
Monday, September 17, 2018

Board Meeting Notes

Saturday Sept. 15, 2018....

Board appointment:

The Board decided to not fill the vacated position of Patrick Johansen.  The Board will operate with a total of eight (8) Trustees until the next election.  Our governing documents state that there will be no less than three (3) trustees or more than nine (9)

Board Goals:

Most accepted with some modifications.

Covenant complaint appeals:

Barking dog complaint dismissed as complaint appeared to be a neighbor against neighbor where the covenants were used to harass.

Another complaint against the "Bird Lady"  will remain and her appeal was denied.

Budget preparation:

A work in progress.  Expect an increase with preliminary dues and assessment projected at $629.00 per lot.

An employee wage increase of 3% was approved. Christmas  bonus approved.  Also bonus for employees who further their training and certifications.

Land purchase:

The association has been offered the opportunity to purchase 2 1/2 acres adjacent to the RV storage lot.  To be further investigation and research on this.


I did not attend the Board meeting.  
There remains split votes on issues. How each member voted, will be available at the Oct. Board meeting. This was a long meeting with a closed session.



  1. The Olds little game of rigging the election to get on the board didn't work. Kind of a slam down for them. One down, one to go. The board made the right decision.

  2. Only reason they didn’t bring olds in, is because they didn’t need him for a majority. Duh!

  3. The 2 1/2 acres purchase is interesting. We should buy it if it's priced right and we can actually do something on it, a lot of that property is swampy out back there.

  4. They didn't want him. His reputation is well known.

  5. George, still no comment on the proposed "land transfer fee"? I know the story is that it was needed to compensate the HOA for the time the office staff has to spend telling the Title company if there is a lien or assessment payment due, but an interesting rumor is that it would be used to hire a covenant enforcement person to inspect your property before you could sell. The other part of that rumor that is interesting is that Mr. Olds was going to be offered that position - so much for not putting him on the Board. The Board is a non-paying position, the other might pay well and he has connections with the tree nazis.

  6. 3:30
    I found your comment and question interesting. After some checking, I now find it alarming. As for the "land transfer fee", at this time, I think there was nothing decided. I will seek more information on this.

    I do have in hand a new position proposal for a "Compliance Inspector". It is my understanding this was not presented at the Board meeting for approval at this time, but that money will be included in the budget for this part time position at a later date if desired. It will pay 17.00 to 23.00 per hour. I think but not sure, we are talking 20,000 a year for part time.

    The alarming part is how this position will be used to support special interests such as tree height covenants. Your comment about Mr. Olds being offered this position, puts a whole new angle on him not being on the Board. Those in control continue to engage in schemes to remain in control and secure and advance their personal agendas. It appears you may know more than what you are saying here.

    While, as far as I know, no formal action has been taken on this job position, an obvious amount of time has been spent in the preparation of the position description. I am considering publishing the position description with the qualifications and responsibilities. That is what I found alarming.

    This position would in reality remove Laura Frazier, Business Manager, as the "designated compliance officer". This would certainly justify a reduction in her salary. Your comment may have opened a whole new can of worms.

  7. When does the corruption in SHOA end? This is another story of behind door deals with board members! SOMEBODY HELP!!! SOS! Increase in dues again! Do we have a member in the membership that has legal background or expertise? Please step forward and aid the membership with this travesty.

  8. While I have no love for Laura your assertion that the removal of her compliance duties would affect her salary is ludicrous. She was not hired with that task in her job description and her salary was not based on it. Everything is a sinister plot it seems.

  9. Why would hiring a designated compliance officer change anything for the better ? They would be directed by Laura and Gary Williams and most likely be hand-picked by them as well. The Olds idea sounds about right.

    Eliminate the Tree restrictions and eliminate 3/4 of the "compliance" issues. There is no compliance crisis in Surfside. Take a walk on the beach.

  10. Steve's neighborhood may be free of compliance issues. This is not the case in other neighborhoods. Getting Surfside cleaned up, looking better and safer benefits all of us because the HOA will gain respect. A fair minded employee focused on covenant enforcement could make a big difference while Mr. Cox is walking on the beach.

    1. As long as the present board is in place a compliance officer will only make things worse.
      I would advocate hiring a fair general manager, and get the board out of day to day operations, including compliance.

  11. What are these urgent issues ? Please tell us where to see them !! A couple of the messiest properties that I know of have been cleaned-up, and they were just collectors who had gathered too much junk.

    An employee is trained in their duties by the same people who are creating conflicts in the community. "Fair-minded" must conform to what their employer requires, and I don't see there being clear standards that are being disregarded, except by Gary Williams.

    Clean-up business in the Boardroom, following requirements for approved expenditures in legal spending the same as all other expenditures. There are several steps in approving non-budgeted expenditures, and these requirements are NOT being adhered to in William's free-spending on this "critical" lawsuit on a FORMER member's shed roof.


  12. I have not been in the middle of these controversies, but I have had some experience with the process at Surfside. Although we have prevailed, and the Board has generally been rational, what we experienced getting that far was problematic.
    Change would be a good thing.
    A fair general manager would be a great plus, with professional hiring guidelines for a compliance officer to include high level of social skills and public service. The Board sets policy and oversight. An attitude of service should be in the mission statement.

  13. Just wondering. Why would the Board abandon their polilcy of putting thee next highest vote getter in? They have done it twice before in the last few years, that is how Scott and Weigar got on the Board. Now they could face the possibility of not getting majority vote on an issue with an even number of members. (fat chance).

  14. Because they are comfortable in their majority.

  15. I would add that any new hire would have to have a professional level course in Business Law or Real Estate Law.

  16. On Line voting will be on the Nov ballot.A herculean task to get 51% of the members to vote yes.I urge all blog readers to call, talk to, email any members they know. Get the word out. I feel short changed on my membership request to have the board approve this request for the voting but it is what it is. I would have liked to have had this on next years ballot but that is not be. I have emailed all the board members with my dissatisfaction of the way this handled.Please get the word out.

  17. Just read the weekender. It stated that the presidents vote will be used for a tie breaker. How can that be? He has no more power than anybody else on the Board and he would have had to cast his vote already for there to be a tie unless he has two votes, and that ain’t gonna happen. My suggestion is to get rid of another Board member so yoU can get back to an odd number onthe Board.

  18. For a board member to abstain, could make a tie. And we know they do that a lot. Or a board member absent.

  19. True. I forgot we have irresponsible Board members who refuse to vote, or call in. Just another way to push their radical agendas.

  20. Not attending meetings is a technique for advancing radical agendas ? How insidious !

  21. Olds is definitely part of the Faction. It is all planned, there is no division. Unless the rest of us get together and make some changes, things will just get worse.

  22. How do you begin to make changes when the corruption is so deep? Talk about draining the swamp! This SHOA faction are bottom eaters!!!

  23. 9:04. You don’t know much about politics.

  24. Tell me more. I guess Flood serves as a placeholder and "yes" man. What are you talking about ?

  25. Missing a vote that you would rather not be seen as voting for or against yet knowing the outcome has been practiced by politicians since time began.. It is no different for this group, you didn’t vote so how can you be held responsible. Far too many recusal sin this petty group.

  26. I would love to hear the reasoning behind some members not receiving their ballots. Just a quirk with the postal service or poorly provided customer service from office staff? Online voting would alleviate that blooper.
