
Sunday, May 20, 2018

Board meeting notes...updated

more to follow...

Updated 5/22/2018

No deputy report as Travis was with his wife who is giving birth to their child.

Continuing Education.

Mr. Winegar gave summary of Board training he attended and commented "how great we are in Surfside" because some other Boards are really bad.  He handed out a sheet on Robert's rules of order which was not discussed or followed.

Motions passed.

Additional funding for paving ditch cuts across street for water replacement water mains.
Adopt  revised reserve study.
Funding for Fishing Derby.
Funding for Janet Cory (Elections official)
Janet King & Duane Mott co-chairs on Architectural Committee.
Annette deLeest to replace Deb Blagg as Board rep to Firewise committee

Speed Bumps.

Member request for Speed bumps on G Street was denied.
The County said we do not have enough traffic and Gary Williams said he doesn't support speed bumps in general, to which Winegar agrees, because they interfere with emergency vehicles.

Member Wins Appeal. 

The Ira's won their appeal with all in favor except James Clancy, who abstained.
This was the dispute about leaving a RV on their lot a couple of houses to the West of me on 324th Place.  The complaint and all the threatening letters even had the wrong lot identified.
They (the Ira's)  hired an attorney who sent notice to Surfside that they were in breach of the storage lot policy. Had the appeal been denied, this would have ended up in court.

If you get a complaint filed against you and it is obviously wrong, file an appeal, and if that fails, get a lawyer.  Members are starting to stand up for their rights, as they should. The Ira's went back and forth with Surfside for months.  They were reasonable and looking for the harassment to end.  Sadly, ego's and office errors prevented a reasonable solution.

How many other members have given up and just take what is dished out?  Just maybe this will be an example for other members and the ego driven Board.

We all agree that there are valid complaints made where the members should comply. And, there are to many that are not valid or made and handled improperly. These are the ones that end up in court.


  1. I hope surfside hoa had to pay the attorneys fees. Have you noticed the exceptional amount of places for sale? I over heard some people talking at Jacks saying they call surfside the the SS now and the don’t even live in surfside. Many others joined in on bad mouthing surfside. The sad thing is all the things they were saying about surfside were true. One of the conservative was about having a good attorney because you’ll need it. And be ready to spend your retirement money and time on defending yourself. Lots more was said but I did not participate. I left thinking maybe I should get out of surfside before it gets worse.

    1. It's sad that you were subjected to listening to all the negative Surfside talk. Maybe you should sue Jack's for forcing you to stand in such a long checkout about claiming second hand mental and verbal abuse sound to you? Let's take it to the streets, People. That'll show the BOT and their cronies!

    2. Yet another attempt to deflect from real issues. Pathetic!

  2. The current board would love it if us rabble rousing, foil wearing, tree hugging, deplorables, would leave like others seem to be doing, even easier to “rule” then.

  3. It's not surprising that owners are standing-up for their rights considering that while the Williams sub-group goes rogue, spending vast sums of member dues on an appeal in Superior Court without proper Board approval, the Board voted to enforce a change in the covenants they wish to pass even though it cannot be approved without review at the Annual Meeting.

    They want to add a restriction on sheds, limiting the width of eaves, which is a factor in the appeals case, as if they can be certain they will prevail in this June 11th event. So they decided to start enforcing it even though it is NOT a covenant requirement. That is exactly why the Small Claims Court ruled in the member's favor a year or more ago.

    So they are trying to enforce unwritten standards, which got them in this mess in the first place.

    I think the Courts will see clearly that the HOA is intent on crushing any resistance among it's members to unfair enforcement practices, and expect to be able to bully these owners into financial ruin by uping the stakes with the unlimited funds allowed them by part of the Board. I don't see the Courts reinforcing such despicable tactics and attitudes. The HOA chose NOT to mediate the issue as mandated by the Small Claims Court a few months ago.

  4. I would love nothimg better than to be in person at annual meeting to make a motion for a ballot to be mailed to EVERY member voting on dissolution of this HOA. In addtion and most importantly, hiring an independent agency to administer ballots and counting of them out of the SHOA office. This HOA has rapidly become a corrupt and inequable governance. Sadly, i reside too far away to propose this action. Im begging some of you to please consider this motion. I prefer not to have any sarcastic remarks back. One of these days, we will all realize what damage this board has done to our investments in Surfside. Just go to Jacks and ask around what folks thimk of the SHOA. Their responses wont be vood,

  5. Good,i never claimed to be the best typist.

  6. I agree with 10:08

  7. FYI - I'd venture to guess that 90% of the complaints aren't coming from your neighbors. Much like Peggy Olds, the SHOA Compliance Officer is a stalker and has someone drive around taking pictures of "violations".

