (like proposed at the annual meeting and supposedly to be voted on in November) for the membership to approve and/or change covenants as needed. This would be the majority speaking instead of the corrupt board solely making the changes to suit themselves. Let the majority opinion be spoken in votes.

  25. Do you happen to mention this little tidbit to potential buyers? I suspect you don't because you are simply interested in them opening their wallets to finance your sham. And, from an outsider looking in, that is all this is. Congrats. You're a legal ripoff because you write a bunch of bad covenants that are prejudiced against a group of people...yet, you are not honest with them before taking their money. I won't be spreading YOUR message, sweetie, I'll be spreading the word as to how freaking corrupt and dishonest you are. Have a great day secure in your prejudiced bliss. I'm sure there are many, many, many other places that would be equally happy to have my money.
    Are you sure you're not a Trumpster? You certainly sound like it. I was looking for a lot in this area as I had heard that this was a Democratic county...I guess I found the cesspool in the middle of it. Write down that drug hotline number I posted earlier. It sounds like you may need to call it.

  26. Wow 4:25, for someone who says they don’t live here, or want to live here, you sure have a lot to say. We have enough nuts living here already. Or anyone else from portlandia.

  27. Wow 5:15. As stated before, this is a public forum. I'm not sure why you would assume I'm from Portland. You know what they say about assumptions. I will call out prejudice when I see it and I see this fraught with it. If you treat people who want to spend their summers in an RV like this, one has to wonder how you treat minorities....just sayin. I'm starting to think that you are nothing but a few old women with absolutely no hobbies other than trying to bully people.

  28. Are you a racist, too?

  29. Still feeling sure that 5:22 and all proceeding comments by this individual is pure sham. It is simply another shady attempt by one of the few RV owners who don't want to admit that they have buyer's remorse. This individual should spend their summers in an RV somewhere other than Surfside.

  30. I think that 5:35 is a sham. I feel this person has been put up to saying comments are a sham because they are in the pocket of the corrupt people who run this. They simply can't get over the fact that this is a public forum and people do not condone prejudiced behavior.
    I'm going to take that as a yes as to you being a racist? Is that the case?

  31. Oh, and Sweetie, I NEVER have buyer's remorse as I thoroughly and completely research any place that I may want to live. Since I do not live there, why in the world would I have buyer's remorse for something that is simply not the facts. But, hey, keep typing away, keyboard warrior, you look ridiculous asf.

  32. Agree. Sham and shame.

  33. 5:44 You should know that the water is not always safe for drinking and the entirety of Surfside is in the Tsunami zone. The HOA is very likely facing a huge fine for mishandling asbestos water pipes for at least 8 years. The weather is frequently miserable with very little sunshine or warmth in the summers. Also, we are all pretty much prejudiced against anyone who would refer to another human being over age three as Sweetie.

  34. I do have to wonder what your state's attorney general has to say about the comment about the rules not being equal for everyone? Any guesses?

  35. Covenants are not about equality. Never have been. Never will be. This applies to all HOA's. The attorney would laugh in your face.

    1. You may want to rethink that.

  36. So, as to your claim that I would be "laughed at", I don't think so. You are in violation of federal law.

  37. You can file a complaint with the Attorney General online. Have at it. You need a clear lesson that you are wrong about the restrictions that are in the covenants.

  38. covenant - Legal Definition A written and legally enforceable agreement or promise that is often a part of a contract or deed, especially one to maintain the status quo of something or to do or not do something during the term of the covenant. An implied promise that is incidental to a contract or deed.

    1. 3 words for you: Equal Housing Opportunity. Being an HOA does not exempt you from it.

  39. Oh, 7:07. You are certainly quite cute. I have never claimed to be an attorney. That is all on you. I suggest you all read the fair housing act and get back to me. Anybody is free to google the information. But, you never did answer my question. It is quite plain that your HOA practices discrimination toward people, are you a racist, as well?
    That definition does not say that you are free to discriminate.

  40. Again, why would I file a complaint about a place that I do not reside? That is not possible. So, that right there tells me that you really don't know as much as you think you do. A non-tenant is not able to, by law, file a complaint against a place that they do not reside in. You don't have to take my word for it. I'm sure the office will be open tomorrow. Call and ask for yourself.
    You need a clear lesson that your sewer smells just as badly as everyone else's. I hope someone in there shows you that.

