Information you need to know...If this doesn't make you sick, I don't know what will.
This comment caught my attention in a big way. While I do know a lot, not to the extent that this anonymous person does. This contains some new information for me. They were obviously at the Board meeting, but shares information that was not public. It seems to specific to be just a relay of information told to them by someone else that was at the meeting. This anonymous person has done exactly what the blog was designed to do, share factual information. This has provided me with information to be able to expand on what was revealed here. I will reveal even more here, but first read again the comment below, more narrative and facts will follow below it.
Anonymous said...
Well I thought we were all supposed to be notified of meetings as well. seems as though this Board thinks there is nobody else out there (the members) and they can just get together and have a jolly old time spending our money. I was surprised at the latest Board meeting when the President announced, as he has in the past, that all of the legal actions will "only" cost the HOA $10k. Just wonder how an insurance company would pay for legal fees if you just dropped the case as the HOA did. They don't pay for little exercises with no results.
Also, as pointed out, we are at 150% of the budget for legal fees for this year ($75k spent, $50k budgeted) and note the legal budget for next year has been upped to $75k. Am wondering if this money is used to pay the $10k fine we incurred for no permit before building the water treatment plant, or the $13k we had to pay to remove the asbestos pipe, or the $27k fine we have to pay L&I, and the as yet undetermined fine yet to come from the EPA.
The insurance company sure as hell isn't paying those fines because they are due to negligence on the part of the HOA. The treasurer moved most all of the projects for next year to the right for a year, save what he could contribute some small funds to left from this year. That was to keep the assessments lower this year, but hold on to your pocketbook for 2020, all to pay fines we should never have had.
Glad the Board decided to give the employees a 3% raise and bonuses. Have to come out of retirement and work for them as the COLA (highest in years)is only 2.8%. As someone who has worked in organizations that leaders and workers, it amazes me how this organization has not recognized the "Peter Principle" runs rampant in the Board. Most of these people would have been replaced long ago, even in a highly bureaucratic organization that doesn't embrace change. but you know what folks, whether you praise or complain you haven't got much leverage.
There were only 8, count'em 8 members outside of the BOT members at the last Board meeting. If you continue to sit on your collective asses, this organization will continue to founder at your expense. If you can live with some of the grossest incompetence I have seen in my 7+ decades, then don't bitch about it. If you don't want to continue this series of illegal missteps from the BOT, then come out and speak out!

Checking Tax Sifter, I saw building permit dated 9/18/2018 for the well field, building and vessels at 225,000 and reservoir for 102,753 dollars. This is just recently, when we know the vessels, base and reservoir have been there for a year or more. I think this is probably why there was a reported fine above of 10,000.00 I noticed in the financial report that a check was issued to Pacific County Community Development of 12,386.73 for "permit for carbon treatment plant building". I suspect the 10,000 dollar fine is hidden here. Is there a fine for under reporting the actual cost on a building permit?
The L&I fine was about worker safety related to the handling of asbestos pipe. That is stated at 27,000 dollars. We are now at a running total of 37,000 dollars in fines. We are still waiting for the fine from the EPA for burying the asbestos pipe. Add the 13,000 dollars for the cost of removal of pipe to the running total and we are up to 50,000 dollars with nothing to show for it. There are also thousands of dollars in attorney fees that are ongoing right now.
Thanks to the anonymous person above who provided the money details that I was not aware. This is what got me to checking tax sifter and the financial report looking for the fines. Oh yes, that gives me another question. The fine payment for the permit violation was charged to the operational account. It should be charged to the carbon treatment plant. Or, better yet, this should all be charged to North Beach as the responsible party.
Do you know that you and I are the only members that are aware of this mess? It is all hidden from the other members. And they want us to approve a budget so they can continue with their good bonus management for another year. Count me as a no.
There are other related issues that I am working on such as wet land violations and comments about the carbon treatment falling over due to building in a flood zone.