
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Board Meeting Notes

August 18, 2018

All Board members present except Patrick Johansen who was present by phone. There were less than 15 members in the audience.  At the end of the meeting, Patrick announced that the sale of his property would be final in two weeks.

New Trustee Orientation:
A short slide show that showed what the Board should be doing, and mostly don't.

Trustee assignments:
I will make a separate posting on this..A few new assignments.

Covenant change on sheds passed.

Shed complaint appeal:
Members won this as the shed with  plumbing was built before any shed covenants existed. It is taxed by the County as a cabin.

Property transfer fee:  
Proposal to charge 450.00 to seller of any property sold in Surfside. Estimated to generate 90,000 dollars a year. Tabled because estimated figures did not seem correct.  More research. (I thought we were non-profit)

Purchase for Water Department:
4,000.00 purchase approved.  Attaches to the front of the under the road pusher of pipe, which they hardly ever use now.

AC pipe disposal:
approved 13,000.00 for contractor to dig up and remove the illegally burred pipe. (I guess you could say we got lucky. Could have cost a lot more) (They should send the bill to North Beach)

We been robbed:
Approved the transfer of over collection of water meter install charge of 11,000.00 to the general operating fund. This was paid only by those of us who had a water meter installed.  This was a special assessment that many of us struggled to pay over 5 years. May be they should have a water meter owner appreciation dinner with the surplus. Again, I thought we were a non-profit. I would question if the action taken is even legal.

I will be posting additional reports, some interesting and some not so much.
There was not much in the way of floor comments. Some member thought he should get special treatment because of a narrow property he owned on a hill side.  A trustee suggested he make a waterfall.


  1. Looks like more court cases coming up. The HOA neither owns my property or is my realtor, therefore will not receive a single cent when my property is sold, evidently they have already decided to steal my overpayment for the water. Meter. I wil be contacting my state representative to see if it is possible to press robbery charges, and gather a coalition to sue for this proposed robbery . The Board sealed Patrick’s win if they pursue further court action against him. I have contacted lega.assistance and there is precedence that you cannot
    change a covenant or ruling and make it retroactive without limit, it is only effective from the moment of approval. Patrick, if they continue I would advise suing for at least $250k for harassment. Many of you bad people say “you knew what you bought into”.. Yes I did,when over a decade ago we bought here to a nice area established as a getaway to the beach, where the average age of the residents was 60+, trailers and rv’s were the norm and welcome, we had a compliance officer who met with people one to one and people respected one another and the community. Small community get together s were common. We didn’t have a group of little old ladies running around with laser guided binoculars looking for tree heights and photographing property’s (we have photos of you, thanks to cell phones’). We have people with severe anger issues such as Mr deLees or mr.Olds attempting to terrorize others. We put up with Flood and Kirby thinking nothing could be worse, however Williams and the majority of this Board have proven otherwise. By the way, your dismissal of the complaint against the shed at this meeting is inconsistent with your retroactive covenant change and given Patrick exactly what he needs to sue the HOA into oblivion, and I hope he does!!

  2. Wow 9:17 The correct spelling of my name is de Leest. You think i have anger issues? Did you read what you just posted? Again another reason why this blog is so dangerous to Surfside. Kudos for hiding behind anonymous, hope your proud of yourself.

  3. If I had a name like that, I would change it to Anonymous. What kind of name is that? Reminds me of that song a boy named sue.

  4. 10:53 you have proven my point about this blog! Enjoy your slander as you hide behind anonymous.

    1. The abject stupidity you attach your name to is so gratuitous and self-serving as to border on the pathetic.
      This blog fights people like you by delivering facts. I can see why you would consider it a threat. With time, hopefully it will be a larger one.

  5. de leest and Olds are bully buddies.

  6. Tell you what, to make this de Lest of your problems there Fred, why don’t you simply stop reading the blog?

  7. Bye bye Freddy the Freeloader! Good riddance. Bet you were a bully on the playground too!

  8. That a baby blog trolls!

  9. If you think this jerk is bad, just wait until his hot head buddy gets on the board.

  10. Well 9:17 since you decided to use this topic for nothing else but making your usual false accusations and name calling let me add mine. Them being bullies is questionable. What isn't is you being an a$$hole.

  11. Support EVERYTHING 9:17 states! Look in the mirror 10:51.

  12. Then why was an appeal needed? Seems a no brained to dismiss out of hand. See what happens when snoopy neighbors are compliance officers?

