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Wednesday, January 6, 2021
All eyes are on National events today.
We will put all this behind us...Stay strong and above all, STAY safe
All of the officials who have certified the vote counts in the "battleground States" proclaim a nearly flawless election has taken place. In around 60 lawsuits brought in protest by Trump and his minions, NO evidence was ever provided. Presenting false evidence is a crime punishable by hard time. So how weird is it that many who voted for Trump believe there were over 7 million fraudulent votes cast? About 1/3 of the citizens of the U.S. believe in fabricated facts from inside Trump's head and bogus internet sources. We have plenty of challenging issues that are real, and no time to waste on this fake revolution. One crazy-ass man elected president, and we are falling into chaos, 70 million Trump nitwits running mad in the streets. How will this go away soon? I don't think so.
You poor right wing fools. Your leader lost and you need to get over it. Continue to drink the kool aid. Your a bunch of losers and in 13 more days are long national nightmare will be over. Then we can start comming after creeps like you. You have disgraced america. You retrumplicans are on the way out for the next 20 years.
All t.v. networks but FOX are reliable sources of news. Stop pretending the news you don't like is not accurate. All of these networks report essentially the same news, keeping one another in-check for accuracy. FOX admits to being a tool of the Trump admin., and can't claim anything is accurate or vetted. Same with other alt.newz. No one is constrained to reporting the truth, while major networks try to be entirely accurate. Yeah right - Dems drink blood and are pedophiles. This b.s. ignores that Dems are at least half of your neighbors, attend your church, serve their communities in a multitude of ways. They're all perverts and scary freaks. Yet Donald is your hero? That's insane.
Wow George! Shocked you have begun allowing this political garbage on your blog. Time for me to quit following as it’s turned into a lefty rant session! Bye bye and here’s to your change comin’ down the pipe. Will check back in after two years of Joe’s leadership😳 and see if you are all still giddy.
Portland? Left wing? Is that the best you can do to deflet from the traitors in Washington DC? Who cares about Portland? Not me. They are not eve3n in this state. Some or most of us are Americans, not left or right or wear a red cap. In six months, trump will only be a bad memory. The dumb ass followers of him will have to find another Jim Jones to follow. Maybe Jim Jordan. lol
Two years? Joe will either be dead or removed under the 25th, then the Libtard crap will really go full bore. Lucky if any of us are allowed to own property anymore. Steve will be fine with his new benefactors though, probably get a nice new commie kommissar position and the right to rat on any who oppose him.
532 - you don't run this blog, George does. You started the crap bt supporting an organization that operates illegally, immorally, and totally on the self interest you support.
You will not be missed, but your not going anywhere, mouth.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground". Truer words were never spoken. Jefferson and his contemporaries envisioned a central or federal government that did not interfere with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. how sad they would be to see the oppressive behemoth the federal government has become. Is it time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Josh Hawlens, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Jr, Proud Boys, and All Right Winger Mobsters Who Attacked Our Capitol and Politicians on 01/06/2021 are responsible for sedition, insurrection, and murder! 5 Dead, Including a Police Officer! Trumps Pentagon Cronies Did Nothing To Stop This! Capitol Police Trump Supporters Let The Right Winger Mob Into The Capitol!
Trump lost the popular vote by 7 million votes, and declared a "landslide" for himself. That's delusional. He is the first president ever to refuse to acknowledge a simple loss of an election. He had never run for elective office before, so doesn't grasp that all who seek public office experience wins and losses.
The fact that he is a loser cry-baby who may need to be physically dragged from the Whitehouse, does not constitute a call to revolt. Hawley, a newly seated Senator who started the rumor that the certification could be stopped and awarded to Trump asked "what do we tell our constituents who think the election was stolen ?" Mitt Romney, long time conservative Republican replied: "tell them the truth ! That there was a fair election in which Trump lost!"
Are you ready to lay your life on the line for the cry-baby 8:23 ? Over 80 of the rioters have been arrested, with the potential of 10 year jail sentences. The FBI continues to identify others who broke into the Capital, a Federal offense.
The right winger radical mobsters, Proud Boys, antisemitics, white supremacists, liars, conspiracy believers, haters, idiots, insurgents, brought molotov cocktails to their assualt on our nation's house and government leaders. I'm not surprised. They love Russia and authoritarianism. I bet some of them brought AK-47s. Some of them brought M-4 assault rifles!
All of the officials who have certified the vote counts in the "battleground States" proclaim a nearly flawless election has taken place. In around 60 lawsuits brought in protest by Trump and his minions, NO evidence was ever provided. Presenting false evidence is a crime punishable by hard time. So how weird is it that many who voted for Trump believe there were over 7 million fraudulent votes cast? About 1/3 of the citizens of the U.S. believe in fabricated facts from inside Trump's head and bogus internet sources. We have plenty of challenging issues that are real, and no time to waste on this fake revolution. One crazy-ass man elected president, and we are falling into chaos, 70 million Trump nitwits running mad in the streets. How will this go away soon? I don't think so.
Our Poor Pouting POTUS.....invoke the 25th. This is the kind of bully that eventually received a swirly from me when I was in school.
