So far, knock on wood, there are no reported cases of the Corona Virus reported in Pacific County. We want to keep it that way.
Unless you are a resident, PLEASE don't come here. If you are a resident, PLEASE don't leave here and then return. We will only get the virus if someone brings it here. We have every thing the local people need, right here. You can even get your medical prescriptions changed to a local pharmacy. It only takes a phone call. The local markets have all the essential food that you need with safety precautions. Some even offer curbside pick up.
All lodging is closed. The beach approaches are closed. The in house food service is closed. Take out is available on a limited basis. I would like to see them closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday also. I would also like to see the Surfside compactor closed on Saturday and Sunday. We should do everything we can to discourage travel to this area.
We need to support our local business's as much as we can. We need to fill the buying gap created by the lack of tourist buying. Staying on this side of the river will help.
Things will get better over time and the beach will still be here and the clams aren't going away. I wish that this could be a get a way place for the members to come, but it is just not the right time.
Here is a picture taken the other morning. This waiting for you when you return. Stay safe everyone and have a great Easter.
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photo from Klipsan Beach Clam Cam |
Wish we could change our prescriptions to here, but no preferred provider for our RX insurance! You know how insurance companies are, they control our lives and choices!
I understand the sentiment, and I agree that some people can't be trusted to use good judgement. Fox news is still saying this is a democratic hoax, and/or, it isn't as bad as the "leftist" (NBC) news wants to suggest.
Science tells us to use the greatest degree of caution, much is still not known about the virus, and that the sensible approach is probably to anticipate this taking many more months to diminish in areas where it has flourished. One has to ask, where do these pundits live that they are not seeing the breathtaking mortality rate, and fear in the eyes of doctors and nurses ?
Not everyone whose primary residence is outside of Surfside, lives in a "hot zone". We live in Thurston County in the Olympia/Tumwater/Lacey area. We are a good 60 miles away from the "hot zone" in Seattle, and are 30 miles from Tacoma where there is some growing activity. Thurston County has 81 recorded infections and 1 death, an individual who was in his 80s. The tri-city area here has more than 3/4 million people, and there have been NO large outbreaks due to the caution of residents and closures.
We began isolating measures weeks ago, and have been wearing masks at the grocery or any situation when we must go out and get supplies. Our entire family group of 7 people have been taking all precautions, in particular, staying home most of the time.
Should I decide to come down to work on our place in Surfside, I need not contact anyone on the way to or from the coast, need not venture out much at all, and can easily avoid direct contact with anyone. We have provisions there and at our Lacey home, and should I need to make a trip or 2 to the grocery or hardware, I would wear my mask to protect others.
Our place has a fence around it so is isolated, and with to mean-tide property, I can walk to the beach without needing to come anywhere near another human being.
Because we are retired, we have been able to isolate early and tend to live a simple lifestyle anyway. Just to say, you can fear everything, or just take the proper precautions. There are no doubt other folks who have taken similar measures to ourselves, and can rule out that they are a carrier. It still requires taking care when in proximity to anyone. That can be simply done.
What we cannot rule out, any of us, is that products we handle may have been contaminated, and that is a factor to consider whenever we buy any products from a store. So groceries come from larger metro areas, and the folks at Okies and Jacks can be affected, as any of us can. So washing hands, not touching faces and rinsing some products is wise.
I wouldn't come to Surfside without taking the greatest care, and keeping myself isolated. That's pretty much what I do for peace of mind down there anyway. But I wouldn't trust anyone I don't know well to be adequately cautious, and won't expose my health to others who do not have masks. I was in Surfside Mar 9 to 21st, and only spoke at a distance to my neighbors. The day after my return to Lacey, the "stay-at-home" order began. We take it seriously.
At the same time, many states have been quite cavalier about the pandemic, and some still insist that they will hold Easter Services in their churches, as if the virus is neutralized by prayer. Numerous outbreaks have been traced to just such religious gatherings.
I think it's doubtful that anyone who reads the blog is not mindful of protecting others and using great caution, while some consider anything on the Blog to be b.s. out-of-hand anyway. But I hear your concerns George. It's a scary thing that I think will likely take a couple of years to shake-out entirely. It's no joke and not a hoax. That needs to be clear.
Thank you both for your comments and information. What you both have to say is reasonable and makes sense. Myself, being in a very high risk group, am probably more cautious than others might be. I think it is more than just luck that our area is virus free. Let's keep it that way.
