Saturday would have been her last day on the Board.
There will now be 8 Board members seated at the table at the Annual Meeting.
She will now be able to make motions from the floor at the Saturday Annual Meeting.
She plans to attend the Annual Meeting as a regular member in good standing. She will present a number of positive motions that will be in the best interests of all members. She faces opposition from those who support the status quo.
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Blaggs aggressive and arrogant determination that she knows what is best for Surfside has been alarming from the start.
Thank you for your unbiased comment status quo representative.
Sounds like she doesn't support your cronies. That's no a bad thing. Deb, thank you for your efforts!
What is not supported is her lunatic opinions that have nothing to do with improving the overall environment in Surfside. She has divided members into waring factions. RVs sitting on unused on lots year around, storage sheds with unlimited add-ons to create unattractive and wind susceptible porches and overhangs, trees in ultra wind areas growing to dangerous heights, pressing for minority ideas to rule Surfside, posting ugly signs, all kinds of covered crap sitting around lots instead of being stored in sheds, covenant violators rewarded for their rule breaking ---- these are some of her brilliant ideas. Has she ever been in Surfside during a severe storm? NO. Does she have clue about the fallout of her opinions? NO. If she prevails, welcome to tacky, lower valued, contentious Sursfside.
Gotta go fight this crazy member and her RV friends. Another trouble maker gaining more power in Surfside isn't good for any of us.
She has the intellect to think outside the box and courage to express the needed changes. And oh yes, use's her name. More than you weasels will do. Your the problem, not Deb.
Can hardly be worse than we are now. Don't kid yourself, Homeowners association is affecting our property values.
New ideas are needed.
Since you support this chaos, the only assumption that can be made is that it's your agenda.
Amen! More people like Deb will be needed to drain this swamp!
People with good ideas that benefit the overall association are needed. Blagg represents the fringe ideas that do not serve all us well. We do not need another member who is active only to fulfill her personal wishes about how Surfside should be with no regard for others. Blagg has shown her personal agenda on this blog. Her dislike on being called out on her lies, faults and opinions is telling. Honorable people own up to being caught lying. They apologize and do their best to correct the circumstances. Blagg double down on her misrepresentations and call it the truth. We are surprised that she hasn't called the opposition a witch hunt. Perhaps it offends her that some seriously do think of her as a controlling, self serving witch.
Love it that I can sit in a meeting and quietly send comments to the blog. Tech is good!
Funny, some are looking around to see who is tapping away on phone or tablet.
It's sad that a good person like Deb has to put up with this kind of low class name calling. Hopefully she is a strong person that doesn't let it deter her from trying to make Surfside a better place! I didn't buy property there due to the devious HOA tactics and poor management. Bought elsewhere on the peninsula, and glad I did. Still keep an eye here just for entertainment...
It is sad that simple minded Blagg followers have failed to take in the truth and act on the facts. Blagg plays em like a fiddle.
Sounds like status quo is afraid, very afraid.
Better think about who is talking to their phone or tablet as well as possibly tapping.
There is fear that we will be forced to sell out our dream retirement home to escape the crap that Blagg proposes. sad and fearful
So much fake news! If you say enough bad things about Deb, maybe someone will believe you. If you're afraid to be allowed to vote on issues, covenants, etc. for your personal interest, move to Russia. Buh bye
The Blagg's pitiful coup has failed! All Trustee's she tried to backdoor will remain.
So who is sad now!
The rest of us.
same old, same old. Same knuckleheads, different year.
I believe this is the will of the majority....not!
All of us are the losers.
Good luck selling at a decent price with these clowns in office. They are costing us money every day. The fact that Williams got re elected as president says it all. Fix is in!
The board has not been performing well for a long time. It is one mistake after another swept under the rug. Yet, the alternatives that have appeared are worse than what we've got. Blagg and her gang live in a floating bubble of arrogant ignorance. Blagg herself has proven to be loose with the truth and oh so willing to spin the facts when caught in her lies.
"Blagg and her gang" ? You actually believe your own bullshit ? You are terribly afraid of anything in this community moving forward. What is killing this community is your attitude. There's nothing provocative about Deb's ideas. They are common-sense approaches to problems that are routinely ignored and perpetuated.
Common-sense would have led us to approve electronic voting, a member approval requirement for covenant changes, and dismissal of the lawsuit/harassment of Member-Trustee Patrick Johansen. Gary Williams would no longer be a Trustee, and the BOT would take a verbal vow before the membership, to abide by the covenants (not just claim to), and act ONLY after a proper vote of the entire BOT, not 1, not 2 or 3, but 9.
Instead, we have these blithering idiots who've harangued Deb Blagg constantly for the last year (that's sexual harassment by the way), blathering away, dancing in the streets, unable to save themselves from their own compulsion to make the same mistakes over and over again. Sad to be sure.
