June & July....No Business Office Report
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This report can be a little confusing. It states July and August. That is the date of reporting for the previous month and not the actual month. "Compliance July" is for June and "compliance August" is for July. The August totals will be reported in September.
As usual, the report does not disclose much in the way of information. This must be a disappointment for those who keep advocating compliance of the covenants. To my knowledge, I was the only Board member who requested additional information. Laura asked me why I wanted the additional information? She said no one else had requested it. I told her that as a Board member, I wanted to know what the members were concerned about.
From the report it is probably safe to assume that most of the tree complaints were about height, but from the rest, it would only be a guess. What's a General? Were there shed complaints and how many? How many complaints were dismissed? This kind of report should be rejected as incomplete and a full report requested.
You will find this report only here. This is not posted on the web site or in the Weekender. If it was actually published with more detail on the violation, it could act as a deterrent to violations. Isn't that what we want? This could also assist the Board in addressing complaints on covenant violations. The more informed we all are, the better the chance of solutions to issues. The bottom line is....Poor management.
I may be wrong, but that's how I see it.
Click on the report for a larger view.
This is a small number of complaints for an hoa with over 2500 lots. There are many more visible violations that are not being addressed because most members do not want to file a complaint that might alienate their neighbors. Sadly, this leaves some parts of Surfside in a mess that makes the whole HOA look bad.