  8. 11:38
    STALKING in the state of Washington is a FELONY

  9. People like the SHOA compliance officer are better known as snitchers or block/ neighborhood wardens. SHOA is a reminder of the chiiling past of the Nazi denunciations of 1930 Germany. You were encouraged to turn your neighbors in. 80% of folks turned in were by their fellow neighbors. Strong communities are not built on neighbors narking on each other. Stalkers are NOT needed or wanted in Surfside and should be charged with this felony.

  10. WARNING! WARNING!, The dreaded head of the “kill thetreecommittee” has been seen driving around the neighborhood today with her
    Special” binoculars and her fiberglass pole sticking dangerously out of her. Car, ready to poke thos dastardly 16 foot 1inch violators in they eye. Maybe another lawsuit.

  11. I could think of better uses for that pole. Sorry George, I couldn’t resist. I would understand if deleted,lol

  12. I certainly haven't received any independent verification, but if it is true that certain members of the Board will try to change the covenants, by-laws, etc without the consent of the members,it represents a serious problem. Now he may be part of the "group", but Clancy is a bright guy and you think he would recognize that such action, because it is written into our by-laws, would be a violation of the State RCW's and therefore eligible for prosecution. That may result in a hefty fine or worse. You would think he might want to defuse such activity in his last month on the Board. Hopefully the matter will resolve itself and common sense will prevail. Would hate to see a number of those folks go to jail over this matter.

  13. The covenants can be changed by the board, they just have to make the membership aware 30 days prior to the vote. If it's an issue you disagree with then make the time to come to the meetings and voice your opinion. The BOT certainly isn't going to come on here and take a poll. Get active in your community. Complaining on a blog with little facts is just another way to bury your head. It's your community, if you want change you have to do the damn work people!

  14. Of all the stuff I have read on here I find the constant comparison of a little old HOA, with really minor rules compared to most, to Nazi Germany completely ridiculous. No matter who makes a complaint here if you are not in violation it isn't valid. Although I wasn't there, from what I have been told by my grandparents the Jews didn't have that option.

    True definition of being over dramatic.

  15. Is it dramatic to tell you that I have had to defend myself to the HOA over several issues, facing fines if I cannot prove that "I didn't do it"? I think "stalking" is a reasonable definition and I am interested to read that I am not alone in this.

  16. It’s not that there are rules, it is how they are applied, and by who. If you are to have complaint driven covenants, they complainant should not be a secret. Especially when it is a board or committee member.

  17. Also agents represent surfside lots saying they are on a complaint driven basis.
    Our Rv you can not even see from the road
    our lot is always clean and taken care of.
    The covent police didn't even say anything for almost 5 years and now we have to move it this year?? Now down the street they can leave there's all year long ??? This makes no Sence
    My family has been a part of this pick and choose rule.
    We take pride in our place also you look around and there are places that are shameful.
    We come here to get away from all the politics of the city
    Things just need to be fair. And the real estate company's are pretty sneekie about this.
    My family and I want fairness and common sence rules
    I hope this get worked out my family and I can't get on this so called board we work a lot to have this getaway

  18. 4:05 and 4:46....The BOT approved the change for shed eaves in the covenants a few months ago and it was pointed out AFTER they had met and approved it that covenant changes must be brought before the membership for comments before it can be voted on and approved by the BOT.

    It is thought to be much more common for HOAs to require the entire membership to vote in order to change covenants, where owners are full-time residents, and can be solicited for signatures without a specific timeline.

    But it is pretty lame that the Board rushed to approve by the usual margin of 5 to 4, a change, without regard to a process they should be very familiar with. Thanks Gary Williams !! Then they voted a couple of months later to enforce the new restriction WITHOUT proper review and approval, and put it on the Annual Meeting agenda.

    That's not how it works folks. No one should be cited as non-compliant to an imaginary covenant, which is why the RV case was found in favor of the RV owners in Small Claims Court - the same case that is now in Superior Court due to Gary William's personal decision to do so. He has no such authority granted him by our documents.

  19. 8:41 you are wrong. The committee made proposal to the board and the board has made it an agenda item for the annual meeting. No covenant change can be made without the membership being notified. The board will then vote on the change. For crying out loud can't anyone get the facts straight on here lol

  20. blog host, GeorgeMay 22, 2018 at 9:34 AM

    Fact check...
    9:09,is correct. Except, most of the times, the facts on here are correct.

