
Thursday, September 13, 2018

Board Meeting Agenda

Sat. Sept. 15, 2018

As usual, the agenda is short on details for the members.  The Board members do receive the supporting information.  For example they will have the details on the complaint appeals and other information a few days prior to the meeting.  This agenda works ok for the Board, but not the members who may want to attend.  If an appeal is about a shed or tree issue, and the members know, they may want to attend for that reason.  There needs to be a better effort at providing information to the members.  This may increase attendance, or do they really want that? A simple one line added below each business item would help. (Maybe we need a tech. committee)

Several items of interest:

Old Business:
A.  Vacant Board position (G. Williams)
Notice there is no * which requires Board Action.  Interesting, as rumors abound.
A new appointment requires Board approval.

D.  Adopt 2017 Audit (R Turner)
This audit was supposed to have been adopted (accepted)  prior to the Annual meeting.  It was presented to the members.   Maybe the Board was so involved in a shed issue they overlooked attending to the business of spending over a million dollars of our money.

Click on the report below for a larger view.


  1. Isn't the assumption that Olds will be appointed ? (Mysterious candidate who emerged out of nowhere with unprecedented proxy support - obviously a set-up).

    This "discussion of issues for the good of the order" sounds like a lecture on Board prerogative. They have only the authority clearly given to them in writing, nine Trustees each with essentially equal authority.

  2. When have they only used the authority clearly given to them in writing? Yes it is an ass-umption.

  3. Any predictions on the member request discussion on online voting?

  4. Quite discouraging that the Tech Committee was shot down! Online voting would have been a step forward in the right direction. Direction SHOA is headed for is tragic!

  5. Not Turners fault the audit is screwed up. Happened before his time by know it all Clancy. Rome is burning while the board is fiddling. Looking forward to the new budget so that miss spending can continue. There will be a closed session for the board to give the employees a raise and bonus again. They think they can buy off the employees to keep their mouths shut.

  6. That and belong to same church.

  7. Any good ideas on how to drain this swamp? Simply ignoring these people isn't working.

  8. How about buying them off to leave Surfside office and board? Well spent money instead of where it’s going now!

  9. The primary purpose in creating the Tech. Comm. was to research and put in place on-line voting. It is unfortunate that their test-run was trashed so, the intention being to test initial interest in participation, not to address controversial issues.

    On-line voting was a survey item however, and in typical style, something that seems beneficial to the entire community, and relatively benign, was portrayed as scary and a tool of the "Troublemakers".

    People who are this insecure cannot be consoled, as their fears are baseless and serve as an excuse to never change anything no matter how dysfunctional. Gary Williams was reappointed as president in keeping with this love of the status-quo and embrace of dysfunction. This assures there's even more damaging nonsense to come.

  10. Am on the road so won’t be at the meeting today. Will someone please use the blog to update on the “transfer fee”. Don’t see HOA as an entity that doesn’t own your property or is not your realtor can take funds for you if you sell? It is not another assessment as it is not applied equally just directed towards certain members. They say it is to cover office costs. So how much work does it take for Kimber to check if there are any liens or dues in arrears? I have heard it is to fund a compliance individual by “stealing funds” as the rest of the budget is in such bad shape. To bad Mr Olds will be on the Board by then. I am sure his wife would love for him to have that job (and the money that goe s with it). Want more info so we can contact Washington AGand maybe get some jail time. For them if the Board approves this theft.

  11. Not even once did I see or hear a comment that the better use of technology would be scary or a tool of the troublemakers. Again, it is the delusional stuff that marks some of the troublemakers as crazy. The only negative that I ever heard or read was that we have some members who do not know how to use a computer, a smart phone or a tablet. This means that ballots would still need to be mailed to assure a fair vote. The Tech Committee as it was couldn't even come up with a survey that would be useful or valid.

    Surfside personnel should be engaged in knowing how to use and using tech advances to better serve our members. The fact that this is not happening indicates that the Board is hiring, paying and giving bonuses to employees who aren't performing very well. This needs to be addressed and fixed.

    The bumbling failures of a few, long term Board members are detrimental to the association and all its members. The failure of newer board members to take over and manage better is discouraging. A professional General Manager leader could save thousands in legal fees each year to assist with paying a reasonable salary for their professional services. A Covenant Enforcement employee could help to relieve the hate and distrust that exists among many members. The resistance from the long term Board members to make sensible changes in how things are done in Surfside is alarming. We are paying a steep price for the arrogant ineffectiveness of our Board.

    The continuing harassment by a few troublemaking members who want to make self serving changes does nothing to help the situation. Making changes to how things are done that would eliminate the fair participation opportunity for some members is wrong. Figure out how to deal with the real issues instead of making up stuff to feed the craziness.

  12. First, there were numerous claims on the blog that Blagg wanted to orchestrate her own agenda through the use of the Tech Comm. All part of the tireless efforts seen here to discredit anyone with an independent view of how Surfside could be improved, and in particular harass Blagg. You're one of them 9:34.