Also good points unknown. I guess the real bottom line is ourselves. I like the old saying..."When you point your finger at someone, you have three pointing back at you". Guess we all need to stay home and if we do go out, take precautions and clean up after. Stay six feet away.
When I made my weekly trip to Jack's and Okies Wed., the only ones wearing masks were the cashiers. None of the customers were. Everyone was good at maintaining 6 ft. distance. When I get to the car, I apply disinfectant to the steering wheel, hands, door latch and gear shift. After putting the groceries away I spray and wipe down everything and give hands a good soap and water clean up. So far, so good.
Seems like people should be able to safely walk on the beach. Only concern I would have is meeting someone on a beach trail. I may be missing something here, but a walk on the beach should be safe, unless you get to close to someone.
I would also keep dogs apart from other walkers. Seems like a good way to bring the virus home from someone else's dog.
I'm not "trying to validate", I am VALIDATING that we have taken the greatest precautions, and have been isolating since word of the first infections in Kirkland recorded Feb 29th. Michigan has specified that residents are not to travel between their homes and vacation properties, as well as closing home improvement stores. Many think the closing of DIY stores is too extreme in that such projects help pass the time, and gardening is meditative. Michigan has a very serious outbreak in the Detroit area, so the vacation home travel ban may be more understandable. If we lived in the Seattle area I would see this differently.
We need not contact anyone in traveling to Surfside, or while there really. But we are probably in a somewhat unique circumstance, having stopped venturing out before more than a few infections were known of in the state. When we do need to go out, we wear a mask to protect others from concerns. Thurston Co. has been lucky, with only eighty-some positive tests over a month, and only one death. Obviously most of these folks are back in good health by now.
I think part of the issue is, it is best to maintain a consistent policy state-wide, and it would be best if nationwide. But the threat is not significant in some areas, while terribly intense in large urban areas. It really seems likely that mitigation will need to continue for several months, so we have to find a way to live with this, being smart and using caution.
There has only been a trickle of activity on the blog, so what difference does it make how much I write ? Unknown is obviously a frequent "Cox" nagger. Someone on the Tree Committee I'm guessing.
My point is, the mitigation is likely to last many months, even a year, as risk will not end until there are preventive vaccines. Yet some states are allowing religious services as if there is a magic immunity in practicing one's faith.
I'm 68 and have vulnerabilities that would likely put me in jeopardy should I not use great caution. I have, and will. The blog has required that people identify themselves and you are writing as "unknown". Gutless, self-righteous. Good for you.
It's a beautiful day. I'm focusing on that.
To respond to UNKNOWN:
I am 61 years old and have issues with DVT, PE, and COPD and believe me I am being cautious, but in the same respect I am not living in a bubble. This will go on for years with if not COVID-19 other flu pandemics, it’s the way of the world now!
I will be coming to my RV property in Surfside in the next month or so as that is my right as a property owner, and NO I won’t be partying on the beach like the dumbass kids in Florida! I will do as I am doing at my primary home now, being smart, social distancing, washing and sanitizing regularly.
Please if you have the guts to come on here and spout your B.S. , follow the blog guidelines and grow a pair and disclose your name. Otherwise just type messages and email them to yourself to read.
While I don’t agree with everything Steve has to say, he does make some good points and is not afraid to disclose his name.
Just my thoughts and feelings, like it or not I don’t care!
Sorry Reverend, I am an adult and will live my life as I see fit. The Peninsula is not an island out in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, people from other areas come and go every day. How do you think you get your food, gas, hardware items? Do you think Jimmy in Long Beach grows it all in his back yard? Or maybe it is airlifted in by helicopters in sterilized containers, no to all of the above! The virus is there but at this time has not been tested and found. Maybe that flu bug that went thru in November, December, & January was your dose.
I will come soon, as I said to UNKNOWN don’t post if you must use an alias as that is a cowards way of blogging.
I can park and set up my RV, close the gates on my fence and not have any contact with any of you self righteous, holy than thou people for probably close to 1 month. Can you say that?
Unlike some who comment here, I do listen to what is being said and am willing to consider others points of view. I even on rare occasions, admit to being wrong.
I am seeing people who impress me with their honesty and sense of acting responsible. Seeing locals in the market not wearing face masks could be a good example of how responsible the locals are, yet we are quick to tell others to stay away. That might still be3 good advice, not because we might catch something from you, but rather, you might catch something from us.
I know that if I lived away from this area, say Portland or Seattle, and I owned property here, I would sure feel that I had the right to come here and get a relaxing break. The local residents, and especially here in Surfside, tend to think every thing here is ours exclusively. That is kind of selfish.
