Member Speaks Out With Passion And Common Sense...
A late night first time poster made a comment and got a reply from Ronda. Both are right on and I wanted to make sure it was not lost among all the good comments. The good people of Surfside, and that is most, see the need for changes to not only make our association better but the best it can be. We can not let a few ego, power driven self interests destroy our community.
Hello everyone,
This is my first post here on the Blog. I have owned property here in Surfside for several years but unfortunately I have watched our HOA steadily go downhill since buying. I am ashamed to say I live in Surfside the last few years. Our BOT has continued to serve this community poorly by wasting our money, picking fights, harassing people that live here and serving their own interests. It’s high time to have your vote heard. I am voting for all 4 of the new candidates in hopes we can get this community back on track and have a positive change. If you do nothing else please vote for Ronda, Larry, Cori, and Steve if you want a change and are tired of what has been going on here. We need a BOT that serves the members and not themselves. Our community is the laughing stock of this peninsula because of what the current BOT has done the last few years. I have watched them continuously waste our money on things like a water truck and the sheriff patrol among other things. Our BOT does things that are illegal and it’s only a matter of time before they cost us big money in fines due to their poor decision making. Thank god Joanne stepped up and got our fourth vote back. Bravo my dear.
This is the finish line for most of us here that bought to enjoy retirement. We need to get back on track and start making positive changes. I’m tired of seeing the trees butchered, I’m tired of people filing complaints against their fellows members, I do not want to see changes to our outside lights, I want to see our covenants addressed and brought up to date, I want to see the contract for the sheriff cancelled as well as so many other things. We need to get rid of the chipping site because it’s a dump and a fire hazard at the very least. I would love to see a clubhouse where the chipping site is, I would enjoy having a place to go and have a cup of coffee and play cards or bingo. We could have an awesome community here with so many positive things to do but our current BOT is bound and determined to drag us down. I would love to have a swimming pool too someday. It’s a great form of exercise for us retired folks. We could have a community where everyone wants to be here instead of one that has a bad reputation.
As for Tracey’s letter, I find it very unprofessional. We need a manager that can convey how they feel without putting others down. When we hired Tom the previous manager the position paid over 82,000 which I find absurd. As for the people in the office the raises need to stop. I never got a raise every year when I was working. They seem to think money grows on trees and it doesn’t. We have many people here on fixed incomes and we need to rein the over spending in. I would also like to see a group of us get together and help the folks on fixed incomes who physically cannot do their yard work anymore. We could help them by having a work party. We need to forget about the Code of Civility. If we didn’t have people creating problems we would not need it. Frankly, we need to clean house and get some positive people in that want to see change. I also want the meetings put on Zoom. It’s ridiculous that we could not see or hear the last meeting. It wouldn’t surprise me one bit if that was not planned. When they are called out on it they all pass the buck and I’m done with hearing excuse after excuse. They need to get it together once and for all. Sorry this is such a long read but I’m fed up with our HOA.

@11:10, Excellent post! If you get a chance this weekend, stop by my house, I would live to chat with you.
I like your idea of a work party to help others. I say get rid of our tree comittee, and let's start a "helping others " comittee. This is needed and beneficial to our community. The past 3 weekends, with the help of my husband and a neighbor, we have cleaned up 2 properties on our block.
That chipper site needs to be relocated. A commercial operation in a in a residential neighborhood...hmmm. Our members are being fined for having inert material lay on their property, yet this same thing is happening at the chipper site. One match or firework in there and homes are gone.
Oh and soon will be talk of buying our own chipping machine! Another waste of member money.
To answer the question of the meeting deliberately not run live or webex, yes you are correct and I have the email stating it will not be streamed.
Proxy votes need to go. Everyone gets a ballot mailed to them. It gets mailed back to Janet or goes in a drop box that Janet has the key to. No way should anyone else be handling ballots.

Excellent post. Time to clean house!
I too am disappointed and discouraged the way SHOA is. I work on my property almost every day planting shrubs, flowers and getting ready to put grass in. I get lots of shoa staff and Bot driving by to see what I have done like a hawk after a mouse.
I am tired and retired from working my whole life and don't need or want a babysitter to do anything!
I cringe everytime I need to go to the show office because of the rude staff. I believe in respect and helping a neighbor when needed.
I feel at sometimes that I am being stocked by them and getting to the point of starting to take pictures of the cars/trucks and get a restraining order against them to be left alone.
All I want is to beautify my property, live peacefully in a place that I loved when I bought my property and now I am getting to hate it here.
Lost hope..... I wish I could say you are imagining things but you are not. We are one of the properties being "stalked" too. Don't need to take pictures. We are well aware of who owns the cars/trucks passing by multiple times a day. It just sucks all the enjoyment out of this beautiful place. The only hope is to get new people on the board. We will be also be voting for the 4 new people. LARRY ** JOHN ** CORI ** RONDA
Wow! A lot of concerning comments. This is sad. I feel your sentiments. Why I love coming to my cabin is for fresh air, clear mind, and enjoy the coastal life. Simple living. Sit by my front porch. Coffee. Watch the dogs being walked by their families. Walk in the neighborhood with my dog Toby. Enjoy the trees. Enjoy the sunset.
