
Monday, August 13, 2018

Community Association Fundamentals

Member requested posting...

Another member has requested I make this posting on the blog.
Another member who lived out of the area, (not the member who requested this posting) sent me the publication the CAI publishes.  He did this for several years. I would share them with then Board President Flood.  I don't know if that was what sparked our HOA joining. I do know that the current Board members do receive information now, from CAI, mostly Emails.  The member who sent me the publications, is the same member who donated the park bench at Veterans Park and the Deer Lake sign. 

Our biggest problem with the Surfside HOA is the lack of professional management by the Board and staff.  Most of the problems and discontent are our own making.  It does not have to be this way. My answer to the question posed by the contributing member is, the association has failed themselves and it's members.  Maybe, just maybe, new faces on the Board, will move us in the direction that is so badly needed for the Board and the members.

Thank you to the member who contributed the following:     

Hey George,
How about posting the following on the blog?

Surfside HOA is a member of the Community Associations Institute (CAI), an international membership organization dedicated to building better communities by providing education and resources to the homeowner leaders who govern and the professionals who support them.

The following are CAI’s Community Association Fundamentals; note the emphasis on the community as a whole. AFTER you read them, tell me - how do you think our Association Leadership is doing, based on these guidelines?

CAI Community Association Fundamentals:

Each common-interest community has its own history, personality, attributes and challenges, but all associations share common characteristics and core principles.

CAI developed the community association Fundamentals to foster a better conceptual understanding of how associations function and the roles of residents and association leaders. We hope this primer will help people recognize the core principles at the heart of the community association model and, even more importantly, inspire effective, enlightened leadership and responsible, engaged citizenship.

1. Associations ensure that the collective rights and interests of all homeowners are respected and preserved.

2. Associations are the most local form of representative democracy, with leaders elected by their neighbors to govern in the best interest of all residents.

3. Associations provide services and amenities to residents, protect property values and meet the established expectations of homeowners.

4. Associations succeed when they cultivate a true sense of community, active homeowner involvement and a culture of building consensus.

5. Association homeowners have the right to elect their community leaders and to use the democratic process to determine the policies that will protect their investments.

6. Association homeowners choose where to live and accept a contractual responsibility to abide by established policies and meet their financial obligations to the association.

7. Association leaders protect the community’s financial health by using established management practices and sound business principles.

8. Association leaders have a legal and ethical obligation to adhere to the association’s governing documents and abide by all applicable laws.

9. Association leaders seek an effective balance between the preferences of individual residents and the collective rights of homeowners.

10. Association leaders and residents should be reasonable, flexible and open to the possibility—and benefits—of compromise.

For more information on CAI, visit


  1. The majority of the community owners don't live in Surfside. Most don't want to be involved in the governing of their vacation place. The not voting is a good indication of this.

    So the BOARD is obliged to do what the full time residents would prefer and what is written in the current covenants.

    Many feel that is being done....many don't!

    That's why this blog is so successful. But it's still a very small percentage of the total community that responds here.

  2. Based on the 10 principles, I would give it a 2.5. There were 2 full yes' #3 and #6 and one 1/2 at #2.

  3. 5:24.... You make an unfounded assumption that part-time residents aren't involved with the HOA because they are part-time residents. We bought in Surfside a little over 2 years ago. The community where we have been fulltime residents has an HOA, and they are challenged to have candidates for the 5 member Board. They are fortunate to have a quorum to conduct the Annual Meetings.

    It is my understanding that many HOAs have trouble functioning due to the lack of owner interest and participation. There is no basis for your assumption that "the Board is obliged to do what the fulltimers want".

    I believe that there are only about 300 to 400 full-time residents in Surfside, and only about 100 owners attend the Annual Meetings each year - so less than a third of full-time residents attend the annual meetings. As the principles stated here indicate, ALL residents are to be served equally and fairly, and all interests taken into consideration.

    What catches my attention is the emphasis on compromise. That requires all Trustees be shown respect in the conducting of community business, and trying to work together to find reasonable solutions. Pursuing a lawsuit over a shed roof does not reflect rational thinking, or an interest in finding compromise or practical solutions.

    1. Good luck with any sort of compromise here. Common sense left a while ago.

  4. Actually with the new board there are only 4 board members that are full timers

  5. To 8:45:

    Neither is showing up at a meeting to circumvent the will of voters by trying to have Trustees removed.

  6. Or secretly stacking the board with a backup board member. It’s supposed to be about the good of all. SHOA just sounds like a bunch of bitter bored old men, that miss their glory years, or never had them. The board is not supposed to be a us n them thing, but a us thing. Really don’t see that happening. This whole SHOA thing is gunna go down in flames. Happy?