Being in all this together, it seems fitting that we share both the good and the bad. It would be more fair and fitting if I say...Welcome fellow members. Please be extra cautious around our senior members and bring as much of your needed supplies as you can, as we are limited on stores and their stock.
I hope this correction and sorta apology is accepted. Thanks for the discussion, it worked for me.
There is so much we don't know about Covid19...but we do know it kills people. It is an invisible killer. The long-term sequelae is just starting to come into focus and in the coming months we will be learning more about how deadly this virus really is...
What if the virus wasn't invisible?
What if people showed up with guns and starting shooting indiscriminately? Would people be so eager to move to the peninsula? Do they not understand that be it guns or covid-19 the risk they put all of us under is the same. The invisible killer versus a visible killer...
These are life and death choices people are's Russian roulette with our lives. I don't give a damn about taxes or any of that crap you use to justify why you think it's okay to move from Portland or Seattle or where ever you live and head to the beach. Nobody should be moving from where they are to anyplace else.
I believe martial law is the only way to get the idiots to cease exercising their rights to infect others with the invisible killer.
We're dealing with a unique challenge, and we are limited to only distancing, wearing masks, and using care in handling mail and provisions. The enemy is invisible and in a sense, easy to dismiss as a hoax or an over-reaction. Given that, we can't rely on anyone we may encounter as being safe, and are better served by being cautious at all times.
It's scary, and we have a lot of mixed emotions to sort out. No apologies are needed, but it is heartening that we are finding common ground. I do think that we need to anticipate months of uncertainty and the need to remain cautious. Experts speak of accepting a "new normal". For the time being, it is very sad and discouraging, and our determination to hold on to our vision of the future, cherishing our loved ones and keeping a sense of humor will get us through this.
Thanks folks for your comments.
When I wrote my last comment, these 2 comments proceeding mine were not posted. Both of these comments are irrational and ridiculous. I didn't connect the pandemic to the Tree Comm., so you obviously are both unknown and uneducated. You don't comprehend what you read.
And we know why Dan Crooks managed to make a totally unrelated topic - GUNS- a part of his ridiculous statement. He wants us all to know he's got a bunch o guns and he's a badass. You should listen carefully to Mr. Malley's points. The challenges we face currently will not be going away soon, and dealing with public health threats will be part of the "new normal".
All merchandise delivered to the peninsula comes from large metro areas, so there is no perfect solution. There are maybe as many as 300 fulltime residents in Surfside. All of the other owners who you dismiss as unwelcome constitute 3/4 of the membership.
We are fortunate in that our Governor, who has been called a "snake" and untrustworthy" by the President, had the foresight to close our state's commerce very early on. Oregon did the same. Except for the Seattle area and the Spokane area, much of our 2 states have seen very little evidence of the virus. Thurston Co. has a pretty large population, but currently has only about 30 active cases, and one fatality, a man in his 80s.
Many urban folks have been using great caution for weeks now, and rarely venture out. Should out of towners come to Surfside, they need not contact anyone, and can enjoy the peace and quiet of the community. We are used to wearing masks, and staying away from other people. Owners are NOT going to stay away for months to come, or stay away because Dan Crooks has his guns out.
According to Trump, we can all go back to the way it was, come May 1st. The experts say that until there is an end to new cases and/or a vaccine, there will still be a threat of some degree. It is hoped that a vaccine may be available within 6 months to a year, where many vaccines take many years to develop. WE can listen to Trump ( and continue to die like flies), or we can assume that we must learn to live with a constant awareness of distancing, cleanliness, and care.
There are no known cases of the Corona virus in Pacific County. There have been no deaths. This is unusual for any County in the United States.
What if there was a case or even a death in the County, Surfside or neighbor or friend? What if this was in your home? I think the conversation on here would be much different.
There seems to be a lot of proof as to why and how it happens in most areas, yet little proof as to why it does not happen in other areas like ours. As with most bad things, it always seems to happen to the other guy. Will our luck or what ever reason, continue? The predictions are that we are about a quarter of the way to total cases and deaths, before this is over or at least some degree of control.
I have to leave the answers to the experts, but it would appear that we should continue what ever we are doing now. Maybe even more. God forbid that this awful thing comes to our community. I can only imagine the blame game that will follow.
Like it or not, we are in this together. It kind of makes trees, views, lights and sheds insignificant. I may be wrong, but that's the way I see it.
Driving down I street today and more trees being butchered! Very disturbing to us during these times. Really can’t you guys just give it a rest?
