For the good of the order...
Gary Williams should resign NOW.
This would be a good step forward to prevent an ugly Annual Meeting.
The reasons for him to resign are numerous and been discussed on this blog and in the community.
His resignation would sent a message to his fellow Board members and the community that the association needs correction that is open and fair. It is not fair to his fellow Board members that they have to be associated and identified with him. He clearly does not speak for or represent his fellow Board members or the community at large. It is time to avoid conflict rather than promote it.
James Flood as Vice President and past president has the ability and know how, to conduct the Annual meeting without the ugliness that will be fostered by Williams.
Mr. Williams needs to do the honorable thing for the good of our association.
Resign now. At the very least, excuse yourself from the meeting.
Jim Flood needs to go as well. Part timers are entitled to serve on the board but twelve years (I'm guessing) is enough.
ReplyDeleteWilliams and Flood should never have been reelected. I think that they were reelected because of their intrepid determination to hide the mistakes that they made from the general membership. The "deep state" crap needs to be ended in Surfside. Transparency and trust should be a priority for anyone serving on the board. The contract with North Beach Water for Neal's nincompoop services also needs to be terminated. His experiments with our water have been costly dollar-wise and health-wise. Enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteI agree with 3:55 and 4:38, they both should go. Flood has been in multiple positions on the bot for over 10 years. Nothing has changed. We had to endure his creepy relationship with his poodle for years.
ReplyDeleteDoes no one remember when Williams was on bot before? He was a whack job then...
Resignations should be demanded by the SHOA immediately. Our best hope is that these pdople havent completely destroyed this HOA. As for the comments regarding Patrick, i have ALWAYS found him to be honest,of high moral character and the utmost integrity. ThiS destruction of the SHOA must be stopped. Please members, ask for Williams's resignation at once. Lets hope and pray its not too late to save this association.
ReplyDeleteLet's be real here for a second if you really want transparency. George made his feelings known in the prior topic so I don't understand why this separate topic is needed in the first place.
ReplyDeleteThe problem George has had with Mr. Williams goes back to the one meeting that George didn't have the guts to show up to and face the consequences of his own words.. If you were to go back and look at the post he has made since then and the language use such as saying Mr. Williams has his "head up his a**" shows clearly what this is all about. George is nothing but being a vindictive individual, plain and simple. You all can say or think what you will but that is the true base of this topic.
My opinion in regard to getting rid of Williams, Flood and Neal has nothing to do with George or George's opinions. My opinion is based on 13 years in Surfside and paying attention to what is happening throughout that time.
ReplyDeleteTo 7:30:
ReplyDeleteYou are entitled to your opinion. My interactions with Patrick have left me feeling otherwise. Seeing him recently at the chipper site along with his "friend" spreading the same misinformation doesn't change that.
Why the hell is it so hard to find people of integrity to serve on the board? We live in a time that the ignorant and uneducated are giving support to the brazen liars. Our country and this hoa have gone off the rails because a few manipulative people have gained power. It looks like the upstanding members are choosing not to be involved because it is a poor reflection on their character. Even the newer board members are arriving with personal agendas and self serving whims that do not represent the best options for this hoa. I'd like to see a clean sweep and a fresh start if that was possible. The dimwits in the office need to go as well. This hoa needs some open minded, intelligent, good willed and capable people to clear up the crap that has accumulated due to poor management.
ReplyDeleteWhy can’t we wipe the slate clean and start a new Hoa and say Good riddance to a big ol bag of rubbish . In all my days I have never seen such a mess. And why was I the only one who voted NO on that increase of 13% who’s pockets are we lining and for what. I’m on a fixed income if this happens again I will have to move. I never heard of anything so dang stupid as 13% increase. Who are these fools that voted for this? And it’s it seems things are getting worse with the water and this asbestos stuff. Anyone involved in that whole water mess should go to prison. I’d say jail but everyone Travis arrest he has to let go because there is no room in the jail. And that’s another thing if no one has to go to jail when they comment a crime then why do we need a sheriff because you know they know they are not going to jail thats why the crime is getting worse. And it’s not Travis’s fault he’s doing a darn good job for a solo circus act here. Can you imagine doing that job pulling the same people over day in and day out for multiple crimes going through all that paper work and having the patients of dealing with these odd balls then only to have to tip your hat and say never mind there is no room at the jail. I bet if he was sheriff he’d find room in the jail. That’s the guy that should get the 13% or 15% percent increase. This is all a very sad situation. Anyway, I don’t know if you all keep up with the Detroit mess but let me tell you that started years ago and Detroit started by increasing the cost of their water to the point no one could afford it , the average bill was about 600.00 a month. And that was for water the buyer didn’t know was poison. All the higher ups new what was going on And if You have kids they still shut the water off if you couldn’t pay your bill. Sometimes I think that’s where we’re headed. Well I try to see the good in every one and sometimes you have to look real hard. I’m sure every one of those bord members started off with good intentions but some where down the line they lost sight of doing what the people want and not what the board wants. They forgot who keeps them in office they forgot that we all pay the same dues full time, part time, rv, tent, and stick So maybe with some fresh eyes we could get back on the straight and narrow and get some people in office we all can be proud of.
ReplyDeleteLine whose pockets?? No one gets paid to be on the board or a committee?? You people are delusional, good grief
ReplyDeleteHey, what was that 13% increase for and I thought it was a one time thing. Not that I voted for it usually increases are under 5% in hoa’s
ReplyDeleteIf you don’t vote the board votes for you
ReplyDeleteWe line the pockets of the board and give them power to sue people that we don’t need to sue. We should be looking at the poison water problem and sending some people to to jail that’s where our money should go. Not for personal vendettas , oh but wait I can bet that the water guy is related in some way to someone on the board
ReplyDeleteLine their pockets with what a couple of 0.00?? They have no personal gain from anything they're doing. No one on the board is related to any staff member, good grief this is the laziest group of people or what??
ReplyDeleteTo those asking about the 13% increase. The reasons were discussed at the budget meeting before the vote. People were there asking the same questions you have and some were as upset as you too. There were also discussions here. I don't have the time to go back and look at the specifics so I don't feel comfortable telling you why because I don't want to give false info.
ReplyDeleteI realize most people don't attend meetings for a variety of reasons. But if you have to pick one I would recommend you choose the budget meeting so you can hear first hand the reasons since certain facts get skewed by some afterwards.
The community built a new Water filtration plant at a cost of over a half million dollars. How oblivious to the world around you can you be ? This has been in the works for a few years, the specific plan, talked about endlessly and written about in Newsletters over the last 2 years. The opinions of owners as to the best plan to fund the cost were solicited by mail. The Filtering units went "online" about November I think - several months ago.
ReplyDeleteAnd you don't know what the increase in dues and assessments was for ? Good Grief !!
Oh I thought it was to pay people to bury and cover up asbestos then others could take the money and run