    You insist on referring to critics of the BOT and HOA policies as "troublemakers", yet you have many of the same criticisms of the Assoc.. Strangely, you see your intent as pure and sound in conception. You have focused on Deb's attempt to bring motions to the floor of the Annual Meeting as dastardly and self-serving, yet all of the motions address issues that you also think need attention. That is hypocritical.

    If you are a fountainhead of wisdom, why do you hide behind the anonymous moniker, rather than show leadership for change ? It takes courage and commitment to put yourself out there, and fomenting change garners plenty of criticism - doesn't it ?

    Show a little grace and respect for those who have had the courage to serve as agents of change, if somewhat unsuccessfully. There is no shame in that, rather it's a selfless effort that takes backbone. I've been there, done that.

  13. If you carefully followed what Blagg had to say and what she actually did, you would see that her motivations and actions were self serving, not for the good of the whole. So glad she used her name for most of her comments on this blog because it exposed her thinking. To be an effective change agent requires a level of integrity that was not demonstrated by Blagg.

    1. That's garbage.

      She tried to act using the rules of the Association, but was beaten back by a highly questionable use of proxies.

      Because of this she has been demeaned and villified. Of course, I'm sure its not personal - just an agenda item to keep those pesky RV'rs in their place.
      Please try not to use the word 'integrity' in your posts. You've shown none to date.

  14. Some of us bothered to take a closer look at Blagg. She did not measure up. We realize that a few of you belong to the Blagg fan club which has caused some short sighted appraisals.
    One more time - all RV members had a full opportunity to evaluate the covenants in Surfside as they bought their property. If they don't like the rules, move. The arrogant, selfish idea that you can set yourself down anywhere and change the rules to suit yourselves is narcissistic and hateful. Nobody wants a neighbor who sincerely believes that they are above the rules. These disrespectful people would not know integrity if it was served to them for breakfast.

    1. Sorry she didn't fit your self interests.
      You speak of integrity as if you're the only one that has any
      and that is far from the truth.

      Your constant naysaying and negativity towards his group contributes nothing.

      Sometimes changing the rules is necessary. Evidence to this fact is a we have been hijacked by your special interests. Keep up the cut and paste - you fool no one.

  15. 12:28 sounds scared to me. Or has dementia, as repeats same statement over n over. Boring and not helping his cause.

  16. Some are too dense to get the message unless it is repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over . . .

  17. Reminder: just because you repeat a statement over and over doe NOT make it the truth. It could be just some senseless ramblings of an elderly malcontent.

  18. Ideologues are prone to oversimplification and falsification. They adopt a single axion: government is bad, covenants are bad, homeowners are bad. Then they filter and screen their experiences and insist ever more narrowly that everything can be explained by that axiom. They believe, narcissistically, underneath all that bad theory, that the world could be put right, if only they had the controls.

    Please explain 1:17 what you think is so right and truthful about you.

  19. Where did you get all of this "information" that you claim pidgeon-holes human beings by just pushing your "easy-button"? A mindreader you ain't bub. A clown ? Yes !! This rambling about people you know nothing about is elitist to the bone. The same as racism.... the lowest !

  20. Still waiting for what 1:17 and 2:13 thinks is so right and truthful about himself/herself.

  21. Idealogues also manage to effect change. Narcissism is optional.

    I need to explain nothing to you. Your feeble attempt to put yourself on some type of pedestal is just that.

  22. We would like to see what 1:17/2:13/2:26 has to say about what is so right and truthful about the opinions of the RV, shed and tree minority. It looks like he/she is unable to express those ideas about himself/herself.

  23. all bluster and no substance to the minority again.

    1. Some of us actually have lives, and don't live through our blog troll.
      Once again, as apparently you were too consumed in your rant to assimilate: I owe you no explanation. BTW, not all those posts were by one person...looks like the villagers are starting to gather...

  24. I am wondering what happened with the fabricated complaint number 5002, barking dog?

  25. chicken! can't come up with what is right or truthful about his opinions. he owes no explanation. he want his freedom to harass and troll uninterrupted by any sensible explanation.

  26. That freedom is called the First Amendment, you putz.
    You feel free to attack anyone out here for not following the party line.Unacceptable. Expect to hear the same voices again and again, calling you out for your bullying. Great example directly above.

  27. You agreed to the covenants when you bought your property. If you can't fins yourself doing what you agreed to do then you should move. You are now outed as another disagreeable trouble maker who has nothing to offer to this HOA. BTW, I don't follow any party line. I am a respectable citizen who does cooperate with the covenants.

  28. Outed. Who the hell left you in charge? You take on airs way beyond your place, which is as a shill to the present administration. Enjoy your puppet strings.

  29. You take things way too seriously 8:59.

  30. 9:58 sounds like a board trustee or employee.

  31. Wrong on both guesses.
