This was sent to the Board....
Below is the letter submitted to the Board by a member who is "adamantly opposed" to the newly proposed covenant on lighting. Will the Board members take the time to read all the letters they got from members? This letter posted here is probably the only letter that members will see, and that is because it was posted here on the blog.
This excellent letter sums up the many comments made in opposition to the proposed covenant. After reading this letter, it would be difficult to see why any Board member or other members, could support the proposed covenant.
For a larger read, click once or twice on each page:
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If I wanted to live with city lighting, I would have stayed in the city. If the residents on the west side are forced to cut down their trees, then the people on the hill need to comply with the lighting code. For safety, motion detectors work well and are very affordable
Why would anyone write the Board a 4 page letter about this ? It isn't that complicated, and frankly, I don't want to read a 4 page letter either. The membership has not been poled on this, nor has anyone on this committee driven the community and observed that virtually ALL properties have area lights at their entrances. With owners coming and going, it is not uncommon to be arriving after dark from out of town, with coolers bags and cases. Proper lighting that makes such an arrival safe and without accidents is key to enjoying time at the Coast.
There has been no community-wide inquiry as to opinions that might support such a radical alteration of owner rights, or consideration of the safety of member's movements after dark. It has little to do with crime, and everything to do with the large number of retired owners, handicapped, and young children. Want to see stars ? Go where it's dark in the community, or better still, go to the mountains above timberline in Summer. The thinner atmosphere and lack of artificial light allows you to see CLOUDS of stars.
This is a mixed use community, and this policy is a disservice to the membership.
Just go there be polite and respectful and accept supporting the dark sky concept.
Stop all your rambling nonsense bitching, whining, and complaining!
I don't understand the reasoning behind your comment. I live on the hill, have motion detectors and agree with you. The majority of the people, like the person below your comment, who are against the lighting don't live on the hill.
The 4 page letter responds to each point of the new covenant, well done.
I have often wondered why there is a disconnect of CC&R’s East and West of J Place, all residents should be subject to all rules and regulations. GOOD FOR ALL or GOOD FOR NONE!
Drive north on I Street after dark and look East, lots of light up there on the J place hill. Seems the night time view of the Moon and Stars is being ruined for the low landers west of J Place
Just things to ponder!
1:54. How about you just accept that the covenant change is not wanted and live with it.
I really liked the last part, impose a "Dark Sky" fee to those living on J to generate revenue to replace all the offending lights below. Bravo to the letter writer- nice to see someone with common sense!
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