More people travel I Street than any other street in Surfside. Thousands of tourists and clam diggers use this route through Surfside. Is this the kind of image we want to present? They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Don't blame the owners for these trees which will die . I don't know if they got complaints, but probably. The homes are neat and show pride in ownership. It seems to me that there could at least be some trees that could be left to grow, especially the ones like these that will die. An ocean view with some trees sticking up, actually make a better view. My apologies to the owners pictured here, most of us in Surfside know that a forced killing of your trees is wrong.
I can't help but think about the person who wrote the complaint. Will they proudly point at the trees and say "thanks to my complaint, those trees are compliant". You must feel really proud of yourself. Maybe the compliant owner will sell you the fire wood.
Click on the pictures for a larger view.
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323rd and I Street |
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335th and I Street |
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335th and I Street |
I have thought that very same thing. Such an ugly, unsightly shame for these property owners. All for a handful of J members. How does that seem fair to the rest of the community?
Why have the separate TREES section if you're going to continue the same here?
Why not show pictures of the many lots that have took care of their trees from the beginning and look fine? I and my neighbor have been doing so and all of our trees are alive and well. You neighbors are responsible for killing more trees than us. But of course that is OK.
Why do u care 5:26? If it doesn’t affect you? Or do you have a view lot anonymous?
Tree killers don't give a damn how ugly the neighborhood becomes, as long as they feel like they are winning the battle!
Funny thing is, thier view would probably be better if the area below them looked more natural, and showed less homes, since the trees would help hide them a little. Makes zero sense cutting the tops off of all of the trees. Ugh
5:45 ...You don't comprehend that this policy effects the appearance of the entire community ? As such, it also is a statement about heavy-handed HOA enforcement that makes no sense and that creates an artificial class-system. It hurts overall property values for the sake of creating an elite on the ridge. No Problemo ?
Trees are private property.
Proper tree maintenance does not kill trees. Again, this is due to the owner not being responsible by not maintaining their lot. The rules are the rules until they change. There are hundreds of lots in SS where you can see how they maintain trees without killing them, but we continue to pity those that leave the area looking like a war zone.
IT's easy. Just cut the big trees down and enjoy the firewood. Plant new trees and tend them properly from the beginning. They grow fast!
It’s just as much the fault of shoa in general, height enforcement is a very recent thing. Obviously nobody really cared until “someone” moved here. If it had been enforced all along it wouldn’t look like cr@p. If height enforcement had been maintained, we wouldn’t have an issue. So it’s not all the members fault, and a middle ground should be reached. But that will never happen, so restrictions need to go. It’s kinda like if you let your neighbor use your road to get to his property long enough. It becomes his right legally to use it.
There have been tree height restrictions since at least 1980, so this is not a new thing.
The elitists demand their views. The elitists file complaints against fellow members. The elitists now complain because the trees are ugly after being trimmed because of their bitching and whining. The elitists are never happy. End of story...
1:01, comprehension problems. Said haven’t been enforced, not that they didn’t exist.
They are enforced if a complaint is filed. Its up to the owner to be responsible and maintain their trees.
George is the one who posted and complained about the ugly trees, so you're calling him an elitists now? And if you think the complaints filed are only about trees you would be wrong. So I guess there are more of your so called elitists out there then you know.
Speaking to the "elitist" term. What other Fox news catch phrases will you be using? Can't wait. Bet you miss the politics page.
5:21, is good example of the derangement syndrome. Can’t seperate life from politics.
The policy is useless and a relic of the past. It is a useless burden for Surfside to bear, and needs to be eliminated. It is a private property issue and is NOT the HOA's business. It dooms the community to have a reputation for intimidation, and hostility to free expression and independence - everything that people love about being at the beach - under siege.
To 6:50:
So I come on here to point out someone using B.S. political terms and then you see fit to take a shot at me by using another B.S. political term, another common one on Fox. Guess I didn't have to wait too long. Thanks for the laugh. Are you available for parties??
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