  41. There's no factual basis for the statement claiming HOAs do not have any obligation to treat owners as equals, fairly. The State RCWs forbid discrimination in HOAs, but it takes a commitment to bring action against an HOA to bring an end to it where it exists.

    The Tree restrictions are definitely discriminatory, as are some of the restrictions on RV lots.

    This guy with the fake name needs to go away. Trying to stoke anger and making a string of comments in succession is abusive and disrespectful of others rights, and the courtesy of the blog host.

    1. So there you are. RV owners are not equals. Even though they pay the same dues, spend money in our community the same way, and own property the same way you do.
      I live here full time, and am stick built. Your statements show your naked self interests as well, and they are certainly not the prevailing opinion.
      If you truly want peace in your neighborhood, stop posting garbage! Better yet, don't post at all. You fool no one.

  42. RV's are not housing. As the name reveals, Recreational Vehicle. No need for equity there. Covenants are a contractual agreement not a matter or fair or equal housing. JJ is a figment of someone's imagination who probably owns an RV and property in Surfside. Can we stick with some small degree of reality?

    1. Sweetie, you wouldn't know reality if it sat on your lap and wiggled. That much is evident from your comments. If people live in RVs full-time, it is considered a "park model" and falls under mobile home guidelines. It would really help if you knew what you are talking about. Fake name? That's laughable as I suspect there is one person who here who is outright attacking people under the guise of anonymity. Reality is that your HOA practices discrimination. I urge your residents to report this matter to the state attorney general's office as, in plain black and white, you have people who are quite obviously residents there stating that they can and do practice discrimination. You have a major lawsuit.

  43. FYI: my rv IS my home 4 months out of the year in Surfside. I don’t give a rat’s a— what you want to call it. Already have contacted AG office and they were very interested in our story . Stay tuned for latest developments!

  44. Not me. I don't write that good.

  45. JJ you are wrong, park models in SS are considered and treated as RV's. The county does not allow full time rv living but they allow tiny homes, SS does not.

    1. There was a big change, according to your laws, on July 1st. You may want to check that out.

  46. 11:47 you are hilarious! There are no violations, you read the rules and agreed to them. All rules and regs are public knowledge, nothing was hidden from you lol

    1. But you are not forthcoming in telling people that purchase an RV lot that they will be discriminated against and that you have a plethora of individuals that think they are better than others are because they live in a house. Newsflash, Einstein. If they own an RV lot, they probably own a home elsewhere, therefore they own more property than you do. From other blog posts, it would seem that your board has secret meetings, they are not transparent and you discriminate. Discrimination is a violation of federal law. It is all right there, on Google, waiting for you to actually read up on it. It's not hidden. LOL.

  47. @11:39. First and foremost, I am a female. My name is Jericha and it is not George. I know that it is a hard concept for you to grasp, but I do not live there. I was researching the area because I do plan on purchasing a lot. I found this blog through a google search. It is a public blog. It is not a private blog. I started reading it because I'm always interested in who, if I decided to purchase a lot, would be living by me and was instantly appalled. I posted a comment because I call out discriminatory behavior when I see it and this blog is full of it. I'm sorry if you cannot grasp the concept that there is a much larger world out there than just your little neighborhood, but there is. Immediately, one of you, who is too scared to post under your real name (yes, I posted anonymously at first, but I really don't care if you people know my name or not, so I switched it) went on the attack and claimed that I had to be a resident there and a bunch of other babbling nonsense that just looks foolish. It's all right up there in the comments for anyone to see.
    What I see is either one or two individuals who think that they are better than everyone else (and, I suspect, sit on your HOA board) attacking anyone who doesn't blindly follow what they say. Nobody should have to do that. I saw another post on here about how someone was told that because certain individuals pay more in property taxes...well, guess what? That is their choice to do that. Nobody forced them to. They chose it. But, I'll bet that you charge the RV people the same amount in dues, don't you? If a person chooses to put up a house, that is on them. It's their choice and good for them for doing it...but that doesn't mean that the RV people are the bottom of the food chain when they are paying the same amount in HOA fees as the people in the houses. They should have the same amount of say as the people who live in houses.
    I know this is a super hard concept for you to grasp, dear. But, again, because it is starting to seem like English is your second language, I DO NOT LIVE THERE. I wouldn't live next to such a sanctimonious uptight snatch that you portray yourself to be. So, there. Now you can say that I called you a name. Go cry about it.
    As to the normal residents that live there, that have two connecting brain cells. Contact your state AG's office. There is black and white proof, in this post right here, that this HOA practices discrimination. Take screen shots of it. You guys can get rid of this bigoted cancer, but you have to take the steps to do it. Nobody should be treated so shoddily as this Anonymous fool is treating people. If I lived there, I'd be utterly embarrassed to have such an imbecile speaking for my neighborhood as a whole. Discrimination/Bigotry/Racism is not a good look for anyone. Call the AG's office. Report this ridiculous nonsense.

