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Entrance sign |
Dues are 125.00 a year for each lot.
Covenants are few and simple.
Two (2) part time employees Office, grounds and maintenance)
7 Directors serve 2 years, but may have as few as 5.
No Director or member may vote more than 3 proxies
Board meets quarterly
There are 3 committees:
All meetings are at the club house (has fireplace)
Facilities include:
Club house
Play Ground
BBQ covered area
Lake access (private boats)
Large green areas
Access by key card
Bathrooms and showers
Water provided by meter from North Beach.
Garbage by Peninsula Sanitation (Owners pay for both services)
You may have your own well for irrigation, but must be at least 100 ft. from septic.
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Loomis Lake. Note bridge and trail in distance. No tree butchering. |
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Club house. Covered BBQ on back side attached. One (1) maintenance worker maintains everything. |
Feel free to move there...............
Ya know, George is an independent sort of fellow, and independent people don't need anyone to tell them they are FREE to do what they choose.
The point in talking about another HOA in our area ? Just general interest, as it is Klipsan Beach, and to ask, "how do they do things?". Surfside covenants, like all HOAs, are not set in stone, but can be changed to adjust to the times, or to be more fair and effective. That is difficult for many Surfside owners to accept, or grasp the importance of making adjustments over time.
The problem is that the majority does not want the changes being proposed by a few malcontented members.
No one knows what the majority of owners want in Surfside. There are over 2000 membership households, and elections only draw the participation of 300 or less owners. Your comment is false. We have no information verifying your statement. Yes, we know that most fulltime and J Place owners have a pact to elect only candidates who will preserve the Tree Policy, central to the status-quo lover's "platform".
814 - why do you constantly label people or advocating change as malcontents? Makes me question your mental stability.
This place desperately needs change, whether you want it or not.
We need reasonable and effective changes that best suit what the majority wants in Surfside. We don't need the overreactive BS that comes from the minority malcontents on this blog. BTW, I am not advocating for silly changes that would upset most members. That is you 8:57. Check your own mental stability and quit attacking the messenger like an idiot.
The amount of money flow and management we have, we have the capability of much more. Something closer to a resort with more activities and a higher morale.
I just think people aren't motivated or feel it is out of reach do to lack of support. The people who are capable of supporting and driving are more focused on eaves and trees...
Idiot? You support the crap we have to put up with here, and call me an idiot? Priceless!
9:10 - Did you read the comment that started this strand ? Apparently not. Differences of opinion are the basis of democratic governance, which is what HOAs are required to have by the State. How do people with differing opinions make decisions ? By negotiating and an agreement or compromise through civil discourse - not calling one another IDIOTS for starters.
Woops! Next strand - correction.
Lived here long?
There is no democratic governance in this association. Decisions are made by a small group, in direct contravention of State regulations and RCW's.
People of differing opinions are vilified and attacked relentlessly. There is no negotiation or ability for the membership to effect change via the covenants. It's all controlled by the ruling junta.
Now try again, with a little reality.
You are missing the point. Yes, special interests control the BOT, and yes, they often digress and disregard proper procedures. That does not change the State mandate nor the intent of the RCWs to make it clear how business is to be conducted. You are a bit too preachy and presumptive. Many are very aware of the dynamic in the community, not just you.
You know, We just might learn something if we look at how and what other HOA's do and how they operate.The way we do things is not the only way. There might be better ways.
Several things caught my attention about Sunset Sands. Three years on the Board seems like a long time and maybe two would be better for everyone. I thought the "key card" might be something to consider. It could work for entry to the RV storage lock rather than change keys and lock every year. Might work for the compactor, rather than a new pass every year, an electronic update from office. Insert card as you enter, green light, red light. Also an accurate count. Chipping site identity, and count. Billing for use at the site? Member meeting of "members in good standing".
Why is it Sunset Sands can have a nice club house and all we can seems to have is what we have? Why do they have a nice BBQ covered area and we don't? Their playground is much nicer than ours. their entrance sign puts ours to shame.
Maybe, part of the answers are reflected by the first comment about me moving there. A few mean spirited that only care about themselves, rather than having a better place for all the members that we can all be proud of. I showed their pictures and quoted from information on their web site, which BTW is very informative and easy to use.
I would reply that the first comment person move there themselves, but I would not that on them. I am sure they don't want to be like us.
I can hear it now. All he does is lie. Never tells the truth. The posting is all facts about Sunset Sands, no lies. I am sure they have their problems and are not perfect, but we might just learn something if we take a closer look and apply or at least try what we see as good ideas or ideas worth considering. The status quo are so blinded by their own self interests, they are not willing to consider a change, even if it makes the HOA a better place for them. It is a shame and we are a shame. It doesn't have to be that way. We can be and do better.
Thanks, George, for showing us how it SHOULD work.
And you appear to be judgemental, so there we are.
If the many were aware, it would have reflected in the voting numbers. Next?
