
Saturday, July 14, 2018

Annual Meeting Notes..updated

President...Gary Williams
Vice President...Jim Flood
Secretary....Scott Winegar
Treasurer...Rudd Turner

All motions failed.
Voting numbers should be available Monday

The meeting lasted until after 2 pm. They said it would be up to an hour before voting results were tabulated.  They said they would put the results in the Weekender and also let us know at the picnic.  Most people had left the picnic before I left at 3:45.  The volunteers said they would close the picnic down at 4 pm.  When I learn the results, I will post them here.

The motions and discussions went on for well over an hour.  Because of 4 motions, the tabulation will take a long time, because the proxy vote also have to be sorted and counted where the proxy holder was given authority to vote on issues.  How many of those there were is not known to me.

The motions were in this order to vote...
1. table the motions below.
2. Remove Gary Williams from the Board..
3 Remove James Flood from the Board.
4. Remove Scott Winegar from the Board.

They (the Board) could not continue with the special Board Meeting where they elect officers for the following term, because they don't know who will be on the Board until after the vote tabulation.

James Flood and Mark Scott were present by phone.

I counted over 100 people present.
240 voted by proxy.
89 present voted.
Total voted was 329

More on this later...




    The Blagg's pitiful coup has failed! All Trustee's she tried to backdoor will remain.

    So who is sad now!

  2. Good luck selling at a decent price with these clowns in office. They are costing us money every day. The fact that Williams got re elected as president says it all. Fix is in!

  3. Good to know that duplicitous, destructive, derisive, divisive, deceptive, defiant, deficient, disagreeable, discontented, disgusting, dishonest, dishonorable, disoriented, disobedient, disreputable, disruptive, dissonant, disturbed, dominating, doofus, double speaking, dangerously dippy, Deb has not prevailed in her determination to divide and destroy Surfside.

  4. We'd like to see a policy written that would provide for billing members who are the troublemakers like Patrick, Deb and others.

    1. I would like to see a way of wiping your stupidity off this forum, but I don't think either one of us is going to get our wish.

  5. Who’s this we kemosabe?

  6. Being a proud Washington Husky, pretty much expected something this low from a DUCK.

    Funny how the people who say they talked for the majority are the ones who try to go against the the will of the people and the election of those that are voted in fairly. So sad. Hypocrites.

  7. Who is supporting what team is juvenile crap. Grow up and get over it. Sad to see that Deb sunk to putting up a team supporting sign when we do have a covenant restricting signs. She should consider moving away from Surfside. She is an embarrassment and a troublemaker.

  8. Once again you deflect and attack. Nobody won in this election except the ruling junta. Pathetic!
    As for you Deb haters; this woman has stated her position and put her name to it. Who else in this forum did that? I hope she stays, and continues to rattle you old clowns!

  9. Isn’t this becoming scary to you? Oh wait, you stupid people deserve each other. Pot luck at Gary Williams...

  10. Kirby. Kirby ,Kirby. Must have taken you and your one friend, Williams some time to share your crayons and come up with these responses. Such a deep effort for such shallow minds. The Board started it’s downward spiral during your term as President but I must say,Williams has taken it to a new all time low.

  11. While a win is a win, the voting total numbers on the motions will reveal that a substantial, but not majority of those voting, favored the removal of the 3 Board members.

    The proxy votes were divided among the 7 serving Board members. The 3 in the motions should not have been allowed to vote on their own removal. Certainly a conflict of interest. Each had approximately 30 ballots. Probably most authorized them to vote on other matters. Not likely they would have voted to remove themselves. There were some proxy ballots for those members attending, but the vast majority went to the Board.

    This was a flawed voting process. There is no clear mandate of confidence in this Board. I fear they will think they can continue the status quo with no consequences. My bigger fear is that ...they are right.

  12. Sorry, actually 6 Board members had the divided proxy ballots. Deb was not on the Board and Flood and Scott were n the phone.

  13. I can't believe so many just want to keep the status quo. So much hate for those that ask questions, ask for board transparency and ask for the opportunity to vote on issues rather than accepting the false and/or fear mongering statements/actions of the "executive board" and cronies.

  14. Pretty good, flood hardly ever here n still wins. Does he do everything by phone?

  15. It is so hard for some of you to understand that change should be something that a majority wants in an HOA. It is not a matter that a few newcomers decide that they want things to be different. We all bought into the governance and rules that are part of this HOA. If you can't decently comply with what is expected of you in this HOA, you can sell out. The seething rage that the minority did not get its self-serving way does not contribute to improving our association. Get the hell out. You are not wanted in this community.

  16. The only "seething rage" I see, is mostly you. If you can't adapt to change, your the one who should get the hell out. There is no guarantee in life that I know. You need to start by being civil.

  17. Really? The only "rage" came from those in Duck shirts mainly.

    People keep saying status quo in a derogatory manner when in reality you continue to insult those of us who moved here because we like it here. In fact we like it here so much we live here for more time then most of those that complain. And as was shown today, even after a very sneaky way to try and bypass the true will of the majority, the true majority prevailed.

    But thanks for showing your cards. You want to play those games, we are now ready to sink down to your level. You reap what you sow.

  18. Show me proof of the true will of the majority. You must have information that the rest of us don't. For someone who likes it here so much, you sure come across as an unhappy person. You must feel threatened. You sound like someone complaining. Your complaining about people complaining. Next thing, you will be complaining about people signing as anonymous. You might want to consider therapy, I don't think the drinking is working for you.