There is one reported case, per Pacific County Dept of Health.
Fact Check..
From the Pacific County web site today...
NOTE: Our first positive COVID-19 diagnosis was recorded today. The person diagnosed is from Pacific
County, however has been out of Washington State for over 1 month. The person is believed to have
contracted the virus in another state and was tested and is being treated there. Our Health nurses
completed an in-depth investigation and concluded that we have no reason to believe that the person
contracted the virus here. Because that person’s primary residence is considered in Pacific County the state
data will reflect a positive case here. Please keep this person in your thoughts.
Found this on Facebook, I think if you read it and reflect it relates to many things going on in Surfside now.
I have often wondered how German citizens could turn on the Jews during the time of Hitler. They turned on their neighbors and friends, I’ve never understood it.
Yet today, while watching Governor Lee (Tennessee) address the new mandate, I saw comment after comment from people asking how they could turn people in. They want the police to ticket or jail their neighbors grilling in the backyard, the family playing at the park, and the people driving through their neighborhood.
I think I finally get it. Fear plays a role, and some are likely doing it for an overactive imagination that the other person’s behavior may hurt them. However, now I do see it is a personality trait that wants to control others or fully enforce an “ I know best ” mentality on others who are simply minding their own business. These people want to feel powerful!
The people of this world are in a bad place and I fear division between people is about to get much, much worse.
There is little mystery why areas of low population and rural areas have little to no known cases. The State took early action, and our residents are largely well informed and cooperative.
But I get concerned when I hear comments suggesting it IS a mystery. How is it that Thurston Co., with a million or more people has had only about 80 cases in 6 weeks, when some urban areas have been doubling daily for weeks ? Responsible leadership and cooperative residents, limiting their movements and contacts, distancing and wearing face masks. There really is no reason not to require that ALL customers in stores wear protective masks.
In The Olympia area, most are wearing masks which protect others, and stores try to regulate distancing at the check-outs. Home Depot monitors the number of customers allowed to shop at any given time, even having taped lines 6 feet apart at the entrances.
But the more widespread the virus, the greater the chance of inadvertently picking it up from surfaces in a store or from packaging. The virus can survive a while on certain surfaces, and I have seen charts that outline guidelines, which vary greatly with the surfaces. This is where the business of avoiding touching one's face comes in, something we all tend to do without thinking, and these are more challenging contacts to avoid.
So it would be wise in this respect, to require customers wear masks and prevent air-borne germs building-up on surfaces, and in the air. I wear a cloth mask in these situations, and have for a while now. It is said that soap works about as well as anti-bacterial soaps, but washing our hands after handling packaging and shopping trips is key.
Pacific Co. has a pretty large Hispanic population, and Latinos and Blacks have had a much higher mortality rate in urban areas. Larger households and lack of Healthcare are thought to be factors. So in respect to these much needed workers in the County, the absence of the virus is great news, and surely a serious motivator for using great care in their households. We hope.
Until we have extensive testing available - which we don't - we will all need to be cautious long-term. I heard last night that less than 1% of the population in the U.S. has been tested, so it is not possible to effectively prevent spread where an infection is discovered.
Good points Steve. What I am about to say, in no way applies to you. I know that you are a good fair person, but from what I have seen and experienced here in Surfside, there are a few that do not fit that description. They display an attitude of being "better" and "smarter" than others. The issues of trees, sheds, lighting, covenant enforcement and RV use, are examples.
It is simple why blacks and Hispanics are experiencing higher infection and death rates. It is because more of them are poor and lack the ability or means for prevention that includes proper diet and being able to stay home. This is a reason why medicare for all or a similar program is so badly needed. Just my opinion, for whatever it is worth.
Believe me in saying in NO way did I intend my post to become racial, i only posted for opening a thought process.
I live in Benton County where the COVID-19 numbers are at 261 diagnoses, 29 deaths. Over 50% of the diagnosis are in retirement homes.
Our Hispanic population is probably in the 40 to 60% number, and the death numbers are obviously lower than other areas.
I live next to a church with play fields and the Hispanic community members are regularly out playing soccer, obviously their favorite sport and they are not willing to give it up .
I just wanted people to look at the BIG PICTURE and not focus on the right now.
Please all be safe and think about your friends and neighbors and what they may be experiencing during this time. We all will have our own ways of dealing with this, and for some going to their second home and quarantining there may be what they need to keep their own mental stability.
Doug, I don't think anyone, including me, thought that you were making any racial posting. My thoughts were about the poor being at a disadvantage in terms of prevention and care. There are also poor white people in low income neighborhoods.
