What the real problem is....
The many problems will not be fixed by a General Manager as long as we have the present Board.
The problem is the Board, plain and simple.
Our governing documents contain everything that allows progressive change and adjustments. There are provisions for removing directors and making covenant changes. This Board has not allowed the members to use their powers and rights. They continue to violate local, County, State and Federal laws. They violate out governing documents with illegal spending and secrete meetings.
The failure is the Board and most problems are their own making and they offer no solutions to the mess we find ourselves in today. A General Manager is not going to come in with a magic wand and make everything all right. Members have tried to have a review of the covenants, electronic voting and full information disclosure to all members. Time and again they are shot down by self serving Board Trustees. This Board has failed them selves and the members.
I favor a General Manager, but under the present Board and specifically, Gary Williams, a General Manager is doomed to failure. First step is the resignation or removal of Williams.
Who will help me bring that up, the removal of Gary Williams, at the next Board Meetings over and over again?
I cannot believe that there is not a way to remove Board Members without a General Members meeting. There has to be a way at least in the State RCW's to remove bad actors particularly if they have violated the laws that rule this organization. How else could any organization get rid of leaders that were engaged in shady practices. Suggest the group that is forming find a good lawyer to research laws and find that way.
So you won't help? Why should we shoulder all the legal fees?
I've estimated it would cost approximately $25,000 (50 hours x $500/hour) in legal fees for HOA dissolution.
For the removal of a board member or members, I estimate that would cost approximately $7,500 (15 hours x $500/hour) in legal fees.
10:32 AM - Simply show up this July at the Annual Meeting with folks of like minded view. Entertain a motion to remove one or three or all nine of them and Presto (!) it's done. My fee for this advice is dinner at the Depot, And not on Burger Nite either. And remember that you will have to step up to the plate to seat a new Board.
Wait six months?
That was tried last July. Talk about naive. Why would the board vote to remove themselves? Why would any board member vote to remove themself? That is completely rediculous and unreasonable.
3:45, what is ridiculous is your comment. The only motions and votes at the Annual Meeting are by the members, not the Board. It is a member meeting and not a Board meeting. Deb was right in her motion and the attorney was wrong. She resigned the Board, so that as a member she could make a motion, as she legally did. She could not make a motion if she was on the Board. Motions by the Board are done at Board Meetings. Members can not make motions at Board Meetings.
I had no idea that was going on. I was out of town on a family vacation. I take my family vacation that week every year. So apparently too bad for me, I don't get a vote. I'll never be able to vote on anything. BS!!! We have many members that live far away and maybe can't make the July Meeting in person. Again, so apparently too bad for them, they don't get a vote.
How am I the rediculous one? How is this system just? According to you, that's the way it is and only if a member shows up in person at the July Meeting they have a vote.
I demand change. I demand vote by mail voting for the July Meeting now.
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