  19. 5:12, you missed disingenuous and duplicitous. Deb tried to pull an end around with her covenant change. Her arrogance is mind boggling. She basically told the Association “I am your Moses and I have returned from the mountain with tablets that will save you from your miserable existence”. Never mind what they say. You don’t need to read them or understand them. I have reviewed them and I assure you they do not conflict with any laws, will not cost you any money and will make your life at Surfside a utopia. What delusions of grandeur.

  20. Who determines the veracity of these elections? That question has been asked before, but not answered. What guarantee do we have that the numbers are accurate?
    Stuffing a ballot box would be a minor transgression for this bunch

  21. From a Governance standpoint, it appears to be unethical, if not plainly against established common practices, for the subject of a recall to vote on his/her potential status, and therefore carry over to his/her proxy voting. From what George stated earlier, if the individuals were to have been recused from voting on their personal issue, there may very well have been a recall of some if not all of the Board members. The vote should be called into question, but we know that will never happen.

  22. I was particularly interested in the statement that not a penny over the $10,000 deductible had been spent on the upcoming HOA lawsuit. Particularly since the HOA lawyer stated that they had been working the issue and therefore continuing to charge fees. Can't have it both ways. We needed either the Treasurer, or better, the bookkeeper, to tell us exactly how much has been spent in the name of this lawsuit. In the business world, if someone spent 500% or more of the amount they hoped to recoup, they would be looking for another job. Just think of what the end cost may be and the increase in insurance premiums for the HOA if they continue to file frivolous lawsuits. I suggest that rather than spending our money, (God knows the water department is over contributing to expenditures above and beyond with their errors and omissions) perhaps the Board might establish a "go fund me" page. Additionally, I believe, based on inside information that the HOA stands a significant possibility of NOT getting insurance coverage on the lawsuit and will lhave to in fact reimburse them for their time spent by their lawyers. issue. James Clancy did the tough job of straightening out the budget to help the members avoid increases, let not his work be in vain.

  23. In all fairness, the Board is not without mistakes and failures. Improvements in Surfside would be welcomed if they truly served the will of the majority and the overall betterment of the association.

    Years ago, an open meeting was held at the office. All the ideas for improvements needed or wanted in Surfside that were voiced at that meeting were written down and presented to the board. The Board promised to respond to each suggestion in ensuing meetings. The Board did not follow through. Shame on them. Flood and Williams were on the board at that time. A permanent Community Development Committee should be at work to evaluate the conditions and concerns in Surfside in order to make well researched and documented recommendations to the Board regarding relevant and effective improvements for the association. Fringe groups and self appointed demigods like Blagg and Johannsen could present their ideas and opinions to a Community Development Committee for consideration and research without creating a divisive and hateful environment in our HOA.

  24. To George's comment about the substantial wanting the removal. The substantial knew about the plot to have them removed beforehand. That was obvious why they were there along for the other surprise motion's. To get a true depiction of how all of the members think they would have had to have it on the agenda so EVERYONE would have been aware, not the sneaky way they did it. Not that it matters but I'm disappointed that you feel that was above board. And if it is as it appears that you knew beforehand you are also complaisant.

    To 11:07:

    Well there was the majority of those in attendance right? And that was even after one side stacked the deck. I do love it here and after this meeting I sure don't feel threaten. The only people who need therapy are the ones turning multiple shades of red there. Where you one of them?

    1. One side did stack the deck, but not the 1 you're thinking about.

      So board members are allowed to vote proxies against their own recall? No, that doesn't sound shady at all!

  25. Bet the lawyer was quiet on that one.

  26. The resignation of Blagg the day before the meeting so that she could speak and make motions as a general member clearly is a matter of an ultimate effort to stack the deck. Again, Blagg shows her eagerness to deceive and manipulate in order to have her way.

    1. Let me make my position clear once again. The only deck-stacking done Saturday was by the ruling junta.
      Better take a look, your ignorance and self interest are showing.

  27. Really? Then why didn't they let the entire membership know of their plans instead of their group only?

    After that stunt pulled Saturday, don't come on here talking about some ruling junta or factions. You all tried to pull a fast one and lost. Deal with it.

  28. Gotta hand it to Blagg. She has created a division in Surfside that will affect all of us. Once again, we bought our property with the protections in the covenants as part of the deal. We don't have a view or live on the ridge. The rancor will play out to damage relationships that were tenuous at best. We will likely no longer kindly look away when covenants are ignored. This particularly applies to those members who have chosen to defy the covenants with thoughts to change Surfside to suit themselves without regard for their neighbors.

    1. It's strongly suggested you quit threatening people. You are way over your skis, and we don't need to hear this crap. Take your small victory, and may it be a Pyrrhic one.

  29. What a bunch of sore winners. You might try and heal the wounds instead of promising to exacerbate them!!!!!

    1. That's not this Board's style, or lack of it.

  30. 9:13 Good work there 9:13. You caution against threats and then wish/threat for heavy losses by the victor. It is up to the troublemakers to do the work to heal the wounds. Conciliation by the losers could smooth the way to better relations in Surfside. Continuing to deceive and manipulate to achieve self serving ends will only result in further retaliation. The victor, no matter the losses, shall take the spoils.

    1. Sorry, kissing a** isn't my style. Probably why I dont get along with you and your boys. You're time will come.


  31. Question:
    Since we now have another new board and I overheard Patrick talking his "faction" nonsense again, does anyone know yet who the new members of the faction are or are you still waiting to hear from your Grand Poobah to make his declaration?

  32. Answer: same knuckleheads, different year.