Blagg proposes RV's on lots year around, trees controlled only if determined to be a danger (BTW who makes that dangerous determination?), improvements in using technology better (unclear on what the agenda is for tech improvements other than to encourage RV users to ignore the covenants to suit their personal preferences and to okay her secret, closed admittance, personal RV group on Facebook), dismissing a lawsuit against a member who aggressively sued to add unauthorized additions to storage sheds and very likely some other uninformed personal preferences. Blagg has never been in Surfside during any of our severe storms. She refuses to acknowledge that trees are blown down even though this happened within 800 yards from her lot this past year in a mild storm. She has never seen the blown over storage sheds, RVs, fences and etc. that result in our storms or she refuses to acknowledge that this happens. Her trees were out of compliance for over two years and only trimmed to accommodate a storage shed and in response to comments on this blog about her out of compliance trees. Most of the time, her lot looks like a junk yard because she feels free to store lots of stuff strewn about her lot with covers over the stuff or not. She has felt free to burn tree trimmings and green vegetation causing caustic smoke to envelop her neighbors for hours and hours. She recently and defiantly installed a team supporting sign in violation of the covenants. She has outright lied and felt free to spin the truth when caught in her lies. Her husband appears to simply go along with whatever she says or does so criticisms in regard to their lot are not a matter of sexual harassment as alleged. He doesn't get the attention because he is not as outspoken and obnoxious as his wife. Sad but true. The Blaggs bought their lot and set out to change the rules in Surfside to suit their personal preferences. Did they seriously expect no push back?
Funny how Blagg's so called common sense ideas are always directed in a way to fulfill her personal wishes with no regard for the impact on others. Funny how she feels free to create a closed Facebook site to support RV users and their wishes while ignoring the potential impact of these wishes on other Surfside members. Funny that she feels free to break the rules and then lie and spin the truth to try to cover for her own rule breaking. Funny how she felt free to try to misuse parliamentary procedures to force her opinions onto the entire association. Funny that she feels so righteous in her pursuit of more privileges for members who can't be bothered to stay in Surfside other than a few months of the year. There are ways to achieve improvements and changes that do not involve manipulative treachery that is not at all funny.
To our psychotically disturbed previous two posters, the last time I checked, this was a free country to do what you believe in, as what you have done. So lets leave it at that, never heard of a sore winner before.
Haven't been here long? This garbage has been goin on for years. With Deb Blagg gone, it will be interesting to see who this borderline psychotic will hate on next.
Yes perfect human beings AKA Deb supporters. Anyone who disagrees with you is seriously mentally ill and likely drools on Tuesdays.
As many members as possible need sufficient time to read and understand any proposals for change. Whether Deb couldn't pull it together in time for the board to send it out in advance or the board resisted her input, or sheer poor planning, it's now water under the bridge. Heated emotions and tribal thinking shouldn't cause us to shoot ourselves in both feet and stay stuck in "it's always been done this way". If you are a contemptuous noisey naysayer enjoying your own voice best, please consider and have some respect for the majority of quiet members who want to understand new ideas, to accept or reject each, and look forward to doing that.
@7:46, your "knowledge" of what the Blagg's lot looks like "most of the time", their compliance details, and opining on their marital balance of power makes me ill. I never would have moved here had I thought my lot and life would be so closely inspected by hateful busy-body members for gossip fuel.
Until a member lives in such a way that what they do endangers me and mine, whatever wrongs they do is between them and our Board to work out. After members file complaints they should get on with their own life. This tendency to want to police anyone and everyone is a national disease, best cured by a heavy dose of self-reflection and acceptance that life is too short to be continually picking on other people.
The bylaw change motions are not water under the bridge. Oh wait, yeah the "president" will probably somehow get out of the special meeting in November
Blagg presented herself as the virtuous all knowing savior of Surfside. This prompted people to take a look. What was visible was that she was not nearly as virtuous as presented. When confronted with these discrepancies by comments on the blog, she tried to back pedal and spin the facts. Don't try to make this into the fault of those who were observing. Blagg created her own problems.
Haters gotta hate.🤷♂️
This is sexual harassment. No one has been picked on so mercilously and righteously. You think that if you keep it up it will make her cry, make her give up - you can't stand her strength and indifference at your blowhard bully tactics.
This community SHOWS the inability of the membership to make good decisions in a united sense of purpose. Visitors look at the trees in every kind of whittled chopped and mutated form, and realize that constrictive covenants are forcing owners to comply to ridiculous standards. The office says "we're paranoid, and don't trust the membership", with its' tiny walled spaces between customers and staff.
And now Mr. Williams who is our self-ordained dictator, has been given the green-light to continue ignoring State RCWs and covenant mandated procedures - no problemo say the bobblehead yesmen. Mark Scott is running for the BOT but can't attend the election ? Mr. Flood attends 3 to 4 meetings a year in person. No problemo say the BOT 5. The obvious problems with our HOA go unnoticed while a few play political games. Not one of these self-absorbed Trustees care what the membership wants, or the community needs.
And you're pre-occupied with Deb. We are looking at huge chunks of money being pissed away by the HOA on frivolous lawsuits, State fines for improper asbestos handling, and many questions about the proper management of the Water Dept., Main Office, and proper enforcement in Surfside.
1:12 sums it up...
I like most of you, I am tired of reading the biased hate against Deb Blagg. I am going to have the last word on this.
Thank you Deb Blagg for your service on the Board. You proved at the Annual Meeting that you are concerned about all members on all issues. You have had the courage to make comments on this blog and use your name on what you state. We would be better served if the other Board members were as willing to be as open as you.
Some may see your motions at the meeting as a failure. I see just the opposite. You have opened the door to significant changes that will benifit a real majority. Your comments and views will always be welcome here. Thanks again.
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