  13. Because a complaint was made. That's how it works here.

    BTW, since you won't read it here. Your savior of SHOA Patrick voted AGAINST these members. So please, tell me again how the so called "Mafia" here are against RV'ers.

  14. So you support yourself 10:54? Good for you. I would tell you to look in the mirror but I doubt you have one that isn't cracked.

  15. Spare me your B.S. "Facts" on here are the same with any social media, questionable. On top of that look at the other topic below and witness facts being deleted.

    1. You criticize other peoples facts, yet expect us to believe your foolishness. Could only be a Board member or buddy.

  16. While it is petty to ridicule anyone's name there is nothing slanderous about it. If anything it would be libel (written)and not slander which is verbal.

  17. Hey Harvard Law, how about the alleged overcharge of $11k from the water meter project that the HOA has allegedly decided to keep?Suppose you went to Home Depot and purchased some items. When you got home you looked at the sales slip and found you had been overcharged by say $50. You would return to Home Depot, present your product and the sales slip and request a refund, correct? Then what if the clerk told you that, gee the company would rather keep the money, the CEO has had some big legal bills and we are going to use your overpayment to settle his debt. How would you feel and what would you do, particularly if you found out one hundred or more other customers had been overcharged and were being denied their refunds for the same reason? Aha, in this case where is the receipt to the HOA? All you need to do is reference the alleged revelation in the Board meeting and then check the books. If the alegation was made and believed to be factual, you should have cause and the books should be open to all members of the Association. If no overage exists, then it’s over - no harm, no foul. If the $11k overpayment exists, demand a refund. As with the government, the government and the association have no money, the people, however, do and entrust certain entities to use it legally and wisely.

  18. I agree that the proposed charge on real estate sales is a twisted notion. As was mentioned here, the HOA has no claim to anything in a property sale. This WOULD DEFINITELY be a for-profit measure, and invite more lawsuits.

    Williams has to be a half-wit to think that this measure approved on shed eaves can be made "retroactive". This shows how obsessed he is to "show that guy who's boss". This, like the absurd legal spending, is not rational thinking.

    The water meter money needs to be reimbursed as this is another greedy move by the "status-quo" folks running the Office and BOT. Keeping the money in the HOA coffers is theft for profit.

  19. The fiasco management of our water system rests on the shoulders of Bill Neal and a board that has renewed the contract of a poor performer over and over again. We have all paid through the nose for Bill Neal to screw us while delivering water that should be filtered for consumption because it cannot be trusted to be healthy. Figure out how to get rid of Neal so that we can entrust the management of our water system to a trustworthy and experienced person or company.

  20. Return our money! It MUST be refunded to members or surely you will see lawsuits filed.

  21. 9:19 you are too funny! SMH

  22. If 9:17 is funny, then 9:21 is stupid.

  23. 9:33 must be the blog idiot then!

  24. Am wondering why it was the ARC that proposed the fee for selling? In my over a decade of living here, there never was, nor was there a need for such a fee. We even had a full time covenant enforcement officer for several of those years. Is there that much new paperwork, etc associated with a sale? And if so, I would think the seller and buyer could work it out, not the HOA. For the record, please provide specifics on this proposal.

  25. 9:19, 9:17 and 9:33. Please try and mature a bit or stop posting. You prove or add nothing to theses discussions except how thin your skins are.

  26. The BIG problem is not about sheds, shed rooves, tree heights, or RV usage. The BIG problem is the way the Board Faction operates. Absolutely no adherence to any ethical procedures. That is the big problem. Because they outnumber the non-Faction members, they feel they can just to anything and get away with it. And because too few will stand up to them, they can.

    We need an honest board!

    How pissed of are you? What will it take to get you to step forward and stand up against this gang that has very politely been called the Faction. Certainly amongst you there must be a dozen or so that are willing to do some work, like becoming a board member, to fix this tyrannical state of Surfside!

  27. Let me guess 1:47 pm that wont be you volunteering lol

  28. OK 1:47, since you deemed it necessary to continue to use Patrick's "faction" B.S. label, care to explain the vote on the Tech Committee at the last meeting? Who are the "faction" now?

    While you're at it, also explain how "faction", "mafia" and other terms are "polite".

    The real BIG problem is the people that move to a HOA but don't like nor don't want to follow the rules. Those of us that do and moved here because of the rules don't have a BIG problem and aren't pissed.
