April Garcia..
Without a doubt, The Employee Of The Year 2018, is April Garcia.
April has all the qualifications and certificates to be the Water Treatment Plant Operator.
She has held this position for a number of years. Any question you have about water, she will get you an answer. If she doesn't have the answer her self, she will get it for you. She has gone in person to many members homes seeking solutions for member problems. She is friendly and respectful to all. Thank you April, for all you do. You can Email April at wateronline@surfside.org
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April Garcia checking water samples, keeping our water safe to drink |
She's very knowledgeable and confident in her skills. She helped us track down the leak the Water Dept. told us we have going on. She helped us rule out a number of factors, including our yard irrigation system.
Unfortunately, it's a phantom leak that cannot be seen, somewhere in the line leading to the house. Repair will be expensive to very expensive - with removal of cement involved. But appreciate how solid her knowledge is of her work. Very nice person and easy to communicate with.
Prob be cheaper to run a new line. And yes, April is the best.
She puts a nice face on Surfside. Good choice. Most other employees are also nice.
Sorry to disagree with you but apparently you haven’t visited OUR office lately. April is refreshing for an employee but not so much in SHOA OFFICE. Cringe just thinking of my next visit! Kudos April for being a friendly face at Surfside.
I've found the blonde woman - Kilmer ?- to be nice. Lately, I would think there's more tension in the office, and uncomfortable questions.
Well, if Fed Up walks into the office with the same attitude that they have expressed on this blog I can understand why. My wife and I have never had an issue at the office during the many years we have lived here. Same with my neighbors.
Wow! Happy for you cause that’s certainly not the consensus of members I have chatted with. Visitors of members are really treated poorly. Embarrassing.
The office people in Surfside have always been polite to us also.
Fed up, has a chip on his shoulder....buyer's remorse!
Really folks, this does not merit an argument or trying to pidgeon-hole what someone is about. Kimber is always pleasant, Laura has usually seemed reserved. Laura was the head compliance officer, which is a ridiculous role to put on the head office person. Any owner coming in might be cranky about a compliance notice, or just want to ask a routine question.
I think that Laura had reasons to be reserved at times, and owners, reasons to be cranky at times. Laura surely was on friendly terms with many owners having worked here for years. Now she is leaving. We all can move on. Anyone has good days and not so good days, and our demeanor can show it. No biggy, and it's not healthy to assume grouchiness is meant as ill-will.
What is not healthy for Surfside is accepting as normal that customer service employees of the association would EVER treat people visiting the office with less than pleasant and excellent service. It is way overdue to demand for this association and the individuals in the association to be served by competent and pleasant employees. Mr. Cox clearly knows zip about managing employees to deliver excellence in customer service as they are paid to do.
Office help serves at the pleasure of the bot. Start there.
I don't know a thing about "managing" people to deliver excellent customer service. So long as Office staff are tasked with citing owners for non-compliance, they become a target for angry members. When someone comes in the door, they don't know if they'll have routine questions or an ax to grind.
I find the complaints about the demeanor of Office staff to be overblown. They aren't selling anything, and they are willing to help visitors and owners with their questions and concerns. I don't expect an automaton full of smiles. I've always received good service, and recognize their situation.
Remember, the walls and service window were deemed needed because of threats from an angry homeowner. It's not the fragrance counter at Macy's. Task someone else with the enforcement responsibilities and the Office staff aren't directly responsible for citations. Then they can focus on being advocates of the owners, at the service of the members and visitors.
Kimber in the office has always been nice to me. It's Laura that has the attitude problem, glad to see her go.
Here by the ocean where salty aires abound
Some are so very nice
While others are unsound.
One more time. Mr. Cox knows nothing about training or supervising employees to deliver excellent customer services even when engaged in situations that can be provocative. Most people who have ever worked in a government type of office manage to be pleasant and helpful in stressful and challenging circumstances.
One individual with a well documented history of mental health issues shows up at the Surfside Office in 50 years and it becomes necessary to build impenetrable barriers at the front desk. Shame on the incompetence of the office workers.
Got to agree with Fed Up on this one. Laura has been obnoxious, rude and dishonest according to many members of the HOA. I have personally experience her rudeness while I was being very courteous. Glad to see her go. Unfortunately, the next person the Faction pics will be another Faction slave.
When BM is best buddies with Kirby, you can figure trouble. Birds of feather flock together! See ya BM. Who will be K’s best friend next?
11:09.... Gosh, you're really intent on arguing with Mr. Cox aren't ya. I agree that the office remodel was unwarranted, and I have mentioned that several times on the blog Mr. Customer Service.
You missed Mr. Cox's point entirely. The office was remodeled for security reasons wasn't it ? It may be silly, but it has been done. The reason it was done is that Laura was the head compliance officer AND the Head Office manager. The point Mr. Cox was making is that there is no rational reason why the same person tasked with greeting owners, happily answering their questions, and helping owners navigate dealing with compliance issues, is the same person who cites owners and sends them the non-compliance notices.
Get it ? Task the Office Manager ONLY with managing the office and serving as an owner advocate and information source. Then they do not need to be personally responsible for owner's aggravation over shaky compliance matters.
I also think the role of Office personnel is not the same as "Customer Service" in a retail setting. Greeting the visitor or HOA member, and offering to help is enough to expect of them. As with most similar roles, familiar faces may get a little different response, either positive or negative. They are human, not robots. ---- Steve Cox
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