
Thursday, October 25, 2018

Architectural Report

Sept. 18, 2018 through October 16, 2018

It struck me as I was reading this, that if the County ordinances were followed, I see nothing on here that would require approval.  It could all be done with County approval as needed.  Maybe we are overly self regulated.  Would our time be better spent in checking the appearance and condition of these over the years after they are built?  That might result in a more neat and attractive appearance.  Seems that is what most of us want.  Just my opinion, of course.

Click on the report once or twice to enlarge:


  1. How does the Arch. Comm. intend to deal with the new covenant change on sheds ? The BOT approved of this change limiting eaves (go figure) on sheds, knowing full well that there are many nicely constructed sheds in the community, some having been in place quite a while, that do not comply with the new standard.

    Last I heard, the restriction limited eaves to 14 1/2 inches, no porches or overhangs, or appurtenances of any kind. The Arch. Comm. originally wanted to make it "retroactive" whatever that is supposed to mean. Absurd - and I don't think the change has been published by the HOA yet.

    So some on the Comm. really wanted to go after the existing structures, some in plain sight, and like Johansen's shed, in place for a while, even years. So the current owner of Johansen's property, cut off the porch deck, but the overhang still exists. Fine with me - but a compliance issue now, with the "new" change.

    All this busy-work, while the permitting of the Water Dept. building was overlooked, Williams was taking members to Superior Court over shed roofs, and EPA violations have gone on for several years. Somebody took their eyes off "the Prize" don't ya think ?

  2. The committee has to approve a shed or fence, but does nothing about approving anything on surfside property? Makes no sense at all. Do as I say, not as I do. Why should any member follow the rules when surfside doesn't?

  3. If they try to make it retroactive, there will be numerous more court cases spending thousands more of our money on frivilous items. Can’t change the rules and then go back and penalize folks for having obeyed the rules that were in force at the time the building was constructed.

  4. Check out the shed on F and 352nd or so. The structure is beautiful and has been there for upteen years with porch and overhang and electricity.