  7. Good to know! The bitter, bored old men on the board have a lot in common with the bitter, bored RVers and tree huggers who suffer from buyer's remorse. Mind you, I am not saying that the Board is performing to well. All the members deserve so much better than they are getting from this association.

  8. Old “wanna be important” jerks. Rvers are far from bored as they enjoy their freedom of traveling and meeting nice people along the way. Not so much in Surfside! Only buyers remorse is caused from the jerks of Surfside harassing Rv property owners. How about you start picking on some of your own?

  9. When members break the rules and ignore the covenants expect to get harassed and worse. Those who persist in having it their way in spite of the existing covenants invite their own troubles. If you feel harassed in Surfside then you can rest assured that you are a trouble maker and rule breaker.

  10. How dare you accuse me of being a rule breaker and trouble maker. I am as far from that as anyone could be! Bottom line is you are part of the Mafia in Surfside that bully and harass anyone that isn’t part of your clique. Sick individual that has nothing better to do than make life miserable for others. BTW: your comment of worse was a serious threat. George, I would block this dangerous individual.

  11. Most of the discontent in Surfside is due to the divisive Tree Policy and the dysfunctional BOT who re-appointed Gary Williams. By the way 8:58, Mr. Williams has taken it upon himself to spend large sums of member funds on legal consultation and a lawsuit over an owner's SHED ROOF. He has chosen to circumvent other Trustees who have equal authority to himself, making HOA decisions on his own with a couple of "yes" Trustees, when ALL HOA actions are to be reviewed by ALL BOT members. That is a clear violation of our covenants !!

    What do you suggest be done about a president that blatantly violates the covenants, and spends community funds without proper Board approval ? Guess Gary Williams is just another trouble-maker and rule breaker !!

    The proper thing to do is remove him from office in a member meeting. Oh yeah, no one had the backbone to do what was necessary, and the attorney butted-in where he had no authority, giving incorrect guidance.

    There is nothing inappropriate about proposing a recall at a member meeting. It is the proper venue, and in keeping with our covenants. Same with the other motions made. Approval of any or all of the motions would have only been advisory, as the BOT still has the only authority to change the covenants.

    We are all obliged to monitor the performance of the Board, and critique their actions at will. That is a basic tenant of democracy - participation and insistence that the will of the membership be done. I am critical of our dysfunctional BOT, and divisive Tree Policy - but I love my house and time at the beach. Why would I let a bunch of self-serving shmoes on the Board cause me to have buyers remorse ?

  12. Yes, I do dare. The "worse" comment that you are so worried about referred to your neighbors having no respect for you because you are breaking the rules or working on destroying the rules to fit your personal idea of how things should be. Contrary to the paranoid minds of a few, almost all of the members are nice folks who want to quietly and peacefully live at the beach. We do not want to impose our will on anybody. We simply want to live by the rules and rely on those around us to do the same.

    1. By this very posting you are trying to impose your will on others. I guess we can add 'hypocrite' to the list.

  13. What magical place is it, where rules are made ? They are made by fallible humans just like ourselves. That's why there are procedures provided for in our covenants for recalling Trustees for inappropriate actions or poor performance. That is why there are procedures for changing the covenants -because they may need to be clarified, are out of date, are unfair, or detrimental to the community.

    How do you think democracy is to function, if no one questions the HOA's actions ? It doesn't function well, so we see the results of turning a blind-eye to William's rogue actions and wasteful spending of member funds. The vocal few are the only effort being made to stop the runaway BOT actions.

  14. Deb Blagg had the guts to stand up to Williams and his buds, but you can see where that got her. Scorned, ridiculed, rejected, belittled, and shamed because she knows there is a desperate need for changes in SHOA. How do you remedy the problem in this HOA? Dissolve it and start fresh. Just sayin

  15. To 10:21:

    Democracy is alive and well here. All members were allowed to run for the board. All members were allowed to vote. People ran who wanted to serve, people voted for those who did. The problem for you and some others here are you don't want to serve and not enough people feel the way you do vote. Instead of accepting that you hitched your wagon to someone else that is as disgruntled as you and tried to pull a fast one at the annual meeting. Problem again, you didn't have the votes.


    Everything you said concerning how Ms. Blagg has been treated can be said about your group towards others as well so save me the woe is me B.S. In fact I have witness her being disrespectful towards other board members on more than one occasion so just as guilty.

    And no, SHOA doesn't need to be dissolved. Plenty people moved here because they love it and will continue to do so. The true remedy for the problems would be for those who don't to leave.

    Just sayin.....