Those Trump nitwits protesting in Portland need to be dealt with. Will Portland ever stop the chaos in their streets.
re January 7, 2021 at 7:00 AM
That would be the Left in PDX continuing to what the far left does
Well, they also said "Keep Portland Weird" They won't stop, they got nothing else to do.
Say the cnn etc sycophants. Educate yourselves from many unbiased sources or stfu.
You poor right wing fools. Your leader lost and you need to get over it. Continue to drink the kool aid. Your a bunch of losers and in 13 more days are long national nightmare will be over. Then we can start comming after creeps like you. You have disgraced america. You retrumplicans are on the way out for the next 20 years.
All t.v. networks but FOX are reliable sources of news. Stop pretending the news you don't like is not accurate. All of these networks report essentially the same news, keeping one another in-check for accuracy. FOX admits to being a tool of the Trump admin., and can't claim anything is accurate or vetted. Same with other alt.newz. No one is constrained to reporting the truth, while major networks try to be entirely accurate. Yeah right - Dems drink blood and are pedophiles. This b.s. ignores that Dems are at least half of your neighbors, attend your church, serve their communities in a multitude of ways. They're all perverts and scary freaks. Yet Donald is your hero? That's insane.
Wow George! Shocked you have begun allowing this political garbage on your blog. Time for me to quit following as it’s turned into a lefty rant session! Bye bye and here’s to your change comin’ down the pipe. Will check back in after two years of Joe’s leadership😳 and see if you are all still giddy.
924 - you don't know left from right. Keep trying to deflect from the Trumpists.
936 - funny how the most intractable conservatives tell you to do research. Where? FOX? OAN?
My research shows that those who still support Donald Trump are traitors and seditionists. Prove me wrong.
Portland? Left wing? Is that the best you can do to deflet from the traitors in Washington DC? Who cares about Portland? Not me. They are not eve3n in this state. Some or most of us are Americans, not left or right or wear a red cap. In six months, trump will only be a bad memory. The dumb ass followers of him will have to find another Jim Jones to follow. Maybe Jim Jordan. lol
Bye bye 10:44...all those Retrumplican rioters, most they didn't wear masks, COVID will finally do something right!
Two years? Joe will either be dead or removed under the 25th, then the Libtard crap will really go full bore. Lucky if any of us are allowed to own property anymore. Steve will be fine with his new benefactors though, probably get a nice new commie kommissar position and the right to rat on any who oppose him.
410 - odds are much higher that you are full of it. Take you racist, misogynistic crap straight outta here, Trumptard.
@ 10:44 AM on 1-7,
Thank you for saying what many of us feel! Please stop the National Political BS on here so Cox can spout his Democratic Following.
This is A Surfside HOA BLOG, Not National news, all you are doing with this causing more separation and divide in this community.
I agree I will not be back for some time and hope you all enjoy life under the Harris Administration!
Thanks for the truth, Cox!
Yes, 5:32 and others are racists!
Trump and his supporters and lawmakers Hawley and Cruz have committed sedition, insurrection, and have blood on their hands!
532 - you don't run this blog, George does. You started the crap bt supporting an organization that operates illegally, immorally, and totally on the self interest you support.
You will not be missed, but your not going anywhere, mouth.
Thomas Jefferson once said, "the natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground". Truer words were never spoken. Jefferson and his contemporaries envisioned a central or federal government that did not interfere with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. how sad they would be to see the oppressive behemoth the federal government has become. Is it time for the tree of liberty to be refreshed by the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani, Josh Hawlens, Ted Cruz, Donald Trump Jr, Proud Boys, and All Right Winger Mobsters Who Attacked Our Capitol and Politicians on 01/06/2021 are responsible for sedition, insurrection, and murder! 5 Dead, Including a Police Officer!
Trumps Pentagon Cronies Did Nothing To Stop This!
Capitol Police Trump Supporters Let The Right Winger Mob Into The Capitol!
Trump lost the popular vote by 7 million votes, and declared a
"landslide" for himself. That's delusional. He is the first president ever to refuse to acknowledge a simple loss of an election. He had never run for elective office before, so doesn't grasp that all who seek public office experience wins and losses.
The fact that he is a loser cry-baby who may need to be physically dragged from the Whitehouse, does not constitute a call to revolt. Hawley, a newly seated Senator who started the rumor that the certification could be stopped and awarded to Trump asked "what do we tell our constituents who think the election was stolen ?" Mitt Romney, long time conservative Republican replied: "tell them the truth ! That there was a fair election in which Trump lost!"
Are you ready to lay your life on the line for the cry-baby 8:23 ? Over 80 of the rioters have been arrested, with the potential of 10 year jail sentences. The FBI continues to identify others who broke into the Capital, a Federal offense.
The right winger radical mobsters, Proud Boys, antisemitics, white supremacists, liars, conspiracy believers, haters, idiots, insurgents, brought molotov cocktails to their assualt on our nation's house and government leaders. I'm not surprised. They love Russia and authoritarianism.
I bet some of them brought AK-47s.
Some of them brought M-4 assault rifles!
Twitter has finally done the right thing!!! Twitter has permanently suspended Trump's Twitter account!!!
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