Pictures 7/16/2019
The chipping has begun at the chipping site. One man is doing the work. I was surprised that there was very little sound.
You will see from the pictures below, the real reason for the chipping site today. This was not always the case. Today it is about topping trees and the members having a place to dispose of the tops. This is why it is supported and run by J Place members. They think that there will be less opposition to the topping policy if it is more easy and cheap to dispose of the tops. They are probably right on that.
I drove around the H Place loop off I Place to the North when I heard chain saws running. A contractor crew was there cutting and chipping trees from a nice home there. All the trees had been removed except the last one that they were working on. A beautiful tree in the front yard and below any height limits. It was enough to make you cry as the branches were being removed prior to falling. This nice home now has no trees and looks bare there.
Do you people who write complaints and those who support it, have any idea what you are doing to the environment? Do you recycle at the compactor then support the destruction of our fragile planet? This policy is so wrong in so many ways. Do you who write tree complaints have no shame? If you support and favor killing trees, you should not be living here or anywhere in the Pacific Northwest. Your the ones who should move. I and others have no respect for you. I can see why you would want the complaints "anonymous" If I did what your doing, I would not want my face known. You have "two faces"
For a larger view, click on each picture.
Chipper on the left just starting operation |
Lots to do |
Good job done on new parking spaces at the 350th trail head to the beach. Trail needs work |
If this doesn't make you heart sick, I don't know what will. Note the mowed grass. |
Almost beyond words. Member trying to maintain a neat lot as his neighbors do. |
I about fell over taking this picture, but you get the idea. Like me, it was not on the garden tour. |