I, too, wouldn't want to be stalked. I hope I do not have to experience that. I would like to serve with a pure heart and listen to the members. We cannot please them all, but we can start somewhere. Promote board discipline is a good start. Teamwork. Listen to the members. This community is a beautiful community, let us work together to make it better. God blessed us with so many beautiful things, let us appreciate them together.
Dear Lost Hope,
I was just thinking last night how I don't feel like I own my property here. I feel like a squatter who pays a lot of money for someone else's property. I have also decided this is not my last home because of this and I will NEVER EVER live in an HOA again.
I have to admit though, I am a yard gawker. Being an avid gardener and still having "new grass" on my to-do list, I will definitely be drooling with envy when I drive by.
You just do whatever you want on YOUR PROPERTY and if they don't like it, tell them to start paying the bills or shut up!
I can't wait to lay down in some nice green grass again. It's the thing I miss the most besides trees that are allowed to flourish and be their natural selves!
Please show any evidence where any Trustee or HOA employee has been critical of anyone planting shrubs, flowers and grass. Even that hated tree committee has put out information on items to plant for this area. Seems like needless paranoia to me.
The people who have a problem with cars slowing down and checking their properties out must really hate the summer with all the out of town looky loos who come into are area. Sometimes I feel like I'm suppose to go out and offer them a beverage.
To Ms. Harms:
While I'm happy to see you commenting on here so I can get information to help me decide on my vote, please realize that you are getting opinions that are predominantly from one side of the issues. Many who feel differently have been chased away from here. Best of luck
524 - you say they've gotten chased away from here, but if you look at the comments, they keep showing up. Or is it just you?
Slowing down to admire a landscape is very different than the same past and/or present board and/or committee people driving by many times a day. Why do you think they are doing that? It's not's intimidation.
Well geewillikers @5:24, sure didn't take long for you show up with that mountain of empathy. Gives my, oh what did you call it, oh yea "needless paranoia" the warm and fuzzies.
You make me smile, especially where my sun doesn't shine, you know, the one place we all have!
Go pound sand.
The point is not that HOA staff or board/committee members are critical of planting shrubs, flowers, grass. The point is they are driving around trying to find a reason to file a complaint. They are policing every last thing members are doing on their property. Don't think the majority of the members signed up to live in a police state.
Yeah like at 5:24 was ever considering voting for any of the NEW candidates.
VOTE for Cori, John, Larry, Ronda
I see the 'cool' kids are back, ready to pick on anyone who has a thought or a feeling that doesn't align with the current BOT. Funny, I noticed they were conveniently gone during the conference call fiasco. Huh, I guess if you ignore it, didn't happen? I really wish people didn't live in alternate realities. Sad state of affairs......
I am not paranoid nor do I need a babysitter. I don't agree with the policing from the HOA. For the many of you who absolutely love the current HOA bot enjoy. Things need to change!
Good to see you on here Cori! There is a wealth of information to be found on here.
90 % of the members are here to relax, enjoy peace and tranquility and just want to be left alone. Together we can bring back trust, honesty, communication and accountability.
Vote Larry, Cori, John and Ronda
Surfside-Police State
From Surfside Newsletter 6/25/21
Compliance Update
**************Please be advised*************
We will be starting our new routine compliance routes. The HOA has been divided up into 10 Sections, which contain the
Surfside Divisions. The route was randomly drawn and will be done in the following order:
• Section 2 – Ocean Woods & Division 16
• Section 8 – Ocean Crest, Division 11 & 12 and Sunny Slopes
• Section 5 – Divisions 4, 5 & 6 and Surfview
• Section 7 – Divisions 9 & 10
• Section 4 – Divisions 7 & 8 and Division 13
• Section 3 – Divisions 1, 2 & 3
• Section 6 – Divisions 14 & 15
• Section 1 – Sea Dunes, Ocean Villa (also Replat of OV) and Beach Addition
• Section 9 – Division 17
• Section 10 – Divisions 18, 19 & 20
If would be nice to get updates and reports just like committee meetings. How many citations did he write, and for what? How many of these were proactive vs complaint driven?
He mentioned junk vehicles at the meeting. What's your criteria for a junk vehicle? There is an IPMC for a junk vehicle.
If there is a scrap metal, towing junk yard on the peninsula, Travis can write a junk vehicle affidavit to have it removed, same with abandoned vehicles.
I noticed that Annette was walking by my house just to check on trees I’m sure. She had no reason to be on my street at all except to be nosing around I’m sure!
11:08. You would be wrong! She is campaigning! I’m sure!
Campaigning? Are you serious? Why didn't she knock on any doors? Is this campaigning being done through osmosis?
You funny....
Anybody who wants to see how ridiculous this is getting, simply drive past 311th and I. Any guesses whose property that is? If you don't know, read one of the two dozen signs.
Does anybody else think it really strange that people would go to these lengths to maintain an unpaid board position?
oh I agree 100% 5:02pm, smell of desperation and why?
oh so peculiar, dontchathink? Something is trying to stay hidden, I wonder what it is?
time to find out............
Campaigning my a**! Annette is so desperate she is now spreading lies about the other candidates.
5:50 pm again not true! You obviously know nothing about her or her campaign and use this blog for your benefit to smear someone!
I see one of Annetts signs by a bunch of butchered trees. perfect place for it, she was part of this butchering
Same here, though I kept her in my "sights" the entire time.
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