Many times on an older posting, current comments are missed by those who follow the blog. The following makes good sense to me and reminds me that we are a part of a larger picture and be it in a small way, need to be responsible. Thanks for the comment.

There is so much pollution in the ocean that particles of plastic large enough to see can be found in some shellfish such as muscles. City water supplies across the country puzzle over how to remove prescription drugs from water supplies, detected in significant concentrations.
The current administration has been systematically removing environmental protections that have taken decades of effort to put in place in the United States, while most European nations take a much more proactive approach in this threat to our current health and the future of the human race. Global warming is denied by Trump while there remains no question it is already probably beyond our control among the scientific community.
Pollution has been demonstrated to be the primary cause of global warming. Electing such delusional folks to high government positions, feeds global demise, as does irresponsible HOA Trustees who turn a blind eye to Surfside pollution.