    The members are given notice of the agenda when they have the opportunity to comment of a proposed covenant change. After that, the Board can do what ever they damn please.

    It has been proposed a number of times that a covenant change can not be made without a vote with member approval. I and most members approve of this change. This has been rigorously opposed because of the fear that discriminatory covenants would be abolished. There is also the ego factor where some members on this and previous Boards do not want to relinquish power.

  21. On the request for speed bumps. This is a County issue, not Surfside. However, that being said, There would be a better change of having County approval and the work being done if the Board supported the request.

    Members on G and H Streets have long complained about speeding. To me, it appears to be more than a few isolated complaints. Our deputy does not have the opportunity to spend the time to monitor the streets over an extended period of time. Speed bumps do work and I support the request and it should be considered for other areas as well.

    It has probably already been done, but I suggest more letters written to the County and copies of the letters be published here. Publicity on the problem works. It took me two years to get strips painted on the road to the compactor. I would further suggest a letter to the editor about the situation.

    Once again, the Board has failed the members.

  22. Speed bumps for fire trucks and emergency vehicles are very bad, it slows them down tremendously

  23. Complaints are not secret, to file one you have to put your name on it. They just don't tell the person who it's against who filed. Given the attitude that is displayed here it is obvious the reason why.

    Last I check there is no rule that says complaints can only come from people who border your property. Bottom line, keep your place within the rules like the majority here do and you won't have an issue.

  24. I see George decided to not delete the comments with the childish personal attacks. Not surprising. Tell me again how it's the BOARD who promotes a climate of disrespect where people don't want to serve on committees. Yeah, right.

    To the anonymous keyboard warriors, I'm happy for you that you could entertain yourselves. You mother must be proud.

    1. Yet more criticism? Let's go through this again, maybe in smaller words. Over the last year, this board has violated their own covenants, state RC W's, and perhaps even state laws. They have been out of control, over their skis, and making decisions they have no business making. Reference lawsuits if you'd like to start with the examples.
      Obviously your entertainment is coming from your own self interest.

  25. Although speed bumps appear to be the thing to do, those who have to live near the speed bump will continuously hear cars slowing down and then accelerating away at high speed, this is very annoying and wakes you up at all time of the night, sitting outside is not as fun. take it from someone who lives very near one in another county. I've complained to the county, asking them to move or remove, I even dissolved it with gasoline, but they put it back.

    You don't want these in your neighborhood and especially near your home.

  26. George, I hope they place a speed bump right next to your home.

  27. May 22 at 5:15 AM needs to go back to bed and attend some spelling and writing classes.

  28. And that’s your response. What always happens when no real opinion.

  29. 509
    Sure always finding something wrong with the RV ers

  30. In my opinion the RVers pity party is simply a paranoid fallacy 9:20. There is no evil plot to single out RVers to find something wrong. The covenants apply as written to all of us. It is the complaint system of covenant enforcement that is at fault for inconsistent enforcement. The covenants were there when you decided to buy into Surfside. If you are not in compliance than you are part of the problem. If you are part of the problem, someone may decide to file a complaint against you. Most of us do not file complaints because we do not want to alienate our neighbors no matter whether an RV lot, an undeveloped lot or a house lot.

  31. I find it interesting but not surprising what didn't make it on here. There was a case concerning an electrical issue for a member that Ms. deLeest was very vocal that he should be grandfathered in to keep it the same. Why not talk about that instead of only giving unwarranted negative comments concerning her?

    Also, a person was volunteering for a committee and Larry was very vocal against it. Thankfully the board approved it. I've noticed that in the past 5 years or so it has only been members of the junior faction that has voted against people serving on committees. Yet the people who comment here make them out as always being for the members. Of course he will get a pass here and Ms. deLeest and others not on the Jr. faction will continue to get criticized.

  32. I find in very telling you refer to non majority members as junior. Says a lot.

  33. May 20th at 8:18 you do realize that hoping the hoa has to cover their costs means you and me since we are the hoa. Not an endorsement of either side just a reminder.

  34. Did I read right in the weekender that we pay $1500.00 to have the election results counted? Does this sound like an awful lot to anybody else? I could count for a lot less.

  35. If it's a non-biased, neutral party, it's well worth the money. Otherwise, it's just the good ol' boys sharing the wealth.

  36. They contract the DECC, she doesn't live in Surfside or on the peninsula. She has no affiliation with Surfside other than counting the ballots.
