"The Problem"......:far reaching effect on us all"
The information that is being kept from the members is also being kept from the realtors. Problems like we have will be public once they enter the legal realm and become public disclosure. That process has started.
Anonymous said...
For all in Surfside that are considering selling their house/property, here is what occurred last week and I believe is the first of many to come. A prospective buyer made a full price cash offer on a house in Surfside. The prospective purchaser had heard about a potential EPA/asbestos problem. He contacted the HOA Manager to gain more information about the "problem". The manager did not provide what the purchaser deemed to be adequate information concerning the "problem" The prospective purchaser then decided to contact his attorney (who deals in real estate). After that discussion, the prospective purchaser withdrew from the purchase. So the "problem" may well have a far reaching effect on us all. The seller lost a cash sale, the realtor lost a commission and the purchaser has gone elsewhere. As a side note, now that the realtor knows of the "problem" he/she are ethically bound to inform any other prospective buyer. Maybe the powers that be will be a lilttle more transparent with the members?
November 23, 2018 at 3:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Asking part of the problem (Business Manager) about the problem? What would you expect for an answer? If the prospective buyer could have been told that the President and Vice President had been removed and the contract with North Beach had been terminated, maybe that buyer would not have backed out. There is no indication that Surfside is trying to solve problems long term. They only project an image of trying to cover up the problem, not correcting it.
November 23, 2018 at 7:46 PM

This is going to have a chilling effect on everything. We need a lawyer that is working for the home owners. Every sale from the time that theses problems occurred are potential claims to the seller's.
We already pay for a lawyer that does us no good. Need lawyer to sue our lawyer.
7:46 states the case in a nutshell. Unless the membership insists on changes in the Board to bring honest people into these roles, allowing the same people to continue will result in the same performance. WE already hear bloggers making excuses for our plight, when it all could have easily been avoided.
Mr. Flood has frequently stated that "Surfside HOA is a Water Company first, and an HOA second." Funny that neither he nor anyone else took any personal responsibility for oversight of the Water Dept. performance or practices. Why is Flood still on the Board when he is incapable/unwilling to attend meetings, and is in his 12Th year on the Board. Williams is a joke and personally wasted at least $75,000 on his stupid vendetta to destroy Johansen. Why is he still on the Board ? None of the Trustees has the sense to start the process of addressing this systemic failure to govern and manage our community.
We don't care if you call it a Water Dept. or an HOA so long as there's people managing the community honestly and responsibly. The same crew isn't capable or trustworthy.
"The manager did not provide what the purchaser deemed to be adequate information concerning the "problem". Therein lies the difficulty for all outside of the secretive few. Our equity here is in limbo until somebody with some ethics and integrity steps up to the plate and makes us as whole as possible. We will deal with it whatever it is but we can't deal with being left blind and with unsalable properties from continuing inadequate information. That isn't something in the bylaws we agreed to pay for.
This issue is only going to get worse, as the same people that have made the mess are still in control, constantly re nominating and electing their own, using the apathy of the membership to retain control. In any business environment, this board would have been fired a long time ago.
Dissolution may be the only answer.
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