On my drive around Surfside today, looking for storm damage information to share with my fellow members, I found work being done on the Seabreeze Lake outfall. The Seabreeze outfall at 350th and G Street is smaller than the outfall for the canal, but illustrates perfectly the problem for both.
The funnel shape through the dunes concentrates the waves right up to the tide gate. The outfall is completely blocked by sand and the County has a contractor cleaning out the sand today. It costs the County thousands of dollars for every clean out. The level of the lake is up due to the heavy rains and the exit being blocked by sand. The same is true for the canal.
The County proposed extending the outfall pipe to the ocean edge of the dunes. The huge funnel through the dunes would then return to the natural shape as those surrounding. Thousands of dollars would be saved every year and maintenance would be at a minimum. Flooding risk of the lake and canal would be less. Because of property development and land clearing, there is increased surface water run off.
The gap in the dunes would fill in, providing increased protection from large waves that have the potential of breaching the dunes at the outfalls, as is also true of the Oysterville beach approach. At present, flooding from a breach and blocked outfalls plus higher lake and canal water, puts many member homes and property at risk.
Members who have property adjoining the outfalls have an ocean and beach view through the gap in the dunes. They have threatened the County with law suites and are vigorously opposed to the county plans. Jim Flood, Board Vice President, is one of those opposed property owners. This is my basis of "selfish motives".
The pictures taken today clearly illustrate the issue. Click on each for a larger view.
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This is where the County would extend the pipe to the outer edge of the dunes. The tide gate is completely blocked by sand |
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I saw evidence this side of the sign that the waves had come in this far and deposited drift wood on the trail. This is no more than 2 feet below the crest. |
George, I can't tell if your jeolous of the people who have been able tp purchase property with a view, or if you are just busy being a busy body? I think both are true
to 3:04....TROLL
To 3:04...Mole
To 3:04...I assume English is not your native language. George said nothing of the sort you speak of. Troll on 3:04. It must make you happy.
These trolls are going to get more vicious as the real facts are exposed. Seeing it already.
Once again Board members bite us in the butt, supporting their special interests as opposed to the common good. Sad, but not surprising.
One of the silliest signs I have ever seen. Remember when the EMC and the Board put a frickin' barrier at the street to save us from ourselves?
This issue is of particular concern to the County who have been trying to get Surfside to agree to taking some measures to alleviate the problems. Owners with beach property probably have views with or without the trench, but don't want a pipe coming out onto the beach. Owners on the Lake and canals surely want to see improvements and less chance of flooding.
This is a community issue and that's why George is addressing it on the blog. George goes to a lot of work to seek out sources of information, take photos to inform the membership, and manage the blog. He is dedicated to maintaining this window into the workings of Surfside, where the HOA is mum. Not a single word has been published by the HOA acknowledging the massive crisis that has been created by failed management.
Any attempts to belittle or diminish George's contributions are undoubtedly from envious Trustees or members who are incapable of the selfless efforts George works on daily.
Thanks for the kind words Steve, but the truth is, I am close to burn out. I have provided enough information, it is now up to the members to step up and take action or witness the complete fall of the association. The old saying comes to mind..."You can lead the horses to water, but you can't make them drink" This seems to be where we are today. There is a glimmer of hope in that there seems to be members getting organized. Maybe there is someone who would be interested in taking over this blog, or starting a new one. Come Spring, I am looking forward to returning to my first love of gardening.
That does not diminish your contribution that has been huge ! Not a peep has been published by the HOA to acknowledge the astounding blunders by the HOA in their failed management. And it is the members who are on the hook to pay these fines and face the EPA's wrath. Stumbling into massive lawsuits is the classic screw-up all HOAs dread facing. Thank you Surfside BOT !
George, this important work you've done for all of us is too vital to lose. How can we help?
Don't understand why my comment gets deleted, but I'll try again.
Extending the pipe and filling in the dunes will not end the county from having to remove sand that has blocked it. In fact if anything with it being closer to the ocean it may require more visits. That area happens to be relatively lower than at other areas so with super high tides or storms debris is sent up there.
Anytime I travel down to Long Beach I take the beach route. I do so at minimum weekly. I see other outfalls being dug out, some more often than ours. And those have had no dune modifications
Why would you care unless you would lose your artificial view?
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