  16. I second that 2:32

  17. After the days this week with unhealthy air due to the wildfire smoke, many of us old folks are hoping to breath some clean air to get feeling better. Instead, we're closing up the windows because the campfire smoke is rolling in to choke us tonight. With the super dry fire hazard conditions (a burn ban in place) and the good possibility of more wildfire smoke in our air, I am amazed that anyone would be so thoughtless as to light a camp fire at this time. It is well after 11pm with the campfire smoke still thick in our air. You would think that members of an association would do better at taking care of each other.

  18. Montana fires are a serious problem right now. A visiting neighbor had a campfire last nite. A good neighbor goes over and informs them of fire danger as we did. They were very pleasant and appreciated the warning from us. If a person is civil, you get more accomplished. Too bad Surfside members can’t be respectable to all. Not gonna happen with this SHOA! Instead there are neighbors that tattle on each other and cause a hostile environment. Sad!!!

  19. Often and as the case last night, the smoking fire was not within view. I guess you were picturing that we would go out in our pj's to look for the fire to talk with the thoughtless jerks. Some house cleaning this morning reveals a film of black crud when dusting and cleaning inside and the same layer of filth making a good window cleaning appear on our TO DO list. This crap is in our lungs despite running air purifiers in the house to try for cleaner air. We think it is time for a new covenant addressing the hazards of smoke in our air from campfires or from wildfires. There should be no campfires allowed during unhealthy air quality events. There should be no campfires during burning bans. There should be no campfires if neighbors have made it known that they have health issues that are aggravated by smoking campfires. The smoke can travel and bring harm much further than the nearby neighbors.

  20. My wife is coughing up cruddy stuff and has had several nose bleeds with the recent wildfire and campfire smoke. We ordered an air purifier off of Amazon which is supposed to be delivered today. It would be great to count on our neighbors to think about clean air instead of holing up in our house with a machine trying to clean the air we breath. Fire safety is another issue that concerns us. Many people leave the campfires burning when they go to bed for the night. Clean air to breath and fire safety are issues that should be addressed in Surfside.

  21. With the Washington State air quality map showing orange for this area, I'm looking down on a campfire smoking away within a few feet of the home of a full time resident. Is it any wonder that many of us hate to see RVs and campers arrive?

  22. Our new air purifier arrived yesterday so we feel better equipped to deal with the unhealthy quality of the air. Sure enough, with unhealthy air quality reported in this area today, the nearby RV folks have had a camp fire going since they arrived yesterday. Add the expense of the air purifier and replacement filters for it to the costs of filtering the water. It is not cheap to live in Surfside while trying to take care of our health.

  23. Shame on those RV folks! How do you react when a stickbuilt owner has a campfire? Plenty of those in Surfside. Oh, that’s right; they aren’t RV trash. You people are a joke. Nothing better to do but whine about RVs.

  24. I guess I live in another part of Surfside, our air has been fine, n I have copd, no real problems. Exaggerate much? Be calm, they all be gone soon n then u can worry bout all those falling trees. I’m more worried bout the drug dealers in the neighborhood. When talked to the Sheriff, he said was aware of them, but was was advised to ignore them. He was beating his significant other the other night, but he ran n she refused to file charges, even though there was witnesses. Your on your own law wise folks.

  25. Watched two family members die of COPD - we are trying to take care with our health to make sure that it does not happen to us. The wildfire smoke continues to pollute our air with ratings today above 60 on the scale of unhealthy air. When campfire smoke is added to the wildfire smoke it creates a problem that results in symptoms of too much exposure to smoke. If you are seriously worried that one of those fearsome drug dealers is going to get you, you might consider joining the Neighborhood Watch program to increase your sense of safety.

  26. OK 2:46, find me a stickbuilt with a fire going and I will tell them the same. You're the one turning this into a RV hate thing. Like it or not if you were to drive around here on the west side any fires you see going are on RV lots. That's generally the case even without a burn ban in effect.

    Given the smoke and extreme dry conditions I don't consider this whining either. Could it be this hits a little close to home for you?

  27. Not in my neighborhood. It a house that burns every time someone shows up. They have a LLC and different people each weekend, but a fire everytime!

  28. We hope that ALL members would be decent enough not to light up camp fires during burn bans or air quality alerts. This is an association where we should all be doing our best to take good care of each other.

  29. 11:27 are you saying that the house is owned by a corporation and used by a large number of individuals? In that case, I would think that the association could send a letter regarding the covenant about nuisance smoke and burning bans so that the corporation can remind property users to act safely while in Surfside. Remember, it takes only one live spark to set off a wildfire.

  30. Renters and guests are required to abide by the covenants of the HOA.