To 12:19...
I do not know what your computer response is to comments posted. On my side, It is noted "In response to'. As with your response above, the reader will think you are responding to the 12:13 comment, when in fact it isn't. I suggest you make your comment in response to a stated comment time. This might clear up confusion. Your comments are the only ones that show up this way. Your comments are always good and relevant to the topic. Hope this helps.
Your comment about me moving there George makes no sense. Unlike you and others, I like it HERE. In fact I love it. That's why after looking at the entire peninsula, including Sunset, I bought here and will continue to live here. Those few that don't feel as I do and think that Sands is the perfect place should have bought there.
And before anyone says I'm speaking badly towards Sunset Sands, I'm not. People moved there for the same reasons I moved here. But I'm willing to lay odds if I went door to door I would find some with complaints there also. There is always those types, just like here.
I think any positive change probably starts with a complaint. Maybe not a complaint, but an observation on how things could be better. I simply pointed out how Sunset Sands appears. We might get some ideas from them that would work here. I am sure they feel the same way about us. In fact, I am aware of a comment they said that they "wished they had the funds that we do." They would use those funds for more improvement for their members.
You should not be so judgmental that I and others do not like it here. Most do like it here, but see a need to make changes. Those who make complaints are more than "those types", they are people who care. I have always said that the best thing about Surfside are the nice people who live and recreate here. I am sorry to say that you seem to have a closed mind. Perhaps you will change over time.
While I do not agree with the tone of your comment, I do appreciate your making it. It helps us all to see that there is more work to do to make Surfside even better than what it is. BTW, I do prefer to live here over Sunset Sands, but not because one is better than the other. Surfside just meets my needs just fine.
Interesting comments from the host. On another topic he talks about insults but has no problem insulting 8:58, calling him/her closed minded, judgmental, having tone, etc. The tone part I find particularly hilarious given the commenting history of the host on this topic and elsewhere.
I can relate to 8:58 as I too love it here and I get a bit tired of people bashing where I chose to live also.
If we build a clubhouse will our dues and assessments go up? How much will our dues and assessments go up if we do any of the things George recommends? I thought the number one priority was to only do the bare minimum that is required so as to keep the dues and assessments low.
We looked there before buying at Surfside. The only real issue I had with Sunset Sands was only one way in and out. If there was a storm I was concerned about the road being blocked or if we had to evacuate quickly. I love Surfside but had I realized how bad the managing of our dues and how poorly run it has become, I may have reconsidered. I thought it was great that we had security that we paid in addition to our taxes yet I Street continues to be a high speed raceway; in 12 years here I have seen only ONE car stopped for speeding. Those that wish to doubt or debate how bad it is, come have a cup of coffee and see for yourself! Its not just members or tourists, its UPS, FedEx, Pacific County Transit and especially contractors and little fart-can muffled cars (and yes, you CAN tell if a vehicle is going much faster than 35). The only value in the dues we pay as far as Im concerned is the water and garbage.
The two communities are apples and oranges so the information presented, while informative, is not relative to our situation.
If the wasteful spending was curtailed, law suits and legal issues of our own making, ended and the law breakers removed from the Board and committees, there would be ample funds for a new office/community center complex. 200 to 300 thousand dollars a year are budgeted without justification except the old refrain, "that's the way we have always done it".
There needs to be justification for spending. That justification can be more than need. It can be for an improvement to the community that will provide better living and enjoyment. What we have now is a Board that has no vision other than their own self interests.
I don't buy the same old excuse, "to keep dues and assessments low". The truth is that we can have a much attractive community without raising the dues and assessments. Actually, they can be lowered.
One is functional the other is not. That is how it's relative to our situation.
So it's now a " fact " that 20-25% of the budget is unnecessary? The members who produce the budget have to pay for it too. And if you're going to quote Chris Hanson you should attribute it to him.
Nobody volunteered you for editorial review. Its George's blog, he can say what he wants, without your judgement.
When enough members want a club house, Surfside will build a club house. Currently, very few members are showing any support for a club house. Surfside will not build a club house just because a few members want one. The budget committee recommends and the board of trustees approve a budget every year. They put a lot of time and energy in developing the budget. To claim it is wasteful or poorly conceived out of hand is a bit arrogant and dismissive.
I don't see any need for a clubhouse, the beach is our clubhouse!
I totally agree with you 7/30 @ 11:30 AM. Various events planned during the year by the CRC (I commend them for their perseverance by the way) attract very few members and those are mostly full timers. I prefer the beach and my own (or a neighbor's)home or yard.
I give the last comment to 10:33. I think with the exception of a few, there has been some good discussion here, even if I don't agree with some of them. I encourage differing views. I just happen to think we can afford to have a better office and community center for Surfside meetings and events. I think a nice facility would also make a statement that is positive, about our association. Maybe we should ask the members. Wouldn't that be a novel concept? Thanks everyone for the comments.
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