  48. Please, someone call the attorney general's office because it makes so much sense to do what a still anonymous crackpot posts on this blog. Funny how the posted name does not appear in a Google, Facebook, etc. search. Could it be because it is made up B.S.?

    What a shame that JJ has no life with so much time to spend whacking away on keys to comment on this blog about an HOA in which she has no property or interest in buying property. We are not that gullible dip wad.

    1. Name calling is not necessary. It doesn't do anything but inflame the situation. You need to grow up.

  49. Right Jericha, but nobody is going to make the effort to call the AG office. There's really nothing to report. RV'er and tree huggers are not be "discriminated", they are just mad that they can't find a way to get around the rules that they signed up for. As for you, good luck in your search for a lot that suits your needs, we are probably not the area for you and you won't be missed here.

  50. To Mr. Riley.

    If you are still here and are reading past the circus that has sprung up, let me offer some real advice.

    Before jumping to conclusions based solely on what you read here and before you start contacting an attorney, why not just go to the next architecture committee meeting and ask? Sounds like you have everything planned out so they would be able to let you know if there are any issues or not. If you do have actual finished plans you could also get them approved and your done. As long as you don't change them after the approval you will be OK. Given that it is a shed there shouldn't be any issues with the city or county unlike when I had a detached garage built that ended up needing to get a structural engineer to look at and follow up inspection.

    Welcome to Surside. Please believe me it isn't as bad as you may think by reading here. Most people get along no matter what is on their lot. At least in my neighborhood.

  51. Hey, what happened to half of the responses on this topic and the political stuff? This site was just becoming fun, now it's back to the old ho hum about trees and sheds and dues and water and blah blah blah........

    1. I'm thinking that some of these residents who think that they are the end-all sniveled because they couldn't handle Jericha telling them the truth of how they are.

  52. Mr Riley

    Pacific County does not allow sheds to be permanent so Im not sure how getting a lawyer will help your cause.

  53. 10:43 ... It is not clear what the reason is for specifying a shed is to have a "temporary foundation". It also seems that this requirement may make sense as a County ordinance, but it doesn't make sense in Surfside. There are many sheds that are enclosed at the foundation in S.S., but unless they have a poured floor, the building can still easily be removed.

    Small mammals sometimes are drawn to take up residence under structures with open foundations.

    If you have a home on your lot, why shouldn't you be able to have a poured floor in your shed ? Makes no sense. In Surfside, all sheds are to be approved, where that is not necessary on a shed of 120 sq. ft. in the County. It seems likely that the County isn't concerned about Surfside having a different standard. I think that should be explored.

  54. SS can not be less restrictive than the county, but it can be more

    1. Not true. An HOA does not need to have any architectural covenants.

  55. The board room doesn't have access to water so they put a water cooler in there. Many activities are held in the board room and would need water for the members using it when the office isn't open.

  56. main office n water office both have running water.

  57. 4:20 do you think we are stupid? Like 7:57 stated: both main office and water office have running water. Can’t wait for your lame comeback. Why do I have to filter my water but they those offices have purchased bottled water? Isn’t that just a bit peculiar?

  58. The reason for sheds not being built permanent is because they are not required to be built to building code standards! If someone wants to build a building to approved standards, it can be larger than 120 square feet, and MUST have an approved foundation. Believe it or not, even wood can be used, I'd done properly. Surfside has crappy rules that probably prevent this from being an option too though. Not much makes sense in Surfside!

  59. The board room is separate from the front office. The front office has access to water but the board room doesn't if the front office isn't open. So for all the meetings and activities that happen on the weekend they can have water.

  60. 10:44 check the county code they require a non-permanent foundation as a shed is temporary in nature.