I especially found the last paragraph in your comment concerning fear and power, right on point. I think this applies to the enforcement of our covenants, especially tree heights. I hope it is just good people doing bad things, but it appears to be bad people doing bad things for their own selfish reasons. I have no respect for and will oppose these types of people.
Thanks Doug and others who speak up and speak out. A thoughtful discussion brings out the truth.
Mr. Malley....I appreciated your sharing the "Facebook" comment, and thought an important point was being made. I brought up the Hispanic community, just because under these extreme circumstances, the virus seems to be taking poorer folks to task. I totally agree that the pandemic makes it obvious that we are all put at greater risk by having a healthcare system that leaves so many citizens without coverage.
I agree with George's comments on this entirely. My wife was commenting on the Hispanics playing soccer when no contact recommendations are a serious matter. As she was saying, young people tend to feel bulletproof, and make a lot of poor judgements as a result. But with schools closed and so many venues shut-down, what do these young people have to do with their time. The same was said about young folks playing basketball in the N.Y. City area.
This seems to be a critical point where establishing a national healthcare system that covers everyone should be a "no-brainer". Not just because of the terrible morbidity hitting communities of color, and the poor, but for the millions of people who are laid-off and are losing the coverage they have had through their employer.
We have heard many politicians say that everyone must be served by the healthcare systems at no cost in the pandemic, but the fact remains that there is yet to be any guarantee that is happening. about 500 BILLION dollars have been put in place to sustain large companies and corporations, and Trump has insisted that only he will decide who gets it. There is a stand-off in the Congress over demands for careful oversight of the use of this money, which makes sense in light of huge profits many companies have enjoyed.
It seems that much of that money would be better spent on small businesses, or in setting up a huge healthcare fund, meant to jumpstart national healthcare coverage. Instead, the interests of the rich are likely recipients courtesy of the President, and his re-election efforts. That's what happened in the bailouts a decade ago.
First of all, you can’t be unknown! And second of all if you don’t have an in with one of the existing members of a committee, forget it!
Why is Unknown allowed to post?
6:23....Actually, you brought up the Tree Policy early in this strand, when you posted 3 consecutive snarky comments, one saying : "tell us about the Tree Policy again Cox". There had been no mention of the Tree Policy in my comments. You have since removed the comment.
On a different strand, I suggested that Tree policy enforcement be ceased for now, a moratorium for the rest of the year, as ALL owners are taking a big hit financially. George and JoAnne have agreed with my assessment.
Yesterday I saw that Pacific County was requesting that owners of vacation homes on the peninsula not visit until the "stay-at-home Order has been lifted. That was the first time I had seen anything official. It also says that owners will not be prevented from visiting if they have need to address something important.
Because there are so many part-time residents on the peninsula, and many properties rent out short-term, that makes sense. I have described my circumstances in detail, and recognize that because my wife and I are retired and are home-bodies anyway, we've been isolating since the beginning of March, and make very few trips out.
Realistically, with everything closed, where do you think anyone would come in contact with me, should I come down to our Surfside place to check on things and do some maintenance ? Our place has a fence around it, and there is no reason to have direct contact with anyone. Should I need to get anything at Oman's or Okie's, I can limit it to one trip, and wear a mask as I do in Lacey.
It will be interesting to see what the Feds decide to do, Trump stating that at least 20 states are in great shape to open fully in a week or 2. Fortunately, Insley has backbone, as do most Democratic Governors. I fully support his actions, and practice great care and caution. If I lived in a community with widespread infections, I wouldn't consider coming to Surfside. As it is, I can do some maintenance without needing to contact anyone, and without violating the spirit of the sequester.
Let’s get back to the tree issue! This needs to be discussed in depth, hopefully at the July meeting. In a time where we should seriously be thinking about saving trees for the positive effect they have on the environment, this needs to be stopped at last until July!
We have no knowledge or information on what is being discussed or moved on in the Tree Committee meetings. Until all members can be informed of the current status, this needs to be put on hold
I think it’s time to close this out! It has gone beyond commentary and become a political forum.
Sorry to all those hopers, Martial Law is not going to be declared and the National Guard is not being dispatched!
People will do as people want and feel comfortable doing, not going to change it! Never have, Never will!
I agree...You got the last word on this...
Even with all the information flowing out of the Board, it is difficult to find a subject for a topic. Oh! I about trees? lol
Thanks everyone for the comments. I think for the most part, they were interesting and informative.
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