  61. 9:15. Thx for your explanation of the bottled water consumption. Must be a BOD, office staff or one of the elitists! You people have all the answers. Better start being thriftier. Big money gonna be spent to get out of SHOA’s mess!

  62. And you know this how? I bet you're wrong lol

  63. Office n board room just recently became seperate. Does that mean there are two water coolers? I realize this is a petty topic, but when in RomešŸ¤·‍♂️. Btw, do the two areas no longer share a door? No comment about the water office?

  64. 9:17 … This has been stated already. We know. The covenants allow for more restrictive standards in the HOA, but the County probably would be open to HOA changes to these shed standards, as all sheds require approval in Surfside, and departures from the County standard can be approved for soundness of design and materials, and limited in scope.

    Owners have shown that they want more freedom to add minimal changes such as woodracks or porches, and this does seem to be a matter that has a different standard for RV lots vs. Stick-built lots. Some sheds such as plastic ones require a sub-flooring to lift them off the ground, so are not fit to add on to.

    I don't see the need to restrict sheds so, particularly on RV lots, and think it would be worthwhile to inquire of the County, to find out if setting different standards in the confines of Surfside would be acceptable, if limited in scope.

    The County has little ability to monitor such things in rural areas, so setting a stricter standard makes more sense.

  65. Sure the county is just going to allow SS members to do what they want while trying to keep the rest of the county in line? Highly doubtful with their plates as full as they are.

  66. The two have always been separate. The front office is locked off from board room after hours and on weekends. I do know they use water from the tap to make the coffee, I've been at meetings while they do so.

  67. Me thinks 10:53 is missing the point. On purpose.

  68. 10:44 here. "check the county code they require a non-permanent foundation as a shed is temporary in nature."
    My response to this:
    You missed my point. The point is that they require a non permanent foundation for sheds and those sheds are required to be no more than 120 square feet. If someone wants to build a building and call it something other than a shed and it is larger than 120 square feet it can have a foundation. I would assume that you could also build a building that is only 120 square feet that is not a "shed" and have a foundation as long as it meets building codes which sheds do not!
    Now do you understand why it has to be a non permanent foundation? It's not built to code therefore it cannot be permanent. If it's permanent it must be built to code because it becomes a part of the real property and must meet code.

  69. Okay 10:26, Rather than have you continue like a broken record, you win !
    You obviously don't have more than 10 seconds to digest what I said. When people want change, they figure out how to get there. I've read the standards many times, both the County's and S.S.. RV lot owners cannot build any outbuildings other than a shed, and we know that some owners in Surfside hate RVers so, they insist that "they're lucky they get ANY shed !"

    No vision just static.

    Some allowances could be made that would not compromise structural integrity, depending on the materials used. The guidelines for what is temporary do not exist.

  70. None of our covenants have ever been regularly enforced. Get rid of all of them. All most of us want is water n garbage. The rest is just an excuse for a power trip.

  71. me and a lot of other members totally disagree with 12:56. too bad he has power issues. probably a short guy.

  72. Mr Riley, I feel for you in having to deal with the uncooperative HOA that is in control now. I do hope you find a good attorney that can make them sorry that they put the screws to everyone over piddly issues, and refuse to change unfair, discriminatory rules, but fail to adhere to the rules (laws) themselves!
    We bought outside of Surfside due to the corrupt board. Otherwise I would join you in the needed action. Best wishes sir...

  73. Sorry 7:20, your comment makes no sense. Mr. Riley came on here to ask advice. There were more than one responses to him. By his own admission he hadn't taken any steps in dealing first hand with the SHOA, yet from reading some peoples biased comments here he express apprehension, something that I could understand but in my opinion is uncalled for.

    Many people have gone through the process of getting plans approved by the Arch committee then build without having any issues. A select few have changed them afterwards without getting them OK'ed which in turn got them a complaint. Be one of those in the first group and all will go well.

    Back to 7:20. If you truly live outside of SS, why are you here? The fact you felt the need to make a comment that isn't factual along with telling someone to get an attorney when they haven't even gone through the process says a lot about you.

  74. True 9:28 except, we are required to have an architectural committee as stated in our articles of incorporation. It was designed to be used for building on association owned property, not the members. It should be done away with except for that purpose. Leave all the other up to the county for inspection and approval. Not many know of the fact I have stated